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  • Application Season
    2016 Fall
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youdontknowme1215's Achievements


Decaf (2/10)



  1. thanks for the feedback! : )
  2. hey guys, How did you approach published works which have you listed as the author with the * indicating "these authors contributed equally"? If the legend is written as "Co-author 1*, Co-author 2*, Co-author 3*, Co-author 4*, authors 5-13". Would you say that authors 1-4 are co-first authors? How did you incorporate this in your resume and discuss it during interviews? Best
  3. I received an interview invite on 12/18 for the actual interview which is scheduled for early February.
  4. Hey Guys, I have an interview approaching and am just curious as to what to expect? The school has not sent over the weekend itinerary yet, but I'm curious as to what you have encountered? What kind of questions are you asked, are they more personal, more research oriented? What kind of questions did you ask the interviewers? Did you feel like you were being interviewed and tested or was conversation more fluid and natural? Was there any downtime to just relax and catch up one sleep due to jet lag ect? Any idea how many interviewees are invited out/how many are offered admissions? Anything you can share from personal experiences, to advice from what you think heavily impacted your interview ect is greatly appreciated. Best,
  5. Dont rule yourself out until the school/university does. Try your luck. If you want to make this round of applications, just apply. You could have other factors that help strengthen your application outside of just a GRE score ie GPA, experience, activities, ect. If you dont hear anything by the end of interviews, then considering taking them again.
  6. But if I choose not to submit all scores, what is the probability that this university will go out of there way to look up my other scores? I dont think its practical for these universities to contact ETS to back track old GRE scores. BC im considering only reporting my best score, and not the first time I took the test.
  7. I know with the ScoreSelect from ETS that each student is allowed to pick and choose which GRE score they want to send (if they took the GRE more than once). I've noticed on some applications that the university will ask you to fill in ALL GRE scores. Did you report all scores? I know that I will pick and choose, and obviously only send my best official score to these schools. If I don't complete the app and fill in all GRE scores, will this university ever see all of my scores?
  8. Hey Guys, Im just curious as to what kind of research experience, most of you have leaving your bachelors degree. What kind of techniques did you obtain, how involved were you in the projects you participated in, what kind of papers/pubs did you put out (if any) ect. Its weird bc I hear a lot of mixed signals. Sometimes Ive heard that students just finish undergrad are lucky if they know how to use a pipet; other times I hear that they were running their own project. I'm just curious to see how much research exposure everyone has/techniques they've learned, papers ect. I know for myself I've spent three years in the same lab. Two during UG and one post-bachelors functioning as a lab manager. I've worked on two rather large projects; in the midst of finishing one up now. I have also worked on two collaborations projects with outside facilities; one is in review, one is in still in the pipeline. First year was primary spending learning techniques/shadowing. Second year I was pretty much told which experiments to run and when. Currently, running my own project, from project layout, to experimental design. Skills: Western blotting, PCR, Genotyping, Immunohistochemistry, Immunocytochemistry, vibratome, cell culture, DNA isolation/purification, polysome fractionation, breeding/timed pregnancies of mice, dissections, confocal microscopy, maxi prep, and i have worked with neurolucidia.
  9. I org. studied for my GRE taking any and just about every free practice test online; kaplan, manhattan, ETS (online ,and paper copy), barrons (paper copy). I found that ETS actually provided me with a score that was nearly identical to how I preformed on the actual GRE. Needless to say, I didnt do as well as planned, and am using Magoosh in conjunction with a TON of vocab flash cards to plan for a re-take in about 3 weeks. For verbal: Kaplan problems were too easy, Manhattan practice problems too hard, using words that werent completely relevant. Princeton review just had word lists-I didnt really use them. I did find using Manhattan essential/advanced flash cards helpful. And have found using Magoosh, i was able to drive up my RC. For Quant: Manhattan has a lot of great problems to review, as well as supplies in depth details regarding the material. However, Manhattan books will require a lot of time if you wish to get though all of them. Magoosh, math is harder than ETS. I'd suggest, go online and try 1/2 ETS free exams. It stimulates the exam exactly how you will see it on the actual GRE and will give you an accurate score.
  10. I think think a 3.0 or sub 3.0 forum should be started again. I have been reading forums for months now as I prepare my applications. I have been looking for a more recent forum, to see how everyone else is doing this round of applications. I guess I'll chime in with a little bit more about myself. UG GPA: 3.0 GRE: 149Q/144V...planning a retake next month Research Experience: Three years in the same lab. I started as an UG though a university program which I was apart of. That same year I was awarded a fellowship to continue my research. During my last year of UG, I was really research oriented and worked on two different projects. One of which is in review now, and the other still in the works. Since my UG degree I have been working as a lab manager within the same lab. Currently responsible for all ordering/mice/ ect, as well as leading my own research project. Poster Conferences: 4 regional, one first place award, featured on another students poster (5 total if you count this one) Work experience: two internships, 1 in chemical industry working in PSRA, 1 at a small company running stability testing on olgionucleotides. I will obtain strong LORs: from professors, current PI, and previous employers Currently enrolled in a graduate level course at the same University for which I received my UG degree from. Im looking to switch fields from UG to Grad....The grad programs im looking into are within the same field that I have been conducting research in. I'm looking to get my apps out this winter, but am TERRIFIED! Any advice/thoughts would be greatly appreciated!
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