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Everything posted by Bioenchilada

  1. He took a year off and is reapplying to grad school soon lol So you could say that he gave it up for nothing haha
  2. Lol all this talk about a plan B reminds me of the time I met a guy that got into Cornell for graduate school but decided to take a year off anyway because he wanted to go to Harvard Med .____.
  3. Lol I quoted the wrong person earlier. I answered your question in the last page.
  4. Harvard BBS, Dartmouth MCB, UMich-PIBS, Cornell CBS, Penn CAMB Stanford is in January, and I really don't know about UChicago.
  5. Don't they pay for your interview-related costs? And congrats!!
  6. Most schools that I applied to will be sending out interview invites during my finals week.
  7. The thing is adcoms actually do consider where you come from! Regardless, I would really like to know where you're getting these statistics from because this all sounds like bs to me. Besides, why are you complaining?! Going to a top 10 schools already gives you a lot of privilege.
  8. Your post sounds incredibly pretentious, I really can't take you seriously. A lot of top school have massive amounts of grade inflation, so I don't see the point in you expressing yourself in this regard. In fact, a lot of "big state schools" have grade deflation, making it more difficult to get an A. In any case, if your post is in fact real and you're legitimately concerned, I think that the rest of your alleged merits should compensate for your "low" GPA. Of course, this is assuming your attitude is not reflected on your personal statement. (Also, I don't think the graduate admissions process is as prestige-blind as you think.)
  9. If I were in their position, I would see it as an attempt to get your application looked at and bumped up. Doing it early in the cycle while you have no commitment to applying makes it seem like you might simply be looking for more information.
  10. Ah ok :/ My school can send me electronic official transcripts, so I guess I'm not used to this issue.
  11. But most, if not all transcripts, have your name on them prior to listing your courses and grades... (at least mine does)
  12. Is it required for it to have your name on the document? The application already has your name, and the transcript most likely has it too.
  13. My god, you are what people would call the "perfect" candidate. I'm certain that you'll get plenty of interviews given that you were able to effectively connect your previous research to your current goals in your SOP and have strong LORs. (By the way, I don't think that doing research in a different field will hurt you at all) Good luck!
  14. Some of my schools have not linked my GRE scores with my application, and I sent those in August. :X
  15. I just called and it seems that it's just a glitch in the system that everyone is experiencing. As long as your other documention is fine, there is no prob. ????
  16. Does anyone else have issues with the Harvard BBS portal checklist?
  17. I think the letter from the well known professor will help you most in the school he works for, assuming that the research was conducted at an academic institution. Also, I think that your summer PI can get to know you pretty darn well since you're essentially there full time. I interacted with my summer PI a lot, which means that he got to know me more or a personal level than just base his letter on the data I generated solely.
  18. Definitely agree with the rec letter redundancy. Also, is there a reason why you're sending 4 letters? Typically, a 4th one should only be added if it's going to be very strong.
  19. You're statement of purpose has really improved since the first time you posted, good job! I can take a more careful look at it and edit it a little if you want me to.
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