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Everything posted by Kim2016

  1. Got the same template rejection letter from UW today. Very disappointing as this concludes my PhD admissions cycle 6/7 rejection and 1 suspended (NYU) I hope the rest of the members in this forum will have at least one offer and will be able to start your academic journey. It's been good sharing intel with all of you throughout this cycle.
  2. Anyone here can claim the UW rejection posted on the results page? Was it a standard rejection letter?
  3. I c ... UT Austin seemed to wait list a lot of folks this year and I was rejected sadly. UW is my last hope this cycle so keeping my fingers crossed and everybody who is waiting!
  4. I applied to their PhD program was notified that due to Covid19 they suspended the admissions. Not sure if that's the case for MA program too!
  5. Sorry to hear that especially since you had an interview w/ them earlier. Did they tell u how many people are on the waitlist? I'm still waiting to hear back from UW and hadn't had interview yet but the grad coordinator said they are still reviewing applications!
  6. Same.. got my rejection today and I'm heart broken! It was my top choice and I had extensive communications with 2 of my POIs + 1 current PhD student prior to the application deadline yet I guess it was all good for nothing
  7. I haven't heard anything back from UW yet either. Not sure if it means rejection or not. On the portal it says decisions will come out by mid-March though!
  8. Can't believe Feb is almost over already! I'm still waiting to hear back from following programs NYU Tisch UT Austin RTF UW Seattle Cinema and Media Studies UIUC ICR Let's hope March will be less brutal than Feb! Good Luck to everyone who's waiting like me!
  9. I'm in the media industry and my primary motivation for pursuing PhD would be to get a tenure track teaching job but I know those are rare these days. I also have 2 years of teaching experience as an instructor at higher ed. It's why I can see myself doing this full time in the future and most R1 institutions require you to have PhD to teach FT I believe. All the programs I applied are fully funded for 5 years and although stipends are not going to make me rich I think it's doable as a single person. (I do not have any family to support currently) But due to Covid19 I understand most programs had surge of applications and this cycle is not looking to promising as initially I had hoped for... Worse case scenario I can just keep my current FT job and build my career in the industry and hopefully when time comes and I'm lucky I can become a Professor of Practice at R1 one day.
  10. I wonder if this is applicable for PhD programs as well? I'm currently working and waiting to hear back from couple PhD programs for Fall 2021 (already got rejected from 2 though :/) I had several years of work experience before pursuing my Masters few years ago and now reconsidering going back to grad school for PhD. So I'm one of those non-traditional student in some sense.
  11. Awesome! My research interest is in global streaming giants disruption in national cinema (ie South Korea, Japan etc) and the use of data surveillance and its impact on mode of production & distribution of media contents.
  12. I hope so! haven't really heard any news from NYU Tisch at all!
  13. Interesting! I just got an email from the graduate coordinator saying due to the snow storm decisions will be delayed and will likely be out by early March. Did you get the same email as well?
  14. Did the DGS email you for interview requests? Do you know if it's informal or formal?
  15. No it was from UC Berkeley Still waiting to hear back from UW!
  16. On their website it says decisions will be made by mid-March.
  17. For those of whom still waiting to hear back from UC-Berkeley, I just heard back saying they will send out all decisions by mid-March! Good Luck!
  18. Anyone applied to NYU Tisch? Do you know when they will roll out the decisions? Is there interview for short-listed candidates?
  19. I sent them an email asking my status and haven't heard back yet!
  20. Hey there - do you know if the casual interview was for all the short-listed candidates? I had informal zoom office hours w/ one of my POIs prior to the application deadline and I'm wondering if b/c of that I wasn't contacted for casual interview rounds. Any insights? I also contacted UT today and they said due to the massive snow storm the decisions will be likely be delayed and feel free to contact them again in early March if I still haven't heard back from them.
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