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Posts posted by Ed_Cog

  1. On 2/18/2020 at 3:44 PM, Grmg2020 said:

    All I can tell you is that I applied to the PhD program where I got my MS as I was finishing.  I was working in the POI’s research office.  She was ready to hand walk me in.  I was there when the folders got to her desk for review.  Mine was not there—she practically had a panic attack and I remember her vocalizing “what the heck happened.”  I think it’s such a unique process.  I have no answer one way or the other.

    Thank you for your reply! I'm a bit unsure about the implications of what you're saying though. Was your folder not being there just an administrative error that was quickly rectified or did you not make it to that stage of the review process despite your POI's advocacy? 

  2. Does anyone have an informed guess about the bump in acceptance percentage for a phd ed program when one does a masters from the same ed program? I know this is treading into territory that confuses causation with correlation, but I'm just looking purely for the numbers. For instance, if an acceptance rate for a phd program is 10%, what would a reasonable estimate be for the acceptance rate for masters graduates of that same university? Just a qualitative opinion about what faculty/hiring committees regard such candidates will be helpful as well. Thanks! 

  3. So are any of you considering taking five classes per semester at HGSE? Given that the program is relatively short, I really want to make the most of my experience. I don't really know if that's manageable though, and only talking to a student/alum will provide proper insight.

  4. 15 minutes ago, Jb2003 said:

    It's true, I'm feeling grateful for any amount at the moment. I was too naive going into the process, thinking that the best schools would naturally provide the best financial aid. I wish I had applied to more scholarships.

    I am so sorry to hear that they only gave you the loan...I honestly can't believe that you were nominated for full tuition and then they didn't end up providing anything. That's ridiculous! Have you considered reaching out to them as asking how that decision was made? Or are you set on Columbia now? 

    I was also accepted to TC Columbia but my grants only totaled about 20k, so Harvard seems to be the better choice for me now. I am still waiting to hear back about funding to the University of Cambridge but, unfortunately, I don't think I will know in time... 

    You don't think Cambridge will get back to you before April 15th? Or is there a different deadline date you have in mind? Send them an email and explain the timelines to them. Tell them you have a generous aid offer from HGSE (without specifying the amount) and have to reply before the deadline. 

  5. 2 hours ago, zajfa said:

    Got my aid too. I was really hoping for Urban Scholars or a Leadership in Ed Award. I'm doing PSP/CAS so I'm really worried about finances. With the $16K grant and $10K Impact Award I'm around half tuition. I have two fully funded offers from other highly ranked Masters in school counseling programs, so I will probably do one of those. It will really hurt to say goodbye to the Harvard dream though.

    It's great that you have two fully funded offers! Which programs (only if you feel comfortable sharing the info of course!)? I'm curious because as an international student, some of my younger peers ask me frequently about good ed programs in the US that are affordable, and I didn't know there were many that gave full funding to masters students. 

  6. 40 minutes ago, Jb2003 said:

    Hi all! So, I received about $19,000 with the HGSE Grant and an HGSE Impact Award of $10,000 for the year. I was disappointed with the amount of grants but, reading comments, it seems that HGSE's financial aid is pretty weak... ? 

    That’s slightly less than 60% of the total tuition, which is really good for HGSE! Outside restricted scholarships like the Urban Scholars program, you cant hope for much more.

    Pretty much all ed masters programs in the US are stingy with aid, not just HGSE

  7. Judging by previous years, it seems like HGSE doesn't really offer grant amounts of more than $14-18K outside the restricted merit scholarships. 

  8. 10 hours ago, AsTallAsLions88 said:

    I got a call from the HGSE Financial Aid office. I won a Leadership in Education Award (I'm a Teach For America alum). It amounts to almost half of tuition, so I'm going to accept my offer and pay the deposit fee tonight. I'm going to Harvard! 


    Has anyone else received financial aid info, or have an idea when HGSE will share the generic aid awards with accepted candidates? 

  9. On an unrelated note, while compiling the threads above, I noticed that the popularity of the HGSE thread, measured by number of posts, has been going down year by year. HGSE 2016 was on p.16 at around these dates (Feb 19 - Feb 21), HGSE 2018 at p.8, and here we are at p.6.   

    Is this a reflection of a trend of decline in the popularity of online forums in general? Or is this specific to gradcafe, or perhaps even specific to the education forum on gradcafe?

    Responses by veteran posters well-versed in the year-by-year patterns will be appreciated! 

