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    New York
  • Application Season
    2016 Fall

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  1. I've submitted my applications for Spring. Wishing everyone the best of luck.
  2. Its really motivating to read about everyones admission. Congrats everyone!!!
  3. When I visited back in February, the dean told us they were ALA accredited. I know it says they are conditionally accredited on the ALA website. You can contact admissions if you have real questions about it.
  4. That is amazing. Congratulations!!!! Looks you have quite a lot to choose from. A good dilemma to have.
  5. Congratulations on getting into Pratt.....and your other schools. I'm going to apply to all my schools for Spring. It is just wiser right now instead of rushing to get recommendations, and what not. Plus it gives me opportunity to research and visit programs outside NYC. And maybe I'll get a job at a academic library in the mean time, which is something I've coveted for a long time now. And LIRR is close to where I work, so I would take it to Jamaica to get to either schools. The cost of that alone, even with a full time job, taking 6 credits, seems really tasking. I'm visiting St. Johns this week, so hopefully I'll get a better feel for the commute. But major congrats on Pratt, Is it your first choice?
  6. Your list is similar to mine. I was at the Pratt open house a few weeks ago. Its the first school I visited, but I was very intrigued by their internship opportunities and how hands on their courses are. I already have my eyes on two of their programs. I'm also visiting St. Johns University in a few weeks, and Queens college when they get back to me on a date. Honestly, just on the location alone, Pratt would be ideal, the opportunities that come with a school like Pratt are just cherry toppings. The commute to St. Johns and Queens college is just unappealing. Atleast most of St. Johns classes are online. A few of the librarians attended these schools, so I get the opportunity to ask as much questions as I want, which is really helpful.
  7. I am currently studying for e GRE because my GPA is literally a point below their requirement to waive it.. One school told me I should proceed with my application and after reviewing it they will let me know if I should take the GRE. This wasn't a admission counselor though, and I'd like to hear that from one, plus I'd like to be prepared in case I do have to take it. Other schools have said it isn't a requirement but it can help your application.
  8. I wonder if the move from MLIS to MI is going to become a trend. And if institutions who require MLIS, will follow and require a MI? Btw, are you in Rutger's online program?
  9. When I first started working there, the Librarians worked in departments where they were specialized, The arts, music, history, religion, etc. They've moved away from that in the last few years. They want the Librarians to know everything (collection wise), and I'm sure that makes sense, but we're a rather large library. I don't know how it is in other places. I'm a pessimist, its my nature. I'm hoping for the best, but expecting the worst. I would be very disappointed to not get in one of the programs near me. In the mean time, I'm still pursuing library opportunities, specifically in at academic setting, and I'd really like that experience. Those positions seem very hard to get, because I've never gotten a interview in at a single university library, which amazes me. I'm hoping that once the Spring semester starts here, I'll be able to get in touch with some admissions people, so I'm totally clear on whats required of me.
  10. I've been working in one of our nyc's main public library for 10 years. I had been thinking about a MLIS for awhile now, but my undergrad grades are less than impressive. And I notice most programs require the GRE, which is a bigger mountain to climb for me, which is why I doubt I'll make it for Fall 2016. I'd like to pursue public librarianship. They have phased out specialties amongst the librarians where I currently work. I don't know if that is something they are doing in other places. Right now, considering Pratt, St. Johns U, Rutgers, Simmons, Queens College
  11. Anyone applying for 2016? I am way behind, and it was only some encouragement from my coworkers (librarians) that I have seriously considered it. I doubt that I will get in for Fall 2016, but I'm making the push, so I"m wondering anyone else here is applying for 2016?
  12. I'm considering Higher education programs. I'm in NYU, and will be attending a Information session/open house at NYU in a few weeks. Its my reach school mainly because of the cost but I'm keep all my cards on the table at this point.
  13. Thanks for responding. I was unsure how that would work.
  14. I've lurked around this forum for some time now and now that I feel myself ready, I'm putting things in motion for grad school. I do have questions about LOR, because for me it might be the hardest part because I've been out of school a few years, and transferred as a undergrad, and believed a lot of m profs were adjuncts. So my question about LOR.....do you ask for more than one from the same person. Example, if I'm applying to 6 schools, would I need my recommender to write LOR for school? This would seem a lot to ask for wouldn't it? How would this work?
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