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Everything posted by missmarianne

  1. Haha, no problem! Major grain of salt, because literally everyone has rejected me, but the presses I've published with have already had their own format and font (and copy editors, obviously!). So far no one has just uploaded a PDF or word doc I've sent them for publication! ?
  2. I'm hoping with everything in me that they meant something like, "your paragraphs were disorganized" which I could understand, but formatting? Seriously? Are you applying for a copy editing job?
  3. Thank you so much for giving me an impression of the interview! My English PhD friend mentioned interviews for rhetoric people, last week, but he said he hadn't heard anyone mention anything about lit people. I really appreciate everyone on here being so helpful and reassuring in what is always going to be a very tough process. Good luck to you, too!
  4. Ooo! Okay. Do you know if they interviewed everyone or only the rhetoric people? Congrats on your interview! ❤️
  5. No idea, but hoping for UT Austin.
  6. Ohhhh okay. That's what I thought you meant. Yeah, it's pretty infuriating.
  7. What is access privilege? Sorry, I googled and tried to use context clues but I don't know what it means.
  8. I'm glad someone broke this down for me. I didn't feel offended by it--probably because, let's be honest, I'm socially awkward--BUT I did think the writing was trash. And I judged them for that.
  9. Right?! It's like my body literally could not be upset for ten days straight.
  10. Just laughed my ass off at this. ?
  11. Okay. So, this is oversharing, but I had one of my sims marry 3 other sims and then I tried to do the 100 baby challenge with one woman and I kept giving the kids old school Puritan names like Pentecost and Chastity but they kept getting taken by CPS because even WITH the nannies and three moms, they couldn't keep up. Pentecost was taken away before I could get to her during feeding hour.
  12. Congrats on anyone who got accepted to WashU.
  13. I screenshot that and sent it to my friends, like, "When that stimulus check drops" because THAT IS HOW I'M COPING. ?
  14. Literally the exact monologue in my head. This is also my second go-round and I got rejected from 2/7 today. I think that it's helpful for me to have a project going on that contributes to my overall goals regardless of whether or not I get in this year. Right now, that's revising a paper to send to journals and that makes me feel smart/distracted/competent.
  15. "potentially an unhealthy way to view things but we are" ? Literally my entire life rn. I'm going to try to do speed work so that if I get shut out in a few weeks for the second time, I'll be fitter or something. Okay, I ALSO have never read/been interested in LOTR, but I watched the third movie for the first time in a long time, recently, and it was so great. Plus super interesting if you're into old English kinds of things. Hopefully we find out more information today from WASHU. At this point, I'm wondering if I ought to have hired a consultant or something to help with this.
  16. Oh, that sounds amaaaazing!
  17. Therapist literally asked me to set some boundaries around GC refreshing today, BUT WHERE IS MY REJECTION EMAIL FROM WASHU? ?? Sorry if this was answered elsewhere, but do some committees send emails out in batches over a series of days or...? What are we doing for self-care/boundaries/productivity, family? I can't overeat or drink because it ruins my limited anxiety-naps. I think it might be useful if I only check every two hours or something, but ?I haaaate my entiiiiire life right now. ? Actually...can y'all recommend books for me?! ❤️❤️❤️
  18. Okay, I did Princeton and Cornell, so my plan was worse, haha. And my field (Modern American drama) is similarly tiny. And I'm at a tiny state school that isn't great. That said, my advisor's amazing. I had stellar LORs, a book chapter on an author with a major publisher, and an essay in a journal. I did hope I'd be waitlisted or something. This just means we're going to kill it next year.
  19. I think I've also been shut out and I had the same approach, only applying to a few schools. Sort of devastated.
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