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Posts posted by talkingcake

  1. I was also wondering about this- I heard that certain states require bilingual certification to work as a bilingual SLP.  Would it be possible to get bilingual certification after grad school and CCC's?  I've been kinda hopeful about it, because bilingual certification *seems* to be a state-level instead of a national-level certificate... but I might be completely wrong :/  

  2. I think it's common.  I saw a friend's waitlist notification that was worded along the lines of "Unfortunately, we cannot accommodate for additional students at this time, but we would like to offer acceptance should sufficient space become available.  Please email so-and-so by some-date regarding whether or not you would like to opt in to the waitlist."

  3. 1. Why did you choose the program you're going to? What really sold it for you? 

    CU Boulder!  I want to say that the wonderful breakfast and lunch buffets didn't sway my opinion... My close friends know how impressionable I am when it comes to food, so they keep teasing that I chose the school that gave me food haha.  Maybe that affected my subconscious, but I like to think I'm not so superficial!  :P  Jokes aside, they have a good working relationship with the children's hospital there (I'm interested in SLP work in children's hospitals), and they have an AAC summer camp (I'm interested in AAC).  I'm almost certain that I want to work with kids, but I want to try out various settings before I commit to one.  It's nice that they have on-campus clinics and labs, and they also have various off-campus practica supervised by faculty.  In addition, the program requires two final internships, and you can do your last semester out-of-state.  The Boulder area is also very nice.  Lots of greenery, and everything you need- supermarkets, pharmacies, arts & crafts stores, etc are within a few blocks of campus.  They also had a variety of financial aid opportunities within the department for Masters students, which gives me hope, even though they don't give financial aid information until after you accept.  The students and faculty were very friendly and informative.  Their open house addressed everything that I wanted to ask and more.

    2. How many schools did you apply to?

    Six.  My professors told me I only needed to apply to three or four, but I added one more just in case.  I wanted to go out of state, but my family kept on trying to persuade me to stay in California.  So I added a sixth California school.

  4. On 4/9/2016 at 8:38 PM, jm1988 said:

    Aww im glad im not alone in this. Yes! I'll be attending SFSU. I volunteered for an orthopedic center that had small AAC groups with school-age kids and I absolutely loved it! Thanks for the advice for funding! I definitely will look into it. I hope Boulder (if that's where you're going) opens up opportunities for you to gain experience in AAC! 

    Thanks! I don't think they have a concentration like SFSU does, but Boulder does have an AAC elective and an AAC summer camp in conjunction with the children's hospital there!  I think it's a great way for kids to learn how to use their devices through continuous use :) 

  5. 8 hours ago, kc1m2l8c said:

    Regarding the class size, I had the same concern and asked the student that I was speaking with about it. She said all cohorts can of course be different, but she didn't think the size prevented the group from being close. She said that her cohort is really close and very supportive.

    I got the same impression from the open house.  Also, Core and Med have different practica classes from the first quarter.  And by the second year, not only are Med and Core split up, some Core classes are split into the adult and peds tracks.

    And I agree with what many of you are saying here- it sounded like getting an internship site that fits you is not a problem, as long as you have an idea of what population or setting might want to work with, regardless of which program or track you're in.  However, if you would rather have experience with a variety of different settings, this might be a problem.

  6. 4 hours ago, jm1988 said:

    Has anyone (or do you know of people) that passed on funding to go to a school that is a better fit that didn't offer funding?

    Im accepting my offer to a school that offers specialized training in what I'm interested in (AAC) and turning down funding (50% my first year) from the school I did my post-bacc. I feel guilty for turning down a pretty good financial package but I know the program isn't a good fit for me and what I'm looking for in a graduate program. Considering my experience with the department and after talking to some grad students who are in that school's program, it was an overall consensus of "I wish I had gone somewhere else." 

    I guess I just need reassurance that (in this case) program quality trumps money? Haha this whole decision process has been extremely stressful :blink:

    I'm doing the same thing- turning down an offer with funding in favor of a program that is a better fit for me.  I needed a couple weeks of reassurance from my friends before I finally let the program know that I would be declining.  As a reminder, you can still look for other funding sources in the program!  For many programs, lots of scholarships and work-study positions aren't available until after you start.  You can try asking your advisor to see if there are any available.

