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Posts posted by DefeatistElitist

  1. 17 minutes ago, Interesting said:

    Direct applicants with a Canadian address, can someone tell the rest of us if (s)he has received anything in the mail?

    I haven't gotten anything and I live in Ottawa so I would assume I would be among the first to hear.

    Sucks I can't just walk to the SSHRC office and ask. It's literally 5min from my apartment...

  2. 2 minutes ago, displaynamesarehard said:

    Yeah I know the government doesn’t like to commit to deadlines, but I feel like they release them about the same time every year within a week or so and they do already commit to the end of April, so why not just go with a set date of April 30th or May 1st? 

    Because that's commitment, which is the issue. They could probably get it done by then every year, but if its made explicit then they are locked into that time and have to be held accountable if they miss it. If they keep it vague and leave space to delay, then they can't be held accountable if they miss their target. On an individual level I'm sure the employees understand that this is incredibly frustrating (they too suffer from this internally, as every job requires working with other departments that also hate committing to deadlines), but they can't do anything about it. It stinks but it isn't SSHRC that is to blame, this is true in every department.

  3. 17 minutes ago, displaynamesarehard said:

    This is purely an off my chest comment, but I really don’t understand why they can’t just pick an official day they release the results and stick to it. They say the end of April anyways so why not just say April 30 (and actually release them on April 30) and we all won’t be wondering if today’s the day starting halfway through the month. Anxiety and stress related things are known issues in grad students so I don’t really understand why they couldn’t make the whole situation a little less precarious. Then we could more easily put it out of our minds until the official day. It’s such a small thing that doesn’t seem like it would be hard to implement, and it would make such a big difference... for my anxiety at least. And then an online portal for everyone. Just pop the results in there April 30.

    The are two likely reasons for this. First, the number of applicants fluctuates. Its hard to guarantee a date when decisions will be made if they are unsure ahead of time how much total work will need to be done. And beyond total applications, the number per committee, per discipline, etc. fluctuates wildly making it even harder to predict when everything can be finalized.

    Add to that a government culture that HATES committing to deadlines because every possible decision requires the buy in of multiple people and you have a recipe for constant delay. If you have ever been in a federal government hiring competition, you will know that respecting the time and anxiety levels of applicants is not a consideration, because its impossible to do.

  4. 1 hour ago, brownie_z said:

    Has anyone received a funding offer from McGill? I just did earlier today and basically don't know how to interpret it. For Canadians on this thread, are there online resources you think faithfully convey cost of living in Montréal? It would be very helpful in comparing my other US offer to see which is actually more, rather than comparing figures only. 

    Thank you!

    As far as online sources are concerned I'm not sure, but I can tell you that the cost of living in Montreal is WAY cheaper than most comparably sized North American cities. I know this is anecdotal but a good friend of mine lives in a nice one-bedroom probably 3 metro stops from McGill and pays $750/month (Canadian, ~$550 US). That is probably cheaper than most you'll find but honestly not by much. Transit is also reasonably cheap in Montreal and is very reliable.

    Quebec has VERY high taxes though (scholarships aren't taxed in Canada though), sales tax is like 18%. Generally speaking though, Montreal is by a large margin the most affordable major city in Canada. It's also a wonderful, incredibly fun city with A+ food.

  5. 41 minutes ago, dllnbakes said:

    Hi Everyone,

    A while back there was a Facebook group made for people starting at NPSIA this fall (just accepted my offer yay!), but now I can't seem to find it. I'm going to be new to Ottawa and so definitely looking to connect with others before I come! Does anyone have the link to the fb group ?

    Oh those going to Munk!! I'll be subletting my furnished one bedroom place not far from UofT, so if you're interested send me a message ;-)



  6. For any of you still waiting on Munk scholarship e-mails - I'm in the same boat. However, I anticipate mine taking a little longer as, after a conversation with Elyshia, I sent a copy of my funding offer from NPSIA for them to take into consideration. So we'll see what they say. I'm not expecting much though and if it's anything less than 150% of what Carleton offered I'm going to reject it on the spot.

  7. 4 minutes ago, holyshit said:

    I just wanted to say a quick thank you to everyone who's been contributing to this thread. I've been creeping it for a while but I never commented because I thought there was no way that I would get in (I applied to NPSIA, GPSIA, and Munk). 

    About two days ago I got an offer of admission to NPSIA, and waitlisted for Munk. 

    So, here's to seeing some of you in September :)

    Scroll back a few pages and join the Facebook group!

  8. 3 minutes ago, hopeful9 said:

    Does anyone know what the specialization at NPSIA requirements are? Are you forced to take classes within your specialization? If you choose a thesis option, does your supervisor have to be within your specialization?

    You have to take your specialisations designated economics course, as well as 3 additional courses. I believe the thesis/MRP count as one course for the purpose of the 1.5 credits necessary.

  9. 17 minutes ago, unblinkingbleb said:

    Is anybody else planning to do it through Athabasca online over the summer? I hate that its a thing I have to try to squeeze into my summer but I definitely don't want to be stuck overloading in September

    I think you have to do it over the summer if you need both. I got an e-mail the other day clarifying that Carleton DOES NOT offer both in the Fall and that trying to even squeeze one in with the masters workload is a bad idea.

  10. 1 minute ago, YYCapplicant said:

    Mine was attached to the email (4 attachments in all). 

    Also, the OGS application date for MGA is May 1, 2017, which could provide some additional funding! And there is an option to apply for a TAship (unlike many schools, it appears these positions are not included in funding packages).

    Ah, my acceptance only had three attachments. That explains it.

    In any case I e-mailed Elysha back essentially saying I got a very generous offer from NPSIA and, given the tuition and cost of living differences, would be hard pressed to turn it down without receiving a substantial offer from Munk so if they don't pony up there'll be a spot opening you y'all who're waitlisted!

  11. 6 minutes ago, Hopeful2017 said:

    Damn.... I wonder the best way to approach that? You don't want to seem to pushy I guess.  

    (I also got in to Munk, says my funding will come separately though?)

    I plan on straight up saying something along the lines of "tuition is double NPSIA's, I would prefer Munk and think it's a much better fit for me (not entirely true, but not exactly a lie), but I cannot afford to pass on 14K for a school that is twice as expensive that offered half the funding."

    Masters degrees are expensive as fuck. They'll understand.

    Worst case scenario they say no and you can still take what they offered.

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