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  • Application Season
    2016 Fall

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  1. Out of curiosity, when you say you're interested in virtual communities in your sig, what do you have in mind? Like internet board communities (like this), or like online gaming communities?
  2. Should be quick. Then you also get snail-mail rejection on top of it, I hear, just to rub the salt in the wound :))
  3. I agree that it seems very possible that the 3 Harvard admits were the same person. But if it wasn't, then no, it actually is pretty safe to say that "Harvard is done." Since they only accept like 8-12 students a year, and since most people don't report their acceptances/rejections, 3 out of a possible 8 is a pretty safe bet to say that admissions are over.
  4. US News is probably the best out there. That's not to say it's great...But the others are even more trash.
  5. It's hard to say, since it's really dependent on how much of a likelihood it is that you would change your mind.
  6. I like how not a single rejection has been listed for sociology on the results page so far.
  7. Many of the top 10s are notorious for grade inflation. You shouldn't sell yourself so short.
  8. I'm not sure if it "happens quite often." While it's definitely true some programs may allow you to defer, I get the impression that programs typically frown upon the practice...Unless you have a very, very compelling reason. At least one reason schools don't like it (among several) is because if deferring a year becomes common practice, students can reapply the following year to apply to better schools and save the original as a sure-safety school. Univ. of Washington, for example, states: "Typically, we do not allow students to defer their offers of admission. If you are offered admission and wish to delay enrollment, we usually will reconsider your application (updated if you see fit) in subsequent years, but not defer the actual offer with very few exceptions." Harvard states: "The Department does not typically allow deferral of admission." Wisconsin: "You cannot defer admission, you have to reapply." Uni. of Southern California: "USC does not offer deferments in the traditional sense of the term. (In other words, we do not guarantee re- admission.)"
  9. "After all, to the well-organized mind, death is but the next great adventure" - Dumby
  10. UPenn reject: "I'll make them rue the day they rejected me. I'll go on to do great things and if ever I'm to issue a statement after that, I'll probably attribute my success over the bitterness this rejection has made me feel. Thanks."
  11. That's not a fair assessment. While I think it's important not to take the book as gospel, it does shine a light into how admissions work on (elite) PhD committees. Also, fields and departments, although not uniform, do share similarities and overlaps as they relate to admission processes.
  12. I can be your friend
  13. Northwestern admits average 157 on their quant, according to their website. And since all the other schools you're applying to are its (more or less) peer programs, it doesn't sound like your score will singledhandedly sink you.
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