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Everything posted by Warelin

  1. When I called Yale last semester to inquire about something, the grad school greeted me by my first name without telling them who I was. Not sure whether to have felt flattered or creeped out. Keep your head-up, both of you. There are still a few weeks with a few yes-es on the way. (maybeidon'tknowIcan'tguaranteetheoutcomes)
  2. http://thehill.com/homenews/administration/317494-trump-threatens-no-federal-funds-if-uc-berkeley-does-not-allow-free /sigh
  3. I contacted the DGS a few months ago at one school. They send me an e-mail saying that the current DGS was someone else. Some schools even mention certain professors on sabbatical in the 2013 school year. =/ There have been times where I've been: Can I work for all the universities and update all the websites?
  4. Berkeley isn't technically required to get back by today. These are just projections and by no means, a deadline. The only deadline they technically have is the April 15th deadline but that refers to funding offers that you have to accept by.
  5. There's a chance that they also haven't updated that information in years. I think someone said they contacted a few students and one of them had dropped out years ago.
  6. WT is indeed correct on this. Some schools were excluded from the list if there were few results or the results seemed inconsistent from year to year.
  7. @TakeruK @fuzzylogician @rising_star @Eigen Can they have some help here please?
  8. It's unusual but it happens from time to time. Congrats! Congrats; their track in "Print and Material Culture" seems very interesting.
  9. In the past, UA has started with MA acceptances and then send out PHD acceptances over a few days.
  10. I'll look forward to your presence!
  11. Hope everyone gets accepted so I have less competition next year. I'm not even applying this cycle but it's interesting to hear the different interests different people have and I hope it's something that continues.
  12. Please remember that projected dates are just projected. Lots of changes this year. Keep up the hope.
  13. Congrats! The Strode program at Alabama has a killer placement into really great PHD programs.
  14. I'd give you all the chili peppers for an acceptance to Rutgers next year. That and Cornell are currently the two schools with the best fit. I think some students also get offended when they don't earn an A+ on papers. Last year, I had a student complain because they didn't earn an A+ even though the grade doesn't exist at the university's grading system. So, I wouldn't take it too personally.
  15. Great professors that care about students are attractive.
  16. Congrats on the BC waitlist. It's a great program and location.
  17. Congratulations on your acceptance!
  18. Penn State is located in State College. It is a college town. It also is in a rather rural area. The closest city is Harrisburg. It's about 1.5 hours away by car. Pittsburgh is 2.5 hours away from State College.
  19. Wouldn't it be nice if programs just stated that they weren't interested in applications below a certain score? I'd imagine it would save a lot of application fees and agony. I did have a nice conversation with Penn State though. They said that I'd have to raise my current 164V in order to be competitive for their PHD program. In a way it makes sense though. They only accept 1-2 external PHD students per year since most of them continue from the MA program. They also assured me that a lot of employees are related to graduate students. This makes sense considering Penn State's location.
  20. I think my only concern here would be that determining a cut-off might be difficult unless all information was correct. Looking up "Cornell" English for example would bring up a minimum score of 135 that was accepted. A lot of programs don't list minimum scores but those who do list that they prefer seeing scores in the top quarter. A 135 would be in the 3rd percentile which just seems off to me. It could be interesting in many ways, particularly for those programs not impacted by false data. But it's also important to remember that what an admissions committee values most could change from year to year. Some committees still do place a value on prestige; others place a value on scores due to it sometimes being required for funding. Others care only about fit and the writing sample.
  21. For those that are bored curious*, someone created this https://grad-cafe-visualizations.herokuapp.com/ It takes data from Grad Cafe and list the typical accepted applicant. *Not as useful as English, but I think it's an interesting concept. *No, I have not spent the entire day looking up different schools.
  22. What do you mean by an alternative transcript?
  23. Congrats to the UCIrvine interview applicant. These interviews from universities seem common this year as opposed to previous years.
  24. Please remember that the majority of us do not agree with Trump's policies.
  25. I think the actual acceptance letter was in black font but the envelope had green ink!
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