  10. So I just dug through previous HGSE threads on gradcafe, and it seems like in recent years, results were posted on the first Friday of March in the evening. I've included links to the relevant pages of these years: 

    2018 thread
    2017 thread
    2016 thread

    The one exception (very relevant for this cycle) was the 2013 cycle, as the first Friday that year fell on the 1st of March, and results came out during the subsequent Friday on the 8th. Here's the relevant page from 2013. This year will be the first since 2013 when the first Friday will fall on 1st March again.

    2 hours ago, 59fscty said:

    Keep having dreams about the decision for my Ed.M application!! ? The wait is killer! I feel like we'll get the notification on Tuesday March 5, because of past trends. What does everyone else think?

    One of the posters in the 2016 thread mentioned that results had come out on the first Tuesday in 2010, 2011, and 2012. Is that why you're assuming it may be Tuesday, 5th March? That trend seems to be a bit dated so my money is on 8th March again (and perhaps the 1st if we're fortunate!). 

  11. Edit: Please ignore this message. Found the relevant link! 

    Hi all, 

    I'm a principal candidate for the 2019 Fulbright award. As part of the scholarship process, the Fulbright committee chooses four universities and submits applications on the candidates' behalf. One of the programs in my submission plan is an MA in Learning Sciences and Human Development in Berkeley GSE with a focus on Language, Literacy and Culture: 

    I'm excited by the inclusion of the program but it wasn't part of my original preferences so I've been looking it up, but I can't find the program length mentioned anywhere (2 semesters/9 months, 3  semesters/1 year, or 4 semesters/2 years). I can't find a detailed course requirements page either. I'm sure this info is available somewhere on the website and I just can't find the right button. I'll be grateful if someone can direct me to the right link. 


  12. I applied for a Masters in Curriculum & Teaching in both US and UK schools, and even though I received 25-35% scholarships from US unis and none from the UK, the UK will still be more cost-effective because of the sheer difference in tuition cost. My brother, who's a legal resident (on the pathway to citizenship) in the US, has offered to take out a loan on my behalf for UK studies, but i don't know how that works in terms of documentation and whether it is even allowed, given that I live outside the US and have no legal status there (I did my Bachelors from the US on a scholarship, but I don't know if that'll help). 

    Any advice will be really appreciated!  

  13. 14 hours ago, midmarsh said:

    Congratulations! I don't know about all the programs, but I think for IEDP, the original email inviting students to apply said that there would only be one person awarded the Dean's Scholarship.


    6 hours ago, travelgirl125 said:

    I believe it's only one per program...this isn't what I've heard from admissions or any official staff, but that is what I've gathered from other students.

    Thanks for the info! 


  14. Hi all,

    Do any of the current students or alumni know the percentage of M.S.Ed. students that receive a Dean's scholarship? Is it one per masters program or is it a handful per program? I've received the Scholarship but it still may not be enough to finance my degree, so I'm applying for external funding as well, and one of the questions for the application was about the selectivity of any scholarships that I've already received.  

  15. 3 hours ago, waterrevolution said:



    I got rejected from Columbia TC this year. Thinking of reapplying next year. Should I e-mail the ad coms and ask them for feedback? Have any of you had success getting in after reapplying to Columbia TC? 

    Anything would be appreciated. Thanks!

    Hi, do you mind sharing your professional experiences, educational background etc.? We'll be better placed to help you out once we have some background knowledge. Also, did you apply for an M.A. or a PhD? 

  16. 13 hours ago, wtfook said:

    So Penn GSE is really diverse. We have a number of international students, especially Chinese international. Overall, most programs can be pretty white and female leaning, as that is just the overall demographic of most education fields in the US. However, classroom composition overall is always very diverse when it comes to race and ethnicity. Not so much gender. It's pretty heavily female. The school itself is very multicultural so education is often framed around multicultural competency. I don't know a lot about the Teaching, Learning, and Leadership program so I can't speak on that program specifically unfortunately. However, I can say that my overall impression of the school and from my friends in other programs is that the professors and instructors are always looking for multicultural perspectives and encourage multiple opinions. In my program, for example, we did frame most things within an American cultural context since we would be working with clients in the United States. But there was always the philosophy that since the US is so diverse, you will likely work with people who are operating from multiple cultural contexts that are not necessarily "traditionally American." So the perspectives of international students and students of color on how to work with clients are appreciated and valued. 


    Thank you so much! For prospective students like me who can't visit the campus, the longer and more detailed the post, the better :) 

  17. On 3/20/2017 at 11:18 AM, pj060690 said:

    For anyone who has been accepted at Teachers College or NYU Steinhardt, is there any insight you can share in terms of scholarships/aid for international applicants?

