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  1. Upvote
    MVSCZAR got a reaction from 502845824 in 2016 Acceptance Thread   
    I've been to so many classics lectures, but that one definitely beat almost all of them in terms of boringness. I heard a great one once on Greek colonialism, though, and the guy super randomly started talking about Israel for a split second and I kept scanning the audience for a response and nobody said anything. Then there was the time that I had to sit through a lecture on ancient brickwork. ZzzZZzzzz 
  2. Upvote
    MVSCZAR reacted to FoxAndChicken in Venting Thread   
    I'm coloring my hair pink. True story. 
  3. Upvote
    MVSCZAR got a reaction from Neist in Venting Thread   
    Anyone else here getting emails from "Matt Giles, Admissions"? Because I really don't want to become a leader in health administration... 
  4. Upvote
    MVSCZAR got a reaction from Cromulent Flurp in Pick either of two: Rank or Location   
    All the people in this thread talking about their long-term relationships... Keep rubbing it in, guys. 
    For me, location and fit are more important than ranking, at this point. My whole life, I've heard how important prestige is to getting ahead, etc. etc. But I got this far going to a public university that's just half a step "up" from a community college, and I feel great about it. Plus, it's all about what you publish, and I want to be around people who aren't gonna be like, "Ew, that's not rigorous enough." or something if I decide to use The Cloud of Unknowing and Gerard Manley Hopkins in a paper. Location is really important because I'm all on that Socrates thing. You know, in the Phaedrus when Phaedrus is like, Socrates, come to the babbling brook with me (or whatever), and Socrates says something like, "I really prefer doing my philosophizing in Athens. Trees can't teach me what people can." Or something. I feel that way about big cities (NYC in particular). It's not like I haven't been abroad for large chunks of time, but I feed off of this city in an unhealthy way. Plus, 24/7 public transportation and $$ reasons are making me want to stay. 
  5. Upvote
    MVSCZAR got a reaction from lisamadura in Pick either of two: Rank or Location   
    All the people in this thread talking about their long-term relationships... Keep rubbing it in, guys. 
    For me, location and fit are more important than ranking, at this point. My whole life, I've heard how important prestige is to getting ahead, etc. etc. But I got this far going to a public university that's just half a step "up" from a community college, and I feel great about it. Plus, it's all about what you publish, and I want to be around people who aren't gonna be like, "Ew, that's not rigorous enough." or something if I decide to use The Cloud of Unknowing and Gerard Manley Hopkins in a paper. Location is really important because I'm all on that Socrates thing. You know, in the Phaedrus when Phaedrus is like, Socrates, come to the babbling brook with me (or whatever), and Socrates says something like, "I really prefer doing my philosophizing in Athens. Trees can't teach me what people can." Or something. I feel that way about big cities (NYC in particular). It's not like I haven't been abroad for large chunks of time, but I feed off of this city in an unhealthy way. Plus, 24/7 public transportation and $$ reasons are making me want to stay. 
  6. Upvote
    MVSCZAR reacted to lisamadura in 2016 Acceptance Thread   
  7. Upvote
    MVSCZAR reacted to oddnumber in 2016 Acceptance Thread   
    Hey, just to claim one of the Yale offers (via email).  Good luck to everyone!
  8. Upvote
    MVSCZAR got a reaction from 502845824 in 2016 Acceptance Thread   
    Holy shit! Congratulations!!
  9. Upvote
    MVSCZAR reacted to Philhopeful in 2016 Acceptance Thread   
    Hi--wanted to confirm that the Yale post is legit. Its from a good friend of mine who never made an account here. They do not want to release details to reveal who they are which is why the post is sparce. 
  10. Upvote
    MVSCZAR reacted to bechkafish in Venting Thread   
    I got my Georgetown rejection at 7am and have so far (1) had a cup of coffee, (2) smoked two cigarettes, (3) gone back to bed for a couple of hours, (4) laid around like a depressed slug and stared at the wall.
    This weekend is not off to a super great start.
  11. Upvote
    MVSCZAR got a reaction from nonexistententity in Who is your favorite philosopher? What was your favorite reading?   
    To those answering "Plato": 

