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    Political Science

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  1. My main areas of interest are security studies, international relations, and whichever school offers the strongest quant program. I've got a passing interest in healthcare/educational policy as well and experience in those sectors as I've worked briefly as a primary school teacher and for Medicare. As far as goals are concerned they're as follows: FSO for the State Department, intelligence analyst for one of the agencies, acquisitions for the DoD, or a job with the SEC. I could just as well settle for a consulting gig of some kind in the private sector provided it paid well enough, working as a lobbyist, an administrative job for a political party, or just join the military and try to make it as an officer (though this is an option I'd rather exercise if everything listed fell through). I'll be honest when I say that the prestige is probably drawing me more than it should as I imagine it may be helpful in the event that I opted to pursue a phd at some point. I understand that professional programs are nothing like academic programs, but I do wonder if their relative prestige has any impact on the success rate of candidates.
  2. I'm just wondering how the job outcomes between those two schools measure up. LBJ does certainly seem to be ranked higher, but as far as the job outcomes they both offer I can't seem to be able to do a good apples to apples comparison as LBJ shows salary/internship outcomes while Bush shows job outcomes. Also I've been accepted to both with slightly better funding from Bush (about $7k more over two years), but I'm leaning towards LBJ due to the fact that they're more prestigious and likely well-established. Can anyone attest to the relative standing of the two Texas schools when it comes to public affairs?
  3. I took a quick look at the graduate tuition calculator and according to it, the rate is $10,575 per semester if enrolled in 12 courses. Multiplied by four (pretending there are no adjustments), that puts the tuition rate $42,300. That's not bad compared to most private schools though in my view that's still quite pricey. Then again I'm somewhat debt averse since I haven't finished paying off my undergrad loans yet.
  4. That's really strange. I didn't apply until February 18th and I don't think my application was actually complete until either the 24th or 25th of February.
  5. Really? I'm surprised that something like that isn't prominently mentioned on the site. I suppose I'll know for certain where I stand when everything's wrapped up and I receive the formal offer letter.
  6. Quick update, I also got an acceptance email from University of Texas today which makes me six for six. Still likely to attend A&M Bush barring substantial financial aid from UT or Pitt that at least brings me to in-state to at least make things comparable. With that being said, I'd just like to thank President Trump for giving me the confidence to apply for grad school since I figure if he can become president despite his lack of credentials I can get into a strong grad school despite a low GPA and meh work experience.
  7. I also got an acceptance email from LBJ today. Unless I get a substantial financial aid package though I'm still probably going to attend A&M, since out-of-state at UT pretty damn high.
  8. Program/Schools Applied To: Texas A&M Bush (MPSA), LBJ (MPA), Pittsburgh (MPIA), Penn State (SIA), Kentucky (Patterson), and Florida State (MIA) Schools Admitted To: Texas A&M ($7k), Pittsburgh (unknown/likely $0), Penn State ($15k), Kentucky ($0), and Florida State (unknown/likely $0) Schools Rejected From: None Still Waiting: Texas LBJ Undergraduate institution: Lower ranked Pac-12 school Undergraduate GPA: 2.9 Last 60 hours of Undergraduate GPA (if applicable): 3.1 Undergraduate Major: BS in Economic Policy (major in Political Science) GRE Quantitative Score: 157 GRE Verbal Score: 163 GRE AW Score: 5.5 Years Out of Undergrad (if applicable): 2 Years of Work Experience: 2 Describe Relevant Work Experience: Currently work for the Social Security Administration, spent a large portion of my undergrad/first year out of college working for/volunteering for a political party. Strength of SOP (be honest, describe the process, etc): I think my SOP was pretty strong. I wrote about what I felt defines good leadership, the ease at which we may fall into group think patterns, the value of constantly challenging our ideals, and how my experience working for Social Security and speaking with people at campaign events shaped my desire to get into public service. My actual process consisted of me drinking a lot of whiskey, reading what I wrote the morning after, and then submitting it immediately because I didn't want to overthink it. Strength of LOR's (be honest, describe the process, etc): I got the LORs from my mentor from work, my academic adviser, and one of my former professors. I can't say I was particularly close with any of them and I have no idea what they wrote, but whatever it is did the trick. Other: Aside from mock trial, pre-law society, economics club, and a few bs positions in student government I really didn't do much at all in undergrad. I wish I could say that the decision for where I might go was hard, but as things currently stand I don't see myself getting a much better offer than I presently have from Texas A&M, especially since they waive out-of-state tuition. Given the uncertainty at the federal level, I especially feel that it's important to go for something that offers a greater degree of flexibility so in that sense an MPA almost seems more attractive than IR. I also had expected to be rejected somewhere, it makes me wish I had shot for higher ranked schools just to see what my ceiling was.
  9. I'm in the exact same situation. I'm probably going to just pull the trigger and take the money the Bush School awarded me and run.
  10. BS in Economics and a major in Political Science.
  11. I just got in today as well. If I get accepted to LBJ and Bush I'll have a real dilemma on my hands. As things currently stand it's a two horse race for me with Kentucky and Pittsburgh.
  12. Applied: Texas A&M MPP, Kentucky Patterson, Pittsburgh GSPIA, Penn State SIA, Florida State MIA, and Maryland MPP Hopes: Acceptance into Texas A&M and either Kentucky, Pittsburgh, or Maryland so I have the good kind of dilemma, especially if I get some kind of funding. Dreams: I didn't really apply for any reach schools, so nothing really sticks out to me. Guesses: I'll probably get nervous and throw out another application or two to some safety schools. Still, the fact that I got the interview conference with Texas A&M without having completed my application hopefully bodes well.
  13. Lucky thing I'm planning on going military after I get my master's.
  14. I'm applying to five or six. Texas A&M (MPA and IR), Kentucky, Florida State, and Penn State. I may or may not apply to Pittsburgh and/or Georgia Tech, it all depends on how confident I feel.
  15. I was looking at Penn State SIA, which was pretty vague about job placement after graduation. I guess that doesn't bode well.
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