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Everything posted by indianIRguy

  1. Exactly...but I thought it happens for only a few of the applicants. Do you think they would update us on the blog just a day before the results (if they were to come today)? But I also think that they waited to set their machines up at home because once the decisions are released, they would not like to fumble with our queries and next steps...so it may also happen today now that they officially established home offices for smooth work...
  2. Meetings regards applications, I guess, were over long ago. And Matt ran the results through his proprietary spreadsheets almost 10 days ago...Now I guess they would require meetings only to test the system and discuss dry runs...But all this wannabe analysis aside, I see them coming on Thursday...
  3. cool...two days rest in the minimum...but is it really rest?
  4. Friday's post was half an hour later from now...so, 1 hour is a safe bet. I somehow feel that they wouldn't release today...
  5. No, What they usually do is to declare in a blog post that the decisions have been released, after they notify us. . That happens at roughly 1pm. But their routine posting time is at 8 am. So if they do not post in another one hour, then it means we will see a post at 1pm EST. And by that time, we will have faced the trauma...
  6. Hi guys, congratulations for all the good news...hope none of you will go to those schools as HKS opens its doors... Is it that if the blog is not updated at 8am-ish, then it will be done at 1pm-ish after the decisions come out is it? So, if there's a post in the morning, we can go to sleep at night (here in India) in peace....
  7. Well a week has just 5 days. If they need an entire week just in case, let them say Friday evening. I have absolutely no problem waiting. But it seems ridiculous to get stuck to this forum starting Monday morning and no end in sight...
  8. I never understood how is it too much to ask for a timeline, some certain point in time, even if a month away...
  9. thank you for the information....I feel so let down
  10. Thank you, finally something i looked forward to hearing from someone for 2 days....i guess I'll sleep early then...
  11. Is Fulbright administered by North Korea?
  12. 1 hour more I suppose...as an aside, I don't much hope for today actually...unless the WWS decisions somehow affect these...
  13. I'm waiting for you @Anathema !!! so you can't go silent after hinting at stuff like that...I'm dying to know what they said!
  14. 2 hours more...
  15. WHAT?????????? Is that even allowed?
  16. If I see another innocent and harmless alumni life series post today, I'm quitting this forum honestly... or I might have to admit myself into an asylum now.
  17. I know you didn't ask for this, but take it as some food for thought... If you are such passionate about food and agri, I would take agri. Econ and not even consider an mpp, as the program by nature cannot go too deep into one specialisation. Whereas with your ms, you become a you-know-what-youre-talking food professional. And with some effort, I guess you can include a little policy coursework. But I would never go for just an MPP to get into that niche a place...an ms even without MPP will be better, with some networking of course...my two cents
  18. I knew you would come up with this! Funny person...
  19. So do I go to sleep today then? Alright, I hope with all my energy that I see the status update email by the time I wake up in the morning.,..
  20. I still couldn't get it how can he post both admitted post as he promised in previous waitlist post, and still release the decision on the same day....
  21. Honestly, this is the only explanation that ties all the loose ends...Youre amazing!!!
  22. so both of them not of that day then (at 9:15AM)...previous day's huh ? You think he's writing it today morning then? Another question: if admitted comes tomorrow, shouldn't the decisions come the next day? which means Monday in this case?
  23. I will any day take the cold silence than those puzzling commentaries...FWIW
  24. Did it come to this....? https://hksadmissionblog.tumblr.com/post/190661587133/2020-application-reading-and-decision-process - evening-ish https://hksadmissionblog.tumblr.com/post/190911864323/2020-application-reading-and-decision-process - clear day https://hksadmissionblog.tumblr.com/post/182423354758/2019-application-reading-and-decision-process - (beautiful day) https://hksadmissionblog.tumblr.com/post/171862898088/2018-reading-and-decision-process-post-17 - please tell me when this is https://hksadmissionblog.tumblr.com/post/171555034478/2018-reading-and-decision-process-post-11 - day?
  25. Importantly, would they skip the admitted post altogether?
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