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Everything posted by mahsa188

  1. No news from York,Ryerson,Western Ontario?
  2. I applied for the master of applied computer science. will go to Concordia.
  3. i got rejected from uoit, sfu, and saskatchewan today. very disappointed. i have only Concordia.
  4. where did you apply? I have GPA 3.45. Ielts 7. and 7 years of professional experience in programming. Great industrial CV.
  5. so bad. my file was completed 2 months ago. try to email them to update reference letters.
  6. one of them 2 march and the other a week ago . it 's because of Trump ban. some Iranian students with great records who wanted to go to the USA applied for SFU because of extended deadlines. But they already have better offers form the USA and no one will attend SFU.
  7. I know 2 guys who accepted for the master of computer science (research base). they had really strong records. one of them contacted a professor but the professor didn't answer her email but after one month accepted him without any skype(image processing-full-funded). another research area was networks. he also made a contact with a professor but after a month the professor answered his email that I got accepted you! However, both of them will decline the offer and go to toronto uni or the USA. No one responded me yet! They sent rejections on 1 may last year! shall we wait for rejection when they have not offered all admissions yet? today is 26 april!
  8. Thanks No, I didn't message university. But I started to message some professors. I know that some of my friends got accepted to sfu. However, all of them will decline the offer because they have better options.
  9. I got accepted yesterday.(Concordia). I am sure that you will be accepted as well. don't worry. I sent them an email and asked about application status and they sent acceptance the same day.
  10. Me and my friend applied for this program. My friend got rejected about 2 weeks ago . But no news for me . It took more than 1 month to update my reference letters .
  11. yeah tomorrow I will contact all of them and ask about the status
  12. sfu, saskatchewan,ryerson, york, uoit,western ontario, concordia....all master of computer science
  13. I am getting crazy! I applied for 7 universities in Canada but still no response from them. Not Accept and Not reject
  14. about what university are you talking about? any news from SFU,Saskatchewan,Ryerson,York,UOIT,Concordia,Western Ontario?
  15. what's your idea if I contact with other professors who I didn't mention their names on my application?
  16. so, the probability of my acceptance is so low in this university.
  17. DETERS(distributed) Eramian(image processing) JAMALI(distributed)
  18. Thanks, I entered the name of 3 supervisors that I liked to work with. I emailed them before applying but they didn't answer my emails.
  19. hope u get admission form other universities dear friend. did you have minimum requirements? I inquired about my application status and they answered : "Hi Mahsa, My apologies, but it seems that I missed responding to your email. We have made several offers of admission already, based on faculty requests. I have not had any requests for your admission. "
  20. I have applied to SFU,York,Uoit,Ryerson,Concordia,Western Ontario, and saskatchewan. but still no news from them. the waiting is killing me. I check my email 50 times a day. has anybody got admission from these universities?
  21. It's true. I contacted them and asked about my application status they replied: Thanks for your follow up email. The School, in association with the Dean of Graduate Studies offices, had decided to extend the application deadline to the Fall 2017 intake period to February 15, 2017. Now that this deadline has passed, the adjudication of applications have begun by the Admissions Committee. The Fall 2017 intake period is the School's largest intake with nearly 1500 applicants. The review of this large volume of applications will, understandably, take some time. For this reason, admissions decisions will be sent out to applicants by May 1, 2017. You may check your application status in May through the means outlined in the link below, under the subheading, 'Once you've applied; Status of your application' Research area: Image Processing. Contact with faculty: Yes. encouraged me to apply.
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