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Posts posted by PsychBoy

  1. 21 minutes ago, JimBob1 said:

    Has everybody who has been forwarded to Ottawa gotten the "acknowledgment of application" email? I am wondering specifically about applications forwarded from UoT. I have not gotten one yet. Last I heard was the email from School of Graduate Studies informing that my application would be forwarded.

    same! didn't get that "acknowledgment of application" email

  2. 12 hours ago, Piagetsky said:

    Does anyone have a second to explain this process to a noob?  I got an email from SSHRC that says "acknowledgement of application."   Does that mean anything?  This is the first I've heard from anyone since applying.  I'm a little behind the curve on applying for these national scholarships because I wasn't eligible until right before the deadline at my school.   Do I have it right that each school you're currently attending has a quota and they pass X number of applications on to the national competition?  If so, then what?  

    and yes, each school has a quota to submit to the national competition; I believe your application is now being reviewed by Ottawa

    you'll hear from them in April approx. 

  3. 1 hour ago, Adelaide9216 said:



    I have a question. If you apply for Vanier and/or Trudeau, can you still apply for CRSH-CGS at the same time? 

    Absolutely. My institution makes it mandatory actually (i.e., if you apply for Vanier/Trudeau, you have to apply for the regular CGS simultaneously). 

    Currently nominated for Vanier and regular CGS.

  4. 1 hour ago, Adelaide9216 said:

    It's my fault. I just took another look at my files to make sure that I have not made a mistake on my side.

    I wrote the wrong GPA in my file for FRQSC, two points under my real GPA (but the right one appears in the PDF of my transcript).

    I hope I won't be penalized for this. :( I wrote to them and told them about it.

    yeah I was just gonna say write to them and explain the situation...especially because the PDF says the real one

    let us know what they say! good luck!

  5. 30 minutes ago, Adelaide9216 said:

    I got SSHRC for this academic year. And I have a lot of relevant work and volunteer experience. I also got a lot of smaller scholarships prior to SSHRC. I hope I will make the cut for FRSQC, because my grades are good as a undergrad, but I must be right on the A- in my opinion (and now I'm a master student, I have a perfect average so far).

    yeah that's super odd...of course you should still apply for Vanier/Trudeau...especially if you have perfect average now...

    and yeah SSHRC is more prestigious because it's a federal scholarship but my understanding is that there are more SSHRC than FRQSC so that's probably why 

  6. 4 hours ago, Adelaide9216 said:

    I'm sure I won't be eligible for this scholarship. I hate that this woman, with whom I have speaking with for many months told me I was eligible.

    If I'm not, it means, I need to finish my master's thesis asap. :(

    Also, do you think not having FRSQC will break my chances for applying for the major doctoral scholarships such as Trudeau and Vanier? 

    I don't think not having FRQSC will break your chances of having another scholarship...This is gonna sound very harsh but if you are not eligible for a FRQSC because of your grades (according to THEM...I am legit just repeating), perhaps it could be the same for a Vanier/Trudeau (which are extremely competitive)? Hopefully I'm wrong!! 

  7. 1 hour ago, Adelaide9216 said:


    Just got an email from them saying that I am not eligible because I have not reached the A- average for my undergraduate studies. I got upset with them explaining that this summer, I have exchanged more than 10 emails with the person in charge at FRQSC and she assured me that I was eligible after looking at my transcripts and doing the calculation. I applied to FRQSC because of that email conversation I had with her in the last few months. They said they will revise my application. But that doesn't mean that I will get the scholarship. My hypothesis is that I am on the verge of the A- or they have forgotten to calculate the two external courses I have taken during my undergraduate studies, my university doesn't calculate external courses towards my GPA even if each university has produced a transcript for each course that I have taken elsewhere.

    OMG I am SO sorry!! I read that with chills in my body! All the hours you spent on the application :( *hug* 

  8. 10 hours ago, CrazyPugLady said:

    They're two separate competitions and unfortunately it doesn't mean you get forwarded the Vanier, you will get forwarded SSHRC. A previous Vanier winner at our department had her SSHRC application rejected even though she won Vanier! I guess it depends on who is reviewing your application.

    I feel Vanier actually gives a lot more leeway because of the generous font/margin requirements and reviewers can assess you holistically based on leadership and research contributions - you can really make your personality shine depending on how you write the application. SSHRC is based on grades, referee letters, then the strength of your proposal. Not much to flesh out in terms of your personality.

    yeah i know it doesn't mean anything :(

  9. 5 hours ago, CrazyPugLady said:

    I received a notification from ResearchNet around November 1. Our deadline to submit to our institution was October 19, so I waited 2 weeks. I anticipated this because the e-mail said if I did not get a response within two weeks I should e-mail the institution.

    I was nominated by my department and it was forwarded to the university committee. It is now forwarded to the Vanier CGS selection committee and apparently now we have to wait until end of March. I am feeling very anxious because 150k for 3 years is huge and it would lessen a lot of financial burden. I am a bit worried because I accidentally made a typo on the 'optional' lay abstract title. I am hoping I don't get penalized for that, ugh.

    Good luck to everyone!

    I know someone who had 8 mistakes in their personal statement and who won (Vanier)

    I also know someone who had a typo in their title for a FRQSC scholarship and who won

  10. 5 hours ago, eternallyephemeral said:

    Apparently, it's normal we wouldn't hear back about Ottawa yet. However, your school might do things differently from the department to the university level. For mine, we were not notified if we did go through to the next stage, and we were notified if we didn't make it to the university level.

    But then it switches, and you are notified from university to Ottawa, and presumably not notified if you don't make it to Ottawa.

    So I have made it through the department to the university, but I didn't know, because I didn't hear anything.


    Confusing system, right?

    Horrible system! They should let everyone know about all decisions at every step :)

  11. 5 hours ago, eternallyephemeral said:

    So I went to my grad program person and while speaking to her, I realized that I misunderstood the university deadline as the day the university sends them to Ottawa, instead of its real meaning, the day the departments send their picks to the university. So duhhhhh.

    I was told that I was forwarded to that level, but that our school won't hear back from the university until near the beginning of the winter break. In case anyone's wondering.

    thanks! so it's normal we haven't heard yet? 

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