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Everything posted by NeuroMetro

  1. @StrongTackleBacarySagna heh, I wouldn't say that I'M getting gansta invites most of my programs seem to be reviewing late, and I am somewhat regretting not applying to more schools like most of the posters to whom you are referring. THOUGH I am also very grateful for mine! Expecting to hear more over the next week :-) Stay positive, sir! and again congrats.
  2. @MADneuro not sure about your enthusiasm for CU - B, but I THINK they are going to be contacting recruits soon. (not saying why)
  3. @StrongTackleBacarySagna , HEY! I am glad for your Minnesota invite!!! Not sure how many that is for you now, but it was nice to see that post. Also, I think you should consider moonlighting in stand-up comedy.
  4. Ha! Not true. I gave PlanB positive rep in another thread for a rather helpful post... Though PB and this thread definitely do not seem to mix
  5. @PlanB, thank you, that article gave me some useful ideas for screening potential mentors. I appreciate it.
  6. I'd say there is a good chance then that one or more very qualified applicants were in line behind you. By politely thanking this person, and declining, you likely just opened the door for someone else. No need to feel crappy. You're advancing your career, you have to prioritize, and that POI will have plenty of great recruits as well.
  7. Fairly sure that at least a first wave of PiN invites went out already, look through this thread: http://forum.thegradcafe.com/topic/71345-2016-neuroscience-phd-applicant-thread-people-thing/ Also Results search : http://thegradcafe.com/survey/index.php?q=harvard+neuroscience
  8. Depending on where you are, you likely have local options at state schools. They usually have a biomedical science masters. Most of these have a neuro track option, and many are one-year programs designed as pre-PhD experiences.
  9. Happy Holidays, all you brilliant aspiring scientists. Can't wait till next year!
  10. Wait, you mean that when everyone here is talking about POI, that they aren't referring to traditional Hawaiian cuisine?!
  11. I would like to hear any honest thoughts on this as well.
  12. @StrongTackleBacarySagna, hang in there :-( Here's hoping for a wave of invites for you.
  13. Brown NGP interview, by phone, Feb 25-26
  14. @nicedogs LOL, I am actually waiting on them as well. I hope that I am just later in alphabetical order on these lists BIG Congrats on that one!!!
  15. Hoste058, early November, but in a chat I recently had with the head of their adcomm, it was inferred they don't look at them until all your LOR's are also submitted (so mine would have been Dec 1st). I also was given the impression that they are all reviewed at the same time regardless of how early, by what he said. Hope this helps. Best of luck!
  16. Hey @nicedogs ! I suspect we know each other. And guess what? you get to see familiar face at interviews!!! Looking forward to meeting you @Chocolosaurus! Interview UC Denver Anschutz - Neuroscience (by phone)! Such a relief to get that first invite, phew....
  17. @peachuzz34 wow, congrats! That is an excellent opportunity. Hopefully puts to rest some of the anxiety from others here :-)
  18. @Chocolosaurus @nicedogs Congrats you two!! Haven't given up home on them myself.... yet. :-)
  19. If anyone hears anything from University of Colorado - Denver Anschutz Neuroscience, please post. I've seen evidence of invites sent, but nothing here, nor in my inbox (sadly).
  20. @Metbio2016 pretty impressive list of invites accrued already there. Best of luck for more.
  21. Indeed. Such is the case with my school. Hence, I am hanging my hat on the stats and extracurriculars.
  22. I hope my potential PIs feel that way about all the OTHER applications.
  23. That's just wrong. You have to wonder how people can be that self-centered. "Well you trained with me for a while, so now you should give up your own life's best interests to work for me for as long as it suits me." I was lucky enough to run across a very similar advisor early-on, who was less able to veil their attitude(s). Since being sensitized to it, I've been able steer myself toward some of the most cooperative and inspiring mentors.
  24. My two cents: My wife and I were just married on the 28th. We met shortly before she needed to move away for grad school. Even though we spoke almost daily similar to @Need Coffee in an IV, and actually became the best of friends while we were apart, the main reason I think that we are together today is that we decided NOT to date while apart. We both dated other people, nothing really took for more than a short while for each of us. Though enjoying each other as best friends was the greatest thing we could do for each other over that time. When she moved home, we were quickly dating again. So, I would say that if you are secure enough to let it go (in the appropriate situation), it will happen eventually if it is meant to. And if it is not, you will at least (hopefully) still have a good friend and will have saved yourself a lot of grief.
  25. Fingers crossed for you @den-of-thieves, hang in there. Papers are a good distraction!
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