    I'm also interested in AAC.  Looking at your signature, is the program you're talking about SFSU?  The AAC concentration tempted me to apply there, but applications were due so early :S  And to top it off, after finishing the GRE, I was feeling too lazy and burnt out to take the CBEST lol 

    On 3/31/2016 at 0:05 AM, Jolie717 said:

    I would love to hear about what you think of the UW open house!  I won't be able to visit until summer, so it would be wonderful if I could get a fellow Californian's perspective on the area, as well as a fellow undergrad's perspective on their grad program.  ?

    I saw your post both here and in the UW vs UNC thread.  My long answer is in the UW vs UNC one.  Good luck with decisions! :) 

  7. On 3/30/2016 at 7:53 PM, girlgonespeechie said:

    Do you mind sharing what others said about on-campus clinics? The type of clinical placements available is a huge factor in my decision, and I'm still trying to figure this all out.....

    Did you get any closer to a decision, btw? ^_^


    On 3/28/2016 at 0:30 AM, Jolie717 said:

    In the meantime, I can't wait to hear from those that recently visited UW!  Please share your experience when you can - and thanks in advance!

    Sorry for the late response!  Been a bit busy lately, but I did go to the open house at UW! :) 

    The professors from my undergrad were pushing students to apply to schools with on-campus clinics.  That way, the clinics can easily serve as classrooms and there's less transportation involved.

    UW is beautiful- the campus is huge, and the cherry blossoms were in full bloom!  They have both ornate historical buildings and sleek modern buildings, and none of the rectangular concrete slabs I'm used to.  They have many great facilities.  They do have a reputation for being research-heavy, and it seems like many of their students are involved in research in some way.  If I were going for a PhD, I'd *DEFINITELY* choose UW (especially since I'm interested in AAC, which UW has great research faculty for).

    I did get closer to a decision- I'm kinda surprised myself, but I'm actually leaning towards Boulder!  Boulder does have an in-house clinic as well; however, they have practica that are off-campus in various places with professors acting as supervisors.  They had a specific term for it, but I forgot what it was.  Because I'm not completely sure about what setting to work in, I'd rather have more experience in as many settings as possible.  As mentioned earlier, UW does indeed have only one internship.  The pre-internship during the quarter prior is done at the same place as the internship.  That being said, the advisor and faculty are very supportive in letting you choose where you want to do your internship as much as possible.  Boulder also has research opportunities available, and it also seems like they have more funding opportunities too.  Although you wouldn't have an official emphasis in adult or peds or things like that, the advisor will help tailor your various off-site experiences to your interests.

    I thought I would weigh student impressions and atmosphere more, but the students I met on both campuses were very friendly and helpful, and they all seemed to get along with each other very well!  Both advisors are wonderful and informative, and the faculty members I met were very kind.

    I'm giving myself a few days to process everything after the UW open house, but I'm probably going with Boulder :) 

    As for Seattle itself, I got mixed opinions on safety and whatnot.  It's safe to say that Seattle has less gangs than LA (you don't have to worry about wearing certain colors in certain streets or anything like that), but I kept hearing about how aggressive the homeless population is over there.  My shuttle driver talked about how his son got beat up and mugged by homeless people on 2 different occasions: one resulting in broken bones, and one resulting in a TBI serious enough to warrant SLP services.  Actual students who live by the school say that it's not that bad.  Both agree that it's normally okay as long as you keep some good ol' LA street smarts around you: put in no more than one earbud, be aware of your surroundings, don't flash fancy technology in shady streets, don't open your wallet too much in public etc.

    Edited to also add: I know us Southern Californians tend to think that any part of the US outside our region is extreme, but it's not like it's constantly raining all day all year in Seattle.  There are rainy days and sunny days.  It is chillier, but California residents are saying that it's not completely terrible.  However, people who are more prone to having seasonal affective disorder should be careful of the frequent fog and rain.

  8. On 3/26/2016 at 9:36 PM, girlgonespeechie said:

    The way Chrissie and other current students explained how UW works, at least for Core, is that you only get 1 external placement which is your internship.  The rest of your clinical hours is in the UW Speech and Hearing clinic and in a public school. So technically you have one shot to fight for that medical placement. That is kind of unnerving. 

