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Everything posted by CalendarGirl

  1. Hey guys, I heard back from u of Laurier about my application! They basically said it was my experience profile that was lacking as my marks were very high in my last year of study which was an asset. They said I was very close to being competitive just need to strengthen my experience. Anyone who has attended a post degree one year BSW, do you think this will help me with my goals, if I already have a high average. Will it enable me to build my experience? Insights would be greatly appreciated.
  2. Hey LP3, I am also attending waterloo's BSW program in the fall and would love your insights!
  3. Hey PHD2MSW! Why don't you apply to the BSW waterloo part time program, you can still apply for winter semester! I am going to start my BSW in the fall and will only be taking 2 classes per semester but will finish in 5 terms!
  4. I e-mailed Laurier for feed back on my application!!! Nervous but excited for much needed feedback! I also want to say that everyone on this site is incredible and gifted! Our world is definitely going to be a better place with all of you as social workers! xx
  5. Holy shit!! That sounds like an amazing opportunity! I wish I was as successful when I was 22 haha!! If you don't mind me asking, how did you get a counseling position out of your undergrad? I was under the impression that you need an MSW to do counseling. It is a tough call, but it seems that it would be immature to reject you because you didn't accept. Why don't you explain the situation and see if they could let you defer. Or just explain so that they know that you didn't just choose another school?
  6. HEY!! I am in the exact same position! Was waitlisted and now am entering part time BSW!! Glad to meet someone like me Are you done your perquisites?
  7. Oh I see!! Congrats dude! Happy for you ?
  8. Hey LP3, I didn't see that part time MSW was offered this year!! When did you apply?
  9. check your LORIS, it was there.. :'( I was so sad. I am sure you are waitlisted or you will be accepted!
  10. Hey, Thank you for your feedback, how did you go about contacting Laurier?
  11. Thank you for this! I accepted an offer for a post degree BSW at U of Waterloo! So I hope that will help me show that I am focused and passionate about social work! I am also studying part time, so hopefully that will give me both a chance to raise my GPA and acquire some good experience. I was crushed when I was first rejected but I also see that this common among MSW applicants. I will try my best not to get discouraged!! I think one of my downfalls was references so I might be looking into getting some better ones. ( waterloo told me this was a downfall of my application.) I also was considering going to Laurier and talking to someone about my application. Thank you for your advice. Best wishes with York! I bet you will get in!
  12. Hey I don't have any advice on this! But I am a lauier rejectee but it is my dream school and really want to know how I could improve. You must be doing something right to get accepted to all of those schools! What is your experience like? and do you have any advice?
  13. Congratulations to all that were accepted!! <3 thanks for supporting me through this tough time! I am excited to attend uw for my bsw !! Will be back applying again in a year ish haha! I will not give up
  14. I just got rejected from laurier :'( atleast the wait is over!
  15. I have less than 3500, I have roughly 3400.... so I hope that I still have a chance.. idn... I hope they aren't like spreading out rejections? haha
  16. i'm sorry!!! when did this happen! Don't give up, laurier is crazy hard to get into! You have 2 more to go!!!
  17. ugh sorry i'm so annoying guys, this whole waiting thing is making me feel sick to my stomach. I couldn't sleep last night. I just want this so bad, is anyone still waiting for Laurier? Does your loris just show references?
  18. That is really good to know!! I am so so hopeful, laurier is my dream school. I saw that others were showing rejections on their loris, mine just has references, not sure what this means :/
  19. Thank you for this!!! I'm hoping! How many waves did they have last year
  20. Hey guys, when did your loris change?!! I have been checking my excessively and I see references and thats it...
  21. Sorry guys <3 mine says nothing yet.... I don't know what is going on.... I wish you both the best!! You will be social workers, we just need to persistent! look at all of the people who apply multiple years!
  22. I have been accepted to the university of waterloo bsw program it is 1.5 years!! ( i live in waterloo, so this is okay for me...not ideal but I think I still have things to learn and experience to gain.)
  23. From what I see, not everyone has heard back!! Last year they sent out acceptances two days in a row. Lets hope for tomorrow...I really have lost hope as well... plan b I guess
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