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Everything posted by HopefulIR

  1. holy jesus, annapolis grad/super GREs/veteran status AND STILL NO ACCEPTANCE? now I really know I have no chance. Disqualifying you on culmulative GPA is terrible, since you did 3.7 in your major. Assuming you're a LT/LTDR and you still didn't get in, they must be taking admirals only=[
  2. 660q/630v/3.59/political science worked as a journalist/research assistant I wanted to apply to GW as well, but I only did macro, not micro. And SAIS seems very heavy on the econ which was a turn off. I'm in at Denver/Pitt... but I'll take Georgetown if they let me in. Do you mind if I ask yours?
  3. Haha, better than me at least. I sit at work with a gmail tab open. Anytime it updates and says Inbox 1, I freak out. Usually it's a CircuitCity/Staples sale.
  4. anyone receive an email? :X nada here...
  5. I understand that the majority of applicants do have work experience before getting their masters (especially in MPP I feel). What I was referring to are the amount of people that regret not attending a masters program when they had fewer obligations. Nowadays with the economic downturn, it's possible those obligations are kaput, thus allowing them to come back to school. I agree, however, that perhaps it's best to re-evaluate if you need this degree at all. If you become a FSO in your home country, it's possible you can learn all you need for advancement on the job (they probably have their own language/skills training program before you deploy.)
  6. It seems like you're leaning towards declining them. So for the sake of argument, I'll list why you should accept them. Are you really so sure you'll come back in 5-6 years? Things change. I've seen many people that claim they'll go back to school after 2-3 years of work, only to continue working. They work because they meet a 'special someone' in their lives and the need for money arises because they want to start a family. Or, their jobs become so fulfilling promotion after promotion (especially FSO; they keep getting better and better placements. Do you think you can turn down being a political officer in Paris/London/NYC?) There is no accurate way for you to predict your academic future in 4-5 years. You can, of course, fight against being a statistic and swear to leave all obligations behind then, but I think that's unrealistic.
  7. If my calculations are correct, a lot of decisions (acceptances) were made last year on March 20th, the 3rd Friday of March. And if this should transfer over to this year, TODAY is the 3rd Friday of March. Make your own inferences. :teeth chatter:
  8. You seem to have made two separate threads. Refer to this current MSFS thread for MSFS applicants: Some MSFS applicants have received their decisions already, others have not, but the process has started. If you're applying as a dual degree, I think the two decisions are separate of each other. However, you must be accepted to both programs for the dual program to work. (At least this is what most schools do.)
  9. There's a MSFS thread a little further down the forum. You can also search for MSFS results if you type in SFS in the Results Search tab next to the coffee cup banner. Looks like a lot of MSFS acceptances have came out already, abeit some maybe half of the gradcafe applicants do not have decisions as of yet.
  10. anyone hear back from SSP? someone posted in the results database a few days ago about a rejection coming in the mail. Anyone hear anything from email or mail yet?
  11. I think it really depends on what your future plans are? Do you think you'll jump into academia later on? Then maybe Yale would be a good investment. And always, (Steve Ballmer spoiler alert) course list course list course list course list course list course list course list course list
  12. congrats on the acceptances! I hope SSP comes out soon... =x
  13. I wouldn't say that. Even though I didn't apply to GPPI, I did see somewhere on the forums of already admitted applicants. Chances are, they're waiting for the early acceptees to make a decision on their offers. For example, if a student turns down GPPI for HKS, they'll notify GPPI their withdrawal. That opens up a spot on the 2nd wave of admissions. I suppose that's when you guys come in. On the flipside, if they confirm their acceptance with a deposit, then well... you know :X
  14. I think you can succeed at any of those schools if one makes constant effort to do well, participate, and network. That being said, I do not believe you should hold Fletcher's ranking as a huge pro (abeit yes it is a pro nonetheless), but not enough to waive a full tuition scholarship to Korbel. I would suggest what carpecc said. Analyze the course listings for each school. Plot out your degree plan and see which one offers the best prep for your career.