    My classmates also think I'm crazy for considering UNC since UW is ranked higher. But at UNC, every student is required to have one educational placement and one medical placement, so atleast I know by the time the program is over I'll have one under my belt. AND I just learned that they don't have their own speech and hearing clinic, meaning all your clinical hours come from external placements. They promoted this as a positive thing, because you'll get experience in a lot of different settings. However, I've heard that it can be easier to get hours if the school has it's own clinic.

    Hmmm good point.  I've only heard opinions of how on-campus clinics are better, but it is true that it could limit the variety of settings you'll observe.  And only having 1 chance to try and get the placement you want is indeed unnerving.  April 15th is coming up soon, but I'm gonna need to spend some time weighing out all of my options!

  9. On 3/27/2016 at 8:55 PM, sesame_mochi said:

    @talkingcake Haha, that's awesome. I went to UC San Diego for undergrad! SD has great weather all year round :) And I'm glad to connect with someone else attending Open House at Boulder. I walked around the Boulder campus today, and coincidentally froze... I felt very out of my element as a life-long Californian, haha. See you on Monday! 

    San Diego does seem to be a really nice place to live!  I feel your pain- being a life-long SoCal beach city resident, anything below 40 degrees is difficult for me to gauge.  After arriving in Boulder, I didn't think it was too bad during the day today, but my fingers turned into popsicles at night haha :D  See you in the morning!

  10. On 3/22/2016 at 1:26 PM, sesame_mochi said:

    I was wondering, is anyone attending the University of Colorado, Boulder Open House next week or thinking of attending the MA SLH program at Boulder? I haven't seen anyone mention Boulder on this forum yet (?), but it would be really cool to connect with someone else who has been accepted and is considering attending their program! 

    I'm going to the open house!  I'm still trying to decide on UW, Boulder, and SDSU.  I walked around SDSU this Monday, I'm going to the open house at Boulder this coming Monday, and going to the open house at UW the following Monday.  Looking at the agenda Boulder sent us today, it definitely seems worth it to go to the open house! :)  

    On an unrelated note, I was coincidentally eating sesame mochi earlier haha :D 

  11. On 3/18/2016 at 9:58 PM, girlgonespeechie said:

    When I talked to the coordinator, Chrissie, she said that med students get priority over hospital and acute placements, which makes sense, but I'm wondering also if choosing the core route limits us from having that experience, because I honestly want to be able to have placements across the board (schools, private practice, SNF, hospitals, etc) and I got the impression that core students won't have the chance to experience hospitals which kind of bums me out....

    I asked Chrissie the same question a while ago, and she gave me the impression that they're usually able to accommodate Core students who want hospital placements, even though Med gets priority.  I'm guessing Med gets first pick, but there's usually enough left over for interested Core students.  But looking at this forum, maybe they have more Core students interested in hospital settings than they anticipated... :o 

    And yep, I'm in the same boat as a lot of you here- MedSLP sounds really cool, but I want to try out hospitals, schools, clinics, and other places first.  I was way more sure of the population I wanted to work with (pediatrics) than the setting.  It's a bummer that Med students get priority in children's hospital placements, but oh well. :/   I'm also kinda worried that being the pediatric track would make it difficult for me to work with adults if I ever change my mind years down the road.  Realistically speaking, I don't think I'd be able to run after rambunctious kiddos at age 80 lol.


    On 3/16/2016 at 5:49 AM, hkates said:

    I know, I wake up every night and start stressing about this decision. I've received 4 offers of admission, which is incredible and I feel so lucky, but I never thought I would be in this position and it is stressing me out. It might sound superficial, but I'm struggling with the thought of turning down UW since it's ranked so highly. Like I'll be just kicking myself if I say "no" to the 3rd best program in the country in favor of somewhere with a less impressive reputation...but in the end, does that reputation really matter all that much? I've been talking with different SLPs about this, and the answer seems to be "no", but I'm still tempted by their stats.

    I'm having the same problem... Some of my classmates were shocked that I haven't committed yet, and they thought I was crazy for considering other programs over UW.  I never thought I'd be in a position to have to decide between schools, but I really want to be sure that I make the right decision!