    I'm an international who got accepted for an MA in Curriculum & Teaching at TC on Friday, and emailed the TC financial aid office yesterday about my aid status. Got the following reply the same day:

    "The department made their first round of scholarship decisions last week. Unfortunately, you were not awarded funding during the first round. However, if funding becomes available and you will be considered for scholarship funding. If you are awarded funding, you will receive a financial aid award letter detailing the award." 

  18. On 3/20/2017 at 6:10 AM, wtfook said:

    Hi everyone! I went to Penn GSE for my master's in mental health counseling and have friends who completed or are completing various educational programs in the school. Some include the International Educational Development Master's and Ed Policy PhD. So if you have any questions about what it's like going to school at GSE, the campus, and the experiences people have had in the program let me know! You can ask them here so others can read as well or you can PM me.

    If your question is about specific professors, please PM me. I may or may not be able to comment. Cheers!

    Hi wtfook, do you have any information about the Teaching, Learning and Leadership Masters program? Have to decide between this and Curriculum and Teaching at Teachers College, and it's quite the dilemma. One big critique that's consistently leveled against TC is that some classes will be taught by TAs, and was wondering if Penn GSE has the same issue. Any other info on how American-centric the program is (both in terms of student composition and focus of the courses as I'm an international), access to professors outside class, details of the compulsory internship etc. will be really appreciated! 

  19. Hi all, was wondering if any of you had info on the quality of the M.S.Ed in teaching, learning and leadership program. Have to choose between that and Teachers college, and feeling pretty conflicted. Are there classes in the program that are taught by grad students instead of professors? Is the program suitable for someone who wants to be involved in school research? Any help will be appreciated!

  20. Hi all, I'm facing a dilemma and will be really grateful if any of you can provide me with some information to make my decision easier. I've gotten into the Curriculum & Teaching program at TC and the Teaching, Learning and Leadership program at Penn GSE for a Masters, and I have to select one of the offers to submit to a govt-funded scholarship (i'm an international student). 

    I know that TC is considered more prestigious internationally but that isn't something I attribute too much value to, especially since both schools meet that minimum threshold of name recognition I would want. The TC thread in this forum from two years ago has several people saying that some departments tend to be diploma mills that are basically cash cows for the university (http://forum.thegradcafe.com/topic/61468-teachers-college-2015/) with TAs teaching a lot of the courses, while others provide a much more satisfactory experience with classes taught by professors at the cutting edge of their fields. Can any current students or recent grads provide a perspective about the C&T Masters program and where it falls along this spectrum?

    I like the fact that the Penn program includes a year long off-campus internship with the placement based on the students' interest and experiences as I feel that'll be a great skills development opportunity, but I'm slightly concerned that the program will be very focused on the American context (i know that inevitably all US programs besides international policy will be American-centric, I just meant relative to the TC program). Will love to hear some more info about the program.

    I'll most likely come back immediately to my home country after finishing my Masters, and may apply in a few years' time for a 2nd Masters or a PhD, so one big consideration is the extent to which each program allows students to develop close ties with professors who can then go on to write decent letters of recommendation for a future application. Any insights about the the level of collaboration and contact between the faculty members and Masters students in each program?

    Any help at all will be really appreciated! 


  21. Hi all, I'm still waiting to hear back about my Curriculum & Teaching Masters application, and in the meanwhile, I'll appreciate if any current students or recent grads can provide perspectives on the quality of the C&T Masters program in particular. The TC thread in this forum from two years ago has several people saying that some departments tend to be diploma mills that are basically cash cows for the university (http://forum.thegradcafe.com/topic/61468-teachers-college-2015/) with TAs teaching a lot of the courses, while others provide a much more satisfactory experience with classes taught by professors at the cutting edge of their fields. Does anyone know where the C&T Masters program falls along this spectrum? And how it stands up to Penn GSE's teaching, learning and leadership program? I'm an international student, and the govt. scholarship I've applied to only allows me to nominate one admission offer that I want to receive funding for, and I have to choose between the two (assuming of course that I get into TC, which is a big if).  

    I know that I won't receive much funding from TC, but that's not really a concern as I'll only be able to go if I receive an external scholarship that covers all tuition and accommodation costs.  

  22. $13,500 for me as well. I had applied for an M.S.Ed. in Teaching, Learning and Leadership in late December, and my application was marked ready for review on 1/17. Still too expensive for me but definitely a welcome boost as I wait for other decisions. 

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