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Everything posted by nevermind

  1. YESSS!!! Get off TGC!!! I've been getting back into things that I enjoy doing (e.g. rock climbing, running, yoga, cooking/eating better), but put all of these off during November/December (because of preparing for apps). Learning the art of self-care (not dirty) is extremely important--not only now, but once you're *in* grad school and feel a lot of demands, stress, and uncertainty. Rock climbing, for me, is extremely therapeutic because when I'm bouldering (climbing about 15 feet high without a rope...a relatively short distance), it's just me thinking through the next move, pushing through fear/frustration and trying not to fall or injure myself. Guided Meditations (there are some great ones on YouTube) are also great to take a mental break of thinking about things and just relaxing. Maybe take this time to develop a new hobby (art class, music lesson, language lesson...etc.) that you can become good at and has no real impact on your future success as a scholar.
  2. Anyone heard anything from Yale? Last year they notified around this time...I haven't heard anything (no interview), so I'm guessing my chances aren't great. (It also was a long shot research fit...) Just haven't seen anything come across the boards.
  3. You're definitely not the only one over 30 applying! I'm (almost) 34 and will hopefully be starting my Ph.D. this fall. Hopefully the extra life experience plays in our favor! :-)
  4. My academia.edu analytics show someone found my profile in the city of one school I applied to....two days later, I had an interview request. Otherwise, it's been pretty silent for me. I was hoping for more visible activity, but maybe adcoms don't search for more information? Academia.edu only registers analytics (keywords, city/location) if they perform a search and then click your page. It's possible people can search for you and NOT click your academia.edu profile, but find information elsewhere (then no information would show up under your analytics). TL;DR: It's almost meaningless to use academia.edu to track possible interest in your application.
  5. I think this next week is going to be a BIG week for a lot of us! (For better or worse, many of my programs notify around Valentine's Day...) Fingers crossed for you guys (and hopefully some good news for me too)!!!
  6. Fantastic news @A Librarian! I like stories like these because it reaffirms that it's okay not to get a call directly from the DGS or POI in order to be admitted.
  7. That's too bad @Neist. I feel like it's a really competitive group this year. However, if last year's results are any indication, someone heard via email (from RPI) on the 4th and someone was accepted via email on the 10th...so maybe they don't send all their notifications out at once. Here's hoping for better news!
  8. I usually check it in the morning and at about 7 p.m. (For west coast schools to make changes)...I'm really losing steam here. As much as I'd really love to be able to write, "admitted to my top choice!!!!" ...really, at this point, I just want to know so I can move on with my life. Until then, I'm going back to other hobbies and only checking TGC at work.
  9. This really isn't my area, so I'm not quite familiar with scholarship/scholars in history of math...but from what I understand, Indiana has a pretty solid history/philosophy of science program for people looking more at scientific disciplines (this scholar may/may not be of interest: http://www.indiana.edu/~hpscdept/people/cat.shtml).
  10. I contacted about half (directly to my POI, not to the departments generally). Just basically a "Hey, you aren't planning on leaving any time soon and I'm not throwing away my application fee am I?" email. (Not exactly verbatim.) I told them I was interested in their work, introduced myself/background, and a quick "please for the love of God like me" line at the end. All in all, it was about a short lil' paragraph. Each professor wrote me back and said that (1) my project seemed interesting and (2) they were looking forward to reading my application and (3) if I found myself wandering about their campuses (on each side of the country...I'm in the midwest) to look them up. I haven't heard anything from any of the people that I previously contacted. I *have* heard back from one program (for an interview) that I didn't have any prior contact with...and my application made it into the hands of my POI without me apparently indicating my subfield on the application. TL;DR: I don't really think it makes a huge difference either way.
  11. I still haven't heard anything. I guess I was expecting to hear more "unofficially" by now (POIs getting in touch and so on)...but it's been so silent. Most of my programs don't notify until around Valentine's day...but since I haven't heard anything positive (and no hits on my academia.edu page), I've basically convinced myself that I'm getting rejected by almost every program at this point. Ugh.