  12. On 3/6/2016 at 8:51 PM, otterbeaslp said:

    Congrats y'all on your acceptances! Which UW SLP program did you get into? I'm from the Seattle area, and the cost of living in Seattle is pretty astronomical, if that is a part of your consideration. Like just for rent for a one bedroom apartment, your rent is going to be upwards of $1500/month, not including utilities, water/sewage/garbage, etc. The traffic is also terrible in this area and getting worse in this area to be honest, and the bus system is not reliable AT ALL. Also the department is pretty much on university ave, which is a notorious drug/homeless breeding ground... :/ I would stay in Cali where it's nice and warm! And no out-of-state tuition costs, especially if you got funding, that's amazing!! Good luck with your decisions!

    Thanks!  I was accepted in CoreSLP, and I specified that I wanted to do the pediatric track in my statement.  I considered applying for MedSLP, but I wasn't sure if I really wanted to commit to specializing in hospital settings.  I am certain that I want to work with kids though!  I was told that Med students have priority for placement at children's hospitals, but there are sometimes spaces left over for Core students- it would be cool if that happens.  I'm actually eligible for WICHE/WRGP so out-of-state costs don't apply.  Even then, tuition is still kinda high :/  I'm also a timid driver and I hate traffic, so that's gonna be a problem haha.

    On 3/6/2016 at 9:55 PM, Jolie717 said:

    While I am not currently committed to pursuing a PhD or other doctorate degree, I might wish to do so in the future - how will my grad school choice influence my potential for acceptance into these programs?

    55 minutes ago, greenerpastures said:

    I don't think it matters as much where you get your M.S. Wherever you go, make sure you get involved in research. That's what gets you into PhD programs as I understand it. It may actually be easier to get involved in research at mid-ranked schools as those schools may have fewer students interested in research. Less competition for you. Note also that the mid-ranked schools are usually staffed by professors who graduated from top-ranked schools, so even at the mid-ranked schools you will find professors that do great research.

    You raise a good point.  I'm also considering a PhD, but I'm not totally sure as of now.  Either way, I'd like to contribute to research during my Master's.  Now that I've been accepted, I'll try and contact professors to get more specifics on what research opportunities are available if I were to enroll.  (At least, I will after I'm done with final exams next week... ugh, the timing of these decisions!!!)

    28 minutes ago, greenerpastures said:

    I think you're underestimating the problem of homelessness and resulting drugs and property crime in Seattle. Their mayor just declared a state of emergency due to the homeless problem and Seattle is the #1 city for property crime. Here's one article from a local paper.

    Wow, well that's pretty serious.  I'll definitely look that up and take it into consideration. :( 

  13. 5 hours ago, ohiostatestudent627 said:

    so..did anyone else that applied to University of Washington-Seattle not hear back yet? Or know if they give results in stages? I applied pretty close to the deadline but I've seen a lot of people hear back. Just wondering! 

    It's probably not a submission date issue, because I submitted my application the day it was due and already heard back.  I'm guessing it's either in stages or you're in the waitlist maybe?

  14. Many people I know apply to 3 year programs, but apply to post-baccs at the same time as a fall back plan.  I forgot to mention this earlier, but if you get accepted into a 3 year program, that means that you don't have to wait to hear back from grad schools again.  And it's obvious what a huge perk that is after spending 5 minutes on this forum lol.

    I believe the 1 year post-bacc I'm in is roughly $10,000 total I think?  I'm not paying as much, because I knocked out half my classes with my undergrad speech minor.  There's also a two-year part-time option, for which you'd end up paying more tuition in the end, but you'd have more time to work or scout out other opportunities outside of class.  From my understanding, there are also cheaper online post-bacc programs available as well.  Also, keep in mind that even though most people call it a "post-baccalaureate program", other schools might list it as "master's preparatory" "leveling" or "second bachelor's" or something instead.

  15. I'm also trying to make a similar decision- I'm currently leaning towards UW or Boulder, but because of recent financial and family issues, it might be better for me to go to SDSU and stay in southern California.  I'm still trying to list and weigh out each pro and con possible haha.  I'm really interested in AAC and bilingualism: SDSU would be better for bilingualism, but UW would be better for AAC.  SDSU's tempting because I think I got funding from them, but I do want to explore out of state.  Then there's also transportation, rent, extracurricular opportunities, and other things to think about... 

