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Everything posted by gigi99

  1. Hi, my question is a little off topic, but since this is the Education thread I'm hoping some of you can help me out. Has anyone been to AERA (American Educational Research Association) Conference? If so, would you be able to tell me about your experience? I am going to present at a roundtable session in April, but this will be my first time and I really don't know what to expect.
  2. Thanks! I got paired up with an assistant professor, but mentioned two tenure professors in my SOP. So, I'm hoping the reason for this is because the professors I mentioned have too many students. Granted, the masters program I got into is only a one year program, so perhaps they pair assistant professor with masters students and professors with PhD student. Hm...
  3. Question: Is it a bad sign if you get paired up with a mentor you did not mention in your SOP? Like did the professors I mentioned not want me? lol Also, once I submit my intent to register, should I reach out to my assigned advisor and introduce myself?
  4. If you applied to UCI, they released their rejections today. I did not receive an email or notification, I just checked the website. I got rejected from the PhD programs at UCSD and UCI, but got accepted to the MA at UCLA. I will be attending UCLA in the Fall!
  5. Hi! So, I've come to the conclusion that I might be rejected from all three schools