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Posts posted by Clinpsyc01

  1. 2 hours ago, Generic_Applicant said:

    I know this is a stressful time for many people here and I was in the same boat many times over and over (still haven't gotten in lol). But I just want to remind everyone that at the end of the day- this is just a graduate school program. I know it means a lot and may get you started on your career path, but all of you have the capability already there. Find what gets you fired up and makes you happy and follow it. Do it whether you get in or not and you will be happy anyway. This is just one option but what's needed to have fulfiling careers is already in you so try not to make this into more than it is- just one more option of making your career dreams come true. You will make it happen either way if you really want to and it will be just as amazing when you do :) 

    Thanks :) I needed to hear that today! 

  2. 58 minutes ago, PhDPLZ said:

    So I had an interview over the weekend with a PI, was wondering what your guys thoughts were with sending a thank you note (email). Have any of you guys done that? Did they seem well received?  



    I sent a thank you email after an in-person interview and my POI sent a very nice response. 

    I genuinely really enjoyed my interview day and meeting everyone, so I wanted to thank my POI/their lab for everything. I mentioned a few specific things like enjoying learning about study X, meeting the lab, etc. to avoid sounding like I'd copied and pasted a generic thank you letter: 

  3. 8 hours ago, prospectclin said:

    I think the deadline is jan31. If you're having trouble make sure you've entered your sin# on your app profile. I had to contact them to figure it out https://grad.uwo.ca/current_students/student_finances/ogs.html 

    Just wondering, did you have any problems entering your SIN on your profile? There doesn't even seem to be an option for me to enter mine but I had no trouble signing in or starting my OGS application. 

  4. 3 hours ago, BeezKnees said:

    I've spoken to two of my three profs- one has completed his interviews a few weeks ago, and the other is only considering applicants that listed her as first choice for supervisor. I'm pretty sure most have sent out their interview invites at this point.

    Thanks! That's pretty much what I expected. 

  5. For those of you who have stayed with grad students during interviews... how was it? 

    I might have the opportunity to stay with a grad student for an upcoming interview. It would be great to save some money, but I'm afraid it'll be really weird because I've never stayed with a complete stranger before. 

  6. 28 minutes ago, psycgrad08 said:

    I was informed by the admissions office at Ryerson today that interview invitations are still going out and that even if you did not receive an invite for a preliminary interview you may still be accepted. So don't give up hope yet! :-)

    Do you know if the interview invitations are coming directly from POIs, or is the department sending them out? And do you know if they plan on having all invites done by a certain date?

    I've interviewed with my POI and it honestly sounds like she doesn't plan on doing any in-person interviews for whatever reason. But I still feel the need to know everything lol 

  7. 31 minutes ago, Gossamer said:

    Hey everyone, I got an email invite from adult clinical at Windsor for a preliminary skype interview and an invite to Ryerson's Visiting Day. But, I have an upcoming interview with another prof from Ryerson so some faculty there may still be conducting interviews independently.

    Just wondering, did your POI send you the invite to Ryerson's visiting day or was it from the department? 

    My POI is still interviewing people but I'm curious. 

  8. I haven't, but I met someone recently who has an interview with her. I don't know if it's a preliminary interview or an invite to the open house, but she has definitely contacted people. 

    Sorry if that wasn't very helpful, I wish I had more information! 

  9. 21 minutes ago, prospectclin said:

    does anyone know how many applicants POIs typically interview? feeling pretty bummed that i haven't heard from any schools abt an interview yet and was just wondering...

    I think most will shortlist 3-4 applicants if they plan on taking one student. For preliminary interviews, it can be more... I think one of my POIs interviewed 11 in order to get a shortlist of 3 people. 

    Dont give up hope yet :) 

  10. 22 minutes ago, FacelessMage said:

    Yeah I did wonder about this, since I only spoke with my POI last Tuesday, and he said that he had a few other applicants to interview with for the rest of the week. 

    My other POI actually didn't contact me for an interview until this week, so it seems like they're running a bit behind. 

  11. 9 minutes ago, FacelessMage said:

    Has anyone who applied to Ryerson gotten an invitation to the visiting day yet? It says that invitations would have gone out no later than January 15.


    I haven't gotten one, but I think that date might be wrong because one faculty member told me that she wasn't submitting her shortlist to the department until January 15th or 16th. 

  12. I've heard that a lot of programs/POIs have ranked their applicants beforehand and that these rankings don't tend to change unless someone behaves terribly during the interview or whatever. Is this generally true? 

    Obviously it varies between or even within programs, but I'm curious to know what people think. I was discussing it with some people recently and we couldn't come to a consensus. 

  13. 2 hours ago, The Waiting Game said:

    Hi everyone,

    A POI asked me how many schools I've applied to. I was hoping a few of you could share how many schools you've applied to in order to give me an idea of the number for the typical Canadian student.


    I applied to 6. I don't think there is a 'typical' number though- it all depends on how many schools are a good fit, finances, geographic limitations, etc. I wouldn't worry about it too much. 

  14. Has anyone heard from Calgary or know anyone who has? Their website says that students invited to the open house would be contacted in early January. In the past they seem to have sent the invites later than that, though. I haven't given up hope yet, but it would be great if anyone has any information! 

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