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Posts posted by StrongTackleBacarySagna

  1. 2 hours ago, Sura said:

    I do strongly believe, contrary to the popular opinion, that factors like the social life, weather and location too play a significant role in choosing a grad school.

    Is that not the popular opinion? Why would anyone disagree with that 0.0

    If one school is amazing then maybe you'll compromise on those things somewhat but no one in their right mind would disregard them.

  2. On 1/28/2016 at 8:21 PM, DrZoidberg said:
    The Imperial Academy TIE Fighter Pilot Program, Masters (F16) Rejected via Other on 28 Jan 2016  U 28 Jan 2016
    • report spam
    • My stellar academic record, conference presentations, and flight experience were apparently no match for the Academy's rigorous expectations.

    I guess funding is tight after losing Starkiller Base.

    Fucking casual. Starkiller Base is affiliated with the First Order not the Empire

  3. 9 hours ago, adiJ said:

    Wait what. Most places offer around 75% acceptance rates or nearly everyone, where they expect 25-50% to matriculate. I've asked this at literally all of my interviews and that's what they've told me. Obviously top top tier schools are different, i.e. the Harvard BPH program has only 0-2 people not accept every year.

    Maybe because half of the programs I've talked to are umbrella programs, but most people get at least 3 interviews, so 30% doesn't sound too bad.

    It's not even the prestige of the university. Some mid-tier places invite an excess then accept a minority just because that's how they like to do it. The policies of programs vary wildly.

  4. 22 minutes ago, nebulasector7 said:


    I understand that you are very excited about your interviews, who wouldn't be!, but there is no reason to be so inappropriate and rude on this forum. You are not the only who got these invitations and more so, you should be respectful to those who didn't, who worked just as hard as you. And as a thought exercise, consider what these programs would think of you if they saw these posts. 


    I see. While I admire your consideration of others' feelings, and I apologize if you were personally hurt by my remarks, I am not exactly trying to present myself as a cultured, wholesome individual on an internet forum. I enjoy acting like an absolute bellend when circumstances allow because, quite frankly, it's fun. People should not become emotionally invested in posts made by internet dickheads, especially when the dickhead in question thinks it appropriate to use Uncle Ruckus as his avatar. Moreover, saying that a university graduate program desires me with primal sexual urges is clearly not a perspective that I advocate sincerely -- in fact, data show that graduate programs very rarely solicit their applicants for sexual engagements. However, in the spirit of human progress, I will ameliorate any damages by improving my conduct in the future and only using the words dick, fuck, or meekrob once or twice per thread.

    Cool? Cool.

  5. 10 hours ago, bdnf_13.1 said:

     i'm not even expecting half of my programs to send invites till january. it's still early. 

    That's the thing. I have assumed rejections from four of my six programs, since they already sent out a few waves of invitations. But like yours, the other two (my most likely chances as well) don't tend to send theirs until mid January. This is a pretty bad scenario.

  6. 1 minute ago, biochemgirl67 said:

    Nope lol I did not.  My grades won't be out for like two weeks.  I don't think it's a part of the initial review process.  I'm still shocked I heard from them.  My science idol who actually got me into science in high school, Bonnie bassler, is head of that program and I'm fangirling so hard right now

    Gooooddd damn it. Well, congratulations at any rate :blink:

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