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    2019 Fall
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  1. I sent an email to Daniel Star! He got back to me promptly.
  2. UPDATE: Solicited rejection from BU. From the email it seems all offers and waitlists are out (though I could be wrong). Riverside has me in the “hold and see” (verbatim) category. It’s possible others who weren’t rejected this past week at UCR are either in this category or on the waitlist.
  3. In a similar position with BU and McGill—as well as Riverside. I solicited a response from both BU and Riverside, so I’ll pass along anything I hear. Regarding McGill, they usually don’t send out formal waitlist notifications. Last year I made it through a few rounds of rejections after they sent out acceptances. I solicited a response and was told that I made their “shortlist,” but was rejected a little later in March. I presume because of the way that funding works there (usually only a spot or two for international applicants) that once the non-Canadian spots fill up, they cut the rest of the international applicants. As well, McGill is on study break right now so it could be a week before rejections start to pop up.
  4. Waitlisted at Kentucky. Solicited. #2 on a ranked waitlist.
  5. Has anyone heard anything from McGill? They go on study break this next week, so I'm assuming notifications should be out before then.
  6. Any info on the UC Riverside rejections? Solicited or email through the portal? Other?
  7. Congrats!! Just curious if they're done sending out stuff. I know last year they staggered acceptances on the 12th and 16th--wasn't sure if that was related to any fellowship nominations or what. (Also curious when they sent out the email/if it was a personal response, etc.)
  8. Any info on the Irvine (not HPS) acceptance?
  9. I just noticed that someone posted a McGill rejection. Has anyone else received one? If so, any details (e.g. time, content of email, etc.)?
  10. I know of someone who has been accepted but will (barring some strange unforeseen event) decline sometime soon.
  11. Anyone want to claim the McGill acceptance? Also, does anyone know if the admissions timeline is different for American applicants?
  12. Is anyone with a PhD offer from Duquesne planning on declining tomorrow? I was notified that there are a few people that have still not responded.
  13. Definitely. "The Garden of the Forking Paths" has this section at the beginning that says that the first two pages of the following account are missing, feigning that it's an historical account, and then proceeds into this myth that ends up talking about another myth within it. The latter ends up being a myth about the construction of a labyrinth that is itself a myth, that myth is about time, but the myth never explicitly mentions time in it. Given the structure and layering of myth intermingled with dialogue, and in particular that last bit about how the myth itself is about what it never mentions, I think there is a strong connection between the two (Plato and Borges) regarding this kind of poetic [un]concealment.
  14. Love him. I read Baudrillard for a while and he brings up "On Exactitude in Science" at the beginning of Simulacra and Simulation. Since then I've read through a few of his short stories. Borges has some poems on Albrecht Dürer's engraving Ritter, Tod und Teufel that are worth reading if you haven't already.
  15. Any update?
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