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Everything posted by Bioenchilada

  1. Dartmouth MCB acceptance today with a fellowship!!
  2. I don't know yet. I naturally lean more towards Penn, but I have to ensure that I'm making the best decision when I commit. Of course, having received a fellowship from Cornell will also weigh into my decision given that it has its perks. I'll think more about it after my exams next week haha
  3. Accepted to Cornell University as a Dean's Scholar!!!
  4. It's very likely that I'll accept the offer But I'll wait till I'm done with interviews before making any decisions haha
  6. Lord, that moment when you realize you leave on the 28th and will be out for interviews till February 7th. I hope my CS class is forgiving and that I don't mess up any of the 3 interviews given that they are the most important ones
  7. It's just protocol. Of course, schools that have some form of online application status might tell you earlier. However, typically, schools mail rejections and acceptances at the same time, just like during undergrad.
  8. They can't really send final decisions until everyone is interviewed, so not receiving an invite is basically a rejection. Also, I'm going to UChicago in February, which might be even colder :'(
  9. Lol I cant call again because I already did so earlier today. I would otherwise volunteer haha
  10. Eeeh, congrats to everyone with Stanford Cancer Bio invites!!
  11. Actually, not knowing anything does not mean you're on the waitlist. Schools usually send rejections with acceptances. For example, I asked people at one of my top choices if there was something I could do about not getting an invite and they told me that it is unlikely that I'd get invited or admitted. Regardless, if you think explaining your case might help, then go for it.
  12. I called for cancer bio, they're not divulging info via phone. The program coordinator told me to wait till later this week for an e-mail, if invited.
  13. The website says they will CONTACT selected applicants this week. The applications have already been reviewed.
  14. Oh my that's crazy! I applied to seven and was exhausted haha What schools did you apply to?
  15. There is nothing wrong with California or Stanford. Excellent university in a state that resembles my home the most;however, I just think it's too far away from my family. Visiting wil be a mess and I feel like I would be disconnecting myself in a sense. Don't get me wrong, I'd still interview, if invited, but I feel I have a predisposition to attend an east coast school with a comparable reputation. (Unless, of course, I fall in love with the area during the visit lol)
  16. I low-key don't want to go to the west coast, so I don't know how I feel about Stanford hahaha
  17. Lol every time I hear the name Harvard now and BBS I get triggered, which is kind of sad.
  18. Awe, I'm sorry! How many interviews do you have up to this day?
  19. I heard back from UChicago's Cancer Biology division two weeks ago.
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