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Everything posted by Bioenchilada

  1. They have different dates. I also applied to cancer bio, by the way It's like every time you post something, your reputation goes lower.
  2. In the end, people can do whatever they want with their money. lol And, after all, the chance of getting in if you don't apply is 0. By coughing up some bucks and filling in an application, you're automatically increasing your chances.
  3. My friend just got an interview invite from Northwestern
  4. Lol his stats are posted somewhere in this thread.
  5. I agree with everything you said except your opinion about REUs. I feel like you're underestimating the amount of progress and learning you can do by doing a summer internship.
  6. My top choices are Harvard, Penn, and Cornell... fingers crossed for an exciting Christmas Break. I've never cried over tests nor summer program/college decisions,but I feel that getting rejected from my top choice will make me emotional hahaha
  7. Oh lord, looks like I'll be hearing back from Cornell the same day as Harvard D: (Hopefully positive results :x )
  8. My Harvard friend says they got back to him on the 19th.
  9. Yeah, I was able to self report. It's been 17 days since I submitted that application haha I'm pretty sure everything is fine, but I'll give them a call tomorrow anyway.
  10. Lol one of my schools has still not matched the GRE scores I sent on August, but it still says my application is complete. I'm gonna call tomorrow, but I honestly hope this doesn't affect the review process
  11. The interview dates are the following weekends: Jan 15th Jan 29th Feb 19th
  12. Yesss, I'm also waiting for this :x Although they gave me more info about their interview dates
  13. Your Adele reference deserves an upvote, but it says that I ran out for the day.
  14. That moment when you check the interview dates for your schools and realize there will be conflict if you're invited.
  16. I loved Penn when I went there for my summer internship! I really hope I get an interview from there :x
  17. Stanford sends invites like in January 4th. Harvard and UMich should send the first round of invites late next week or early on the week of the 21st.
  18. If you have great rec letters and a convincing SOP, I'm pretty sure you'll get interviews from a lot of the schools you applied to (Especially considering the amount of publications you have)
  19. Apparently, the first Cancer Biology interviews for UChicago started coming out today last year. :X *trigger intensifies*
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