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    Greater LA
  • Application Season
    2021 Fall
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  1. Hi folks, I'm currently finishing up a Master in Public Policy and have been considering pursuing a MLIS either this fall or in the next few years. My goal with Public Policy was to pursue work at local or state governments or in social science research (think tanks, etc), but I've been feeling a bit disillusioned and burnt out with this line of work, and am considering pivoting to librarianship. I have about 2 years experience in library reference and I've found this position really opened my eyes to librarianship. The following is a little bit about my education/work experience: BA in Human Development (mixed social science) - ~3.8/Phi Beta Kappa Master in Public Policy (MPP), by this June - ~3.7 Coursework in stats, research methods Original research for thesis on youth-based civic engagement programs 6 years of work in community-based youth organization 1 year middle school after school program front-line staff 2 years database management and auditing program documents 3 years office management, reception, data management and analysis, strategic planning, grant writing 2 years academic library reference service (UCLA) Further: TA-ing undergrads Tutoring HS senior for AP/IB exams ~1 year policy/community building work Does it seem like this pivot makes sense, given my experience? I would want to aim for public, community college, or state college (CSU) librarianship. Some of my favorite experiences throughout my career have simply been talking and working one-on-one with folks - teaching, sharing resources, as well as working on analyzing information, streamlining data collection processes, etc. I am hoping my MPP can complement my librarianship, given my experience with government data and analysis, statistical analysis, and conducting original research. I can't afford to take another 2 years not working full-time, so I am considering the San Jose State online degree. I'm also working on volunteering at a local public library for public library experience. Does this pivot make sense? Is there anything else I can do to prepare for an MLIS or career in libraries? I'd appreciate any and all feedback! :)
  2. Planning on going to both!
  3. Just received my follow up email from the Grad Division this morning!
  4. Me too! Glad it’s not just me. My Evans acceptance came with instructions on how to convey your decision so I’m wondering when UCLA will send further instructions. Hopefully soon.
  5. This forum has been so useful to me throughout my application process, so I hope this is useful to others! Program Applied To: (MPA, MPP, IR, etc.) MPA, MPP Schools Applied To: Evans, UCLA Schools Admitted To: Evans (no $$), UCLA (unsure re: funding just yet) Schools Rejected From: Still Waiting: Undergraduate institution: Cal State Long Beach Undergraduate GPA: 3.8, Phi Beta Kappa Last 60 hours of Undergraduate GPA (if applicable): Undergraduate Major: Human Development GRE Quantitative Score: 148 GRE Verbal Score: 158 GRE AW Score: 4.5 Years Out of Undergrad (if applicable): 2.5 Years of Work Experience: 6 total, 2 full-time Describe Relevant Work Experience: 6 years in local branch of national after-school program nonprofit, from working as after-school program staff, to administrative assistant auditing program documents, to office manager, to grant-writer and member of staff satisfaction committee analyzing surveys and implementing policies and trainings. 1 year as private French tutor. Random volunteering here and there and 1 year of volunteering at another branch of same national nonprofit. 1 semester as research assistant compiling literature review for a project regarding how schools manage students' mental health and aggressive behavior. Strength of SOP (be honest, describe the process, etc): I gave it a lot of thought and wrote notes about my "angle" for about a year before I started writing. I started with an anecdote from work regarding how in demand our free after-school programs are, then transitioned into my involvement in committee policy projects and grant-writing at work, and despite the successes, how threats to 21st Century funding and AmeriCorps threaten our organization. Similarly, I talked about how funding for CA ASES programs has not been increased to match cost of living and rising minimum wage in California. Then I talked about my career goals and why specifically Luskin/Evans would be a good fit for me, and what I would bring to Luskin/Evans. Strength of LOR's (be honest, describe the process, etc): I was only able to read the one my current boss wrote me, which I felt was good. I also had a former professor at CSULB write one - she was the professor I worked on with my research assistant gig. She had told me I was one of her best students, so I felt confident about it. The last was a professor I had at my community college, who I took Microecon with post-bac to meet admission requirements. He had given me great and encouraging feedback in class so I felt good about it as well. I gave all of my recommenders copies of all of my relevant docs and a copy of my best undergrad essay. I had spoken to my boss and my research prof about my goals for grad school. Other: I was nervous about my GRE quant score, but I really did not want to go through the testing process again so I decided to let it be. I also was nervous about my quant coursework, as I only had Stats (C) and Algebra (C) during undergrad and Accounting (A), Stats (A), and Microecon (A) post-bac. I wanted to throw in a calc class for UCLA but it didn't work out with my schedule. Honestly I was not sure about applying to this tier of schools a few years ago, but my research gig professor had really encouraged me. Impostor syndrome is so real! Someone had mentioned this book on this forum and it was such a useful tool for writing my SOP, and was useful overall with the app process: https://www.amazon.com/Graduate-Admissions-Essays-Fourth-School/dp/1607743213 Lastly, I had originally picked 6 schools to apply to just to have a wide range, but I honestly was not enthusiastic about all of them. In the end, I scrapped 3 of them, and was going to go through with a local state school app before I had heard back from Luskin. I kind of wish I didn't waste my or my recommenders' time.
  6. Thanks for easing my anxiety! Haha.
  7. Got my acceptance email yesterday night. Still in shock! It did state that I was recommended for admission, and more or less will hear officially from Graduate Studies. Is this pretty typical? Did anyone else have that wording in their email/letter? Feeling a little neurotic this morning. ?
  8. As a side note I just heard that Luskin will be hosting 2020 Democratic presidential candidates for a forum on their policies regarding LGBT citizens. I wonder if they’ve been pretty focused on working on this. It’s pretty cool! But it’s making want to hear back from them even more. ?
  9. I was considering it, at the very least to ask when we can expect to hear back. I checked out the same link too - I got the same message when I entered my info
  10. I haven’t yet. It’s a bit frustrating - I’m hoping they send out emails this week.
  11. Anyone else hear back? I feel like I’m going nuts waiting. ?
  12. In the same boat! Their website says mid-February but it seems like no one on the forum has heard back yet.
  13. Congrats, all! I’m considering attending despite the lack of funding, perhaps very foolishly. Still holding out hope for UCLA as I would be in state and not too far from the school. I would be focusing on analysis and evaluation, and likely would also throw in some social policy and nonprofit management coursework. I’m most likely attending the admitted student days. Not sure I have an opinion on how Evans compares to the above schools as I applied only to schools on the West Coast, but despite being a local I think I’m more partial to Evans than UCLA - they just seem so so supportive of their students and seem to have a robust student services department.
  14. Anybody hear back yet? I’m anxiously crossing my fingers!
  15. Got an admission offer yesterday, though with no funding. Would be attending from out of state if I accept (from CA). Anyone else claiming an admission offer? Where are you coming from and what is your area of focus for your studies?
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