    I'm still trying to decide myself, but good luck deciding where to go! :) 

  16. From what I hear, NYU does tend to accept a lot of out-of-fielders!  In the past, I've talked to a linguistics major and a psych major who were both going to NYU for their masters program in speech without taking prereqs or post-bacc programs.  I don't remember their names and never got their contact info though.  A friend of mine also mentioned meeting an English major (or literature? I forget) who was also in the same program.  That reputation to accept many OOFers was actually the main reason why I applied there!  I agree with @racoomelon though.  I recommend looking into a post-bacc, if possible.  There's a higher likelihood that you'll graduate on time, which schools really like.  If you do a post-bacc, you will be just as prepared as your SLP major peers, which means there's also less scrambling on your part to catch up once you get in.  And to top it off, you'll still have that OOF experience to make you stand out!

  17. From an ethical standpoint, it would be a good idea to ask the original program about if you were to cancel, would they would be able to quickly accept someone off the waitlist to take your place?

    I've heard stories of 2 nearby Occupational Therapy programs where the start date for one school is about the same as the admission notification date for another school (I think this was for winter/spring admissions?).  There were students in the past who would start attending the first school, only to get an acceptance from the second school and quit after a couple days.  In that case, you'd be taking away a spot that could've gone to someone else, not to mention you're taking away funding from the department!  So I'd say that would be unethical.

    But if there are 400 applicants, and you go back on your acceptance many months in advance, and the committee will immediately accept the next person on the waiting list... I don't think that's nearly as unethical.  It is still a bit unethical because some people higher on the waiting list might have already started getting ready to go to another program, and maybe they're not so willing to switch anymore.  That being said, I understand that cancelling might sometimes be necessary.

  18. 11 minutes ago, speechie94 said:

    Hey! I will PM you on the weekend. It just has to do with something I heard about how they unfairly select their applicants and the overall atmosphere once you get there. Again, I haven't personally experienced these from them but it's what I've heard from past applicants and students.

    Okay, thanks!! :) 

  19. On 2/29/2016 at 3:33 PM, speechie94 said:

    To those that applied or are thinking of attending SDSU/ San Diego. Current and past students have notified me of the heartless and unsupportive attitudes of the faculty and their unjust selection process. Overall you would be better attending and applying to any other Cal school but them. Save the money and go where you are given the attention you deserve. I withdraw my application to them this Fall before it was too late.

    I also asked on another topic, but you have any specific examples of what goes on at SDSU that you don't like?  I honestly don't know much about the program besides what I found online.  So far, I only have acceptances from SDSU and NYU so I'm leaning towards the cheaper option.  If you're not comfortable with posting publically on the forum, you can also PM me

  20. On 3/1/2016 at 9:43 PM, Curlylets said:

    I also received my acceptance from NYU on Sunday and was beyond elated.  Anyone know if you completed fafsa after Feb. 1 what happens?

    I'm in the same boat- I finally got all the tax papers ready and turned in my FAFSA on February 2nd :/

  21. 57 minutes ago, speechie94 said:

    To those that applied or are thinking of attending SDSU/ San Diego. Current and past students have notified me of the heartless and unsupportive attitudes of the faculty and their unjust selection process. Overall you would be better attending and applying to any other Cal school but them. Save the money and go where you are given the attention you deserve. I withdraw my application to them this Fall before it was too late. I just think this is something future and current applicants should know.

    Do you have any specific examples of what goes on at SDSU that you don't like?  I honestly don't know much about the program besides what I found online.  So far, I only have acceptances from SDSU and NYU so I'm leaning towards the cheaper option.  If you're not comfortable with posting publically on the forum, you can also PM me

  22. Out of the schools in my signature, NYU and UNM have interviews (though I didn't get invited to one :(), and the rest do not: SDSU, UW, PSU, Boulder.

    If you search "speech [insert school name or keyword or abbreviation]" in the results page on Grad Cafe, you might see if there were any interviews in recent years.  For example, for San Diego, I typed "speech sdsu" and "speech san diego" and sorted results by date.  EdFind can have missing or outdated info, so it's good to take a look at the program's website and Grad Cafe as well.  Some of the schools I was looking at had changed their admissions process in the past two years, and it wasn't noted in EdFind.

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