  15. I don't think they switched up GPPI with SFS... it's not a drop down menu when you input results, you type it in manually. So unless he/she applied to both, and got a rejection from GPPI, but wrote SFS instead, then yeah... but he/sehe also took the time to write Security Studies. So I'm gonna go with not a mistake. I don't know if acceptances come before rejections. I think some schools prefer to send rejections first and then deliberate over funding with the accepted applicantions.
  16. I think Lotus was referring to the Results Search up top. "Georgetown University School Of Foreign Service (SFS) Security Studies, Masters (S10) Rejected via Postal Service on 11 Mar 2010 A 13 Mar 2010 It's OK. Cost would have too high anyway. Accepted into 4 other MA Programs. Waiting to hear from one more. Hoping to make my final decision within the next week. Good luck everyone." Unless if there's another button that I have to click again to view stats... then I think that's all that is shared. I remember when I put in one of my acceptances: I had the choice to input my GRE/GPA, which I did. Although I do not think it shows up on the results screen.
  17. gasp. :rushes to check online application: it only says complete as well =[, AND no email. I bet that rejection letter comes within 3-4 days. =[=[ I wish I could ask that person what their stats were...
  18. Thombo, would you happen to know if your friend also helped out with SSP? or was he/she strictly on MSFS duty? I'm dying to figure out my Gtown decision as well. (sidenote: IRhopeful2010, I didn't know there was another hopeful around here )
  19. I heard that some UN employees like to take courses there. But that's just hearsay. It is situated in NY, and while it doesn't have the reptutation of SIPA/SAIS, everyone knows about the NYU name (esp it's Law school.) But if you want my personal opinion about NYU, the bachelors program seems like a huge cash cow for rich kids that want to reenact Friends/Gossip Girl. (I'm about to get seriously flamed by NYU undergrads right now.) The professional schools on the otherhand: NYU Law, NYU Med, and Stern are great programs and well worth their tuition.
  20. (I'm a newbie about what a POI is, but I assume it's someone that will handle your admission?) Be straight forward. I'm assuming your waitlist school is a school you'll pick over everyone else? Explain that it's your first choice then. Start doing research now as to how their program differentiates from the others you've applied to. I would literally go into their course catalogue and start picking out which ones interests you. I mean, there is a reason why this school is your first choice... all you have to do is tell them why.
  21. I'll have to go 50/50 here. I agree with carpecc; however, updating them would be helpful if you got waitlisted. Sending things now, when decisions are still being done, could put a sour note on your application (since they're not exactly rolling admissions types.) But if you are waitlisted, MOST DEFINITELY SEND THOSE UPDATES ASAP.
  22. Well I think NYU isn't regarded the same because their Ph.D program in IR is well known, (and I also hear a lot of UN employees pop down to NYU for their masters as well.) But I see your point, Kentucky's Patterson school is not an ASPIA yet it's sometimes regarded as a 'best buy' for security matters. Here is a Foreign Policy mag ranking of IR schools I found: http://mjtier.people.wm.edu/IvoryTower%202007.pdf Now I know rankings are not everything, but it's a good place to start doing research on where you might want to go after admissions is over.
  23. I read somewhere on this forum that it's probably best to stick with APSIA member schools, or at least affilated ones. Then again, I don't know what you intend to do with your degree, but I would probably agree with others here to stick with APSIA.
  24. absolutely zero work experience? what about your summers/winters? I'm only 1 year out of undergrad, but I wrote that I probably have at least 3 years from working this entire year (1 year) + all the part time stuff I did in school (accumulates roughly to 2 years full time.) I have some buddies that worked odd jobs over the summer like delivering mail (even though he was pre-med), but that's at least something.
  25. Loans. Applying to as many scholarships/fellowships as I can. In May I should have everyone's reply about financial aid. I'll probably end up making a compromise with the school that offers me the most money/their stats on job placement for alumni/their courselist appeal.
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