  12. Those look amazing! I'm trying to mentally/emotionally justify getting the GF monthly subscription, but I just can't do it! Edit: To anyone else that cares, these are also AMAZING GF (and vegan) cookies: http://lizlovely.com/collections/2015-products I also worked from home today. I have a hard time concentrating around other people while constantly refreshing my email/checking my phone.
  13. I just made the best chicken alfredo (with GF noodles)...it's basically just butter and cream, but that fatty goodness really is appreciated right now.
  14. Although I agree that the situation seems pretty dire for most people wanting to get a Ph.D. in History (or really anything...)...I wouldn't have ruled out "almost" all schools below the top 30. I had a (Skype) interview at what I considered my "safety" school (that is, a school where I was a good fit and my GPA/GRE exceeded their admissions criteria) which is at a top 30 school (I think it's tied for #30th? by USNWR). I wasn't really expecting to like it so much! It fits my interests, is particularly strong in my niche field, has produced one scholar I applied to work with (he's at Penn...where I've been likely rejected), and another scholar I applied to work with used to teach in the program (she's now at Harvard). I'd totally be pumped about attending and feel like I could achieve my professional goals, if they make me an offer. So don't count yourself (or your future career) out yet! It's true that you won't rely as much on brand recognition and it may limit your options by varying degrees, but there are some really great programs that can facilitate professional growth at a scholar. Sometimes in these programs, you may find yourself being a big fish in a (slightly smaller) pond--racking up awards and other opportunities, which I'd argue is ultimately better career-wise than a existing as a small fish in a big one. (Of course, you could also perform brilliantly at both...I don't mean to imply there are only two options.) That being said, I wouldn't give up quite yet. Perhaps do a mix of applications next round (what your adviser is encouraging you to do and a handful of PhDs) and see where you land.
  15. I worked full time and applied to 6 programs. I worked full time in undergrad, my first Master's program, and worked as a TA in my second Master's program...so studying/taking the GRE, working on my personal statement, etc. wasn't that bad. The only thing that was tough was revising my writing sample (significantly overhauling it) without student access to an academic library...I put a lot of time into it about a month before the deadline and never was really satisfied with how it turned out (working all day, coming home and working 8 or more hours on research/writing). THAT part really wasn't fun. It was the first time during this process where I envied full-time students (without jobs).
  16. Congrats @geographyumd! That sounds really promising!
  17. Thanks! My discussions with my POI have gone well...so I'm hopeful! I hope I'm also nominated for a fellowship (nothing has been said either way about it) that would significantly help paying the extreme rent prices in SD.
  18. @Neist - I think you stand a good chance. You seem to know specifically what you want to do and you have additional work experience to back it up. I think it's clear that you'd be successful in a graduate program. That being said, did you look at UCSD's Comm. program with a Science Studies specialty? It might be something to keep an eye on in the future.
  19. The *best* GF mixes I've found are Pamela's GF mixes (http://www.pamelasproducts.com/products/baking-mixes/pamelas-baking-pancake-mix/) or King Arthur's (http://www.kingarthurflour.com/shop/items/gluten-free-baking-mix). I can't eat delicious, delicious gluten either. :-/
  20. I don't think it is good or bad yet. There's a chance that they don't want to let decisions out so they don't get flooded with emails, phone calls,etc. Or maybe they're nominating you for a fellowship and haven't heard back yet...there's a lot of stuff that could happen. Don't count yourself out yet!
  21. Thanks! Your background looks equally impressive. I thought I'd have a slight edge with two Master's degrees, but apparently not! I took a graduate-level STS class at Cornell (on environ. history), so I'm a little familiar with the department (FWIW, it was my first STS class ever and I'd never read Kuhn, Haraway, or Latour...so I didn't quite contribute amazing insights on much of the readings). It's excellent department, facilitates a lot of great discussion/collaboration, and the professors really seem to invest a lot into their students. I think it would've been a decent research fit, Cornell doesn't facilitate as much as I would've liked for exploring themes in science and religion (e.g. Cornell doesn't really have a "religion" department..), so it could've been an uphill battle for some of my research (Cornell's slope, notwithstanding). There is one specific person (who isn't tenured) is doing work that significantly overlaps with mine (and one of the scholars I really admire did his Ph.D. there), but it's so competitive that I really didn't see myself as having much of a chance, honestly. Best of luck to you and @Neist in applying there!
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