  12. Upvote
    MVSCZAR got a reaction from majorshake in Venting Thread   
    Who cares about anything anymore, guys? Umberto Eco is dead. This hit me hard, guys.
  13. Upvote
    MVSCZAR reacted to Cecinestpasunphilosophe in Admissions Blog: Hello and Predictions   
    Hope springs eternal in the human breast;
    Man never is, but always to be blessed:
    The soul, uneasy and confined from home,
    Rests and expatiates in a life to come.
  14. Upvote
    MVSCZAR got a reaction from dgswaim in Venting Thread   
    Anyone else here getting emails from "Matt Giles, Admissions"? Because I really don't want to become a leader in health administration... 
  15. Upvote
    MVSCZAR got a reaction from PrimeMumble in Venting Thread   
    If love to meet the man who thinks he deserves the spots I get more than I do. That'd be funny. 
    I mean, I get it. For the first time in their lives, being a man is a gender, and being white is a race, rather than being the center from which all things deviate. It must be scary. But I would expect more from future philosophers than bad arguments about reverse sexism or reverse racism. You all are fundamentally misunderstanding precisely why and how diversity is good for the academy. 
    At any rate, I've often been the only woman in philosophy classes or in philosophy groups. I don't really mind it because I learned to be assertive and steadfast, but it was difficult to learn and painful when everything you're taught your whole life about what kind of person you should be runs counter to it. That's probably a big reason why so few women end up trying to pursue philosophy to begin with. In a way, just that weeds out a huge amount of people who feel they're incapable. And, generally, men are a lot more confident in their abilities, so I'd assume more would apply simply by virtue of believing in themselves more. 
    And for @philosophe getting blamed for there not being enough women in philosophy. Lol. It takes a lot of confidence to throw out such a bullshit argument in a public philosophy forum... 
  16. Upvote
    MVSCZAR reacted to gughok in Venting Thread   
    I'm calling BS on the MA postings. PhDs usually go out first and they haven't yet (someone here sourced that they wouldn't come out until March), and MAs have never been earlier than March. Nobody is claiming them, and I don't see anything on my application status. Very likely fake, especially given the one poster mentioned "smaller school". Toronto is the exact opposite of a small school.
  17. Upvote
    MVSCZAR reacted to MentalEngineer in 2016 Acceptance Thread   
    I've been freed from the Cincinnatian Limbo Plane.
  18. Upvote
  19. Upvote
    MVSCZAR got a reaction from bechkafish in Who is your favorite philosopher? What was your favorite reading?   

  20. Upvote
    MVSCZAR reacted to bechkafish in Who is your favorite philosopher? What was your favorite reading?   
    Schopenhauer's World as Will and Representation. There is nothing like it in the whole world. Reading it is like being in very deep water, but not being afraid - everything is okay, everything is clear, everything is obvious; it doesn't indulge in any of the obscurist, narcissistic b.s. that characterizes German philosophy of the era. It's pessimistic, but kind somehow, I've never felt hopeless reading it. You wanna talk about books that have gotten you through some shit...
  21. Upvote
    MVSCZAR got a reaction from Abendstern in Venting Thread   
    Oh! Do me! Do me! I wanna know how long it takes to find me. 
  22. Upvote
    MVSCZAR got a reaction from Schwarzwald in Who is your favorite philosopher? What was your favorite reading?   
    I'll re-read it tomorrow and let you know whether I think you're talking shit. But, useful and tragic shit, nonetheless. Perhaps a better and more holistic approach than trying to be "right". I, for one, am particularly well versed in the art of Lully. 
    I do highly appreciate that you got that WWED tattoo. Pretty kickass. 
  23. Upvote
    MVSCZAR reacted to Schwarzwald in Who is your favorite philosopher? What was your favorite reading?   
    Me and my friend got tattoos one night after a few beers at the bar and talking about Euthyphro. He ironically got W.W.E.D (What would Euthyphro do) tattooed on his wrist, I non-ironically got W.W.E.D tattooed on my wrist, because I honestly believe that the proper reading of Euthyphro is of a snark but desperate Socrates pleading for life to the only person he believes can connect him to a higher power to save him, Euthyphro. However, Socrates' own narcissism and frustration gets the best of him, and in an intermediately conscious attempt at seeking redemption, Socrates pleads with Euthyphro the only way he can, the over-rationalization of the world, which he does to combat the seemingly irrational injustice taking place (which is his inevitable sentence of death.)
  24. Upvote
    MVSCZAR got a reaction from psm1580b in Who is your favorite philosopher? What was your favorite reading?   
    Yeah, I guess you're right. Plato is pretty great. I don't mean to say that I don't like them or they aren't super, but comparatively, they're not my favorites. 
    Euthyphro is just too much of a dweeb for me to not get insanely annoyed. Same goes for Ion. I prefer it when Socrates has a better sparing partner, if you will. Structurally, I also haven't found what makes the Euthyphro a stunning dialogue. I can see that in the Crito, for sure, but I'm still at a loss when thinking about the importance of the Euthyphro. But obvs, you're allowed to love it as much as you need to. So long as you don't not love Plato, we can still be best friends. 
  25. Upvote
    MVSCZAR got a reaction from isostheneia in Venting Thread   
    Guys, I went to the Met yesterday and took a picture of the admissions committee in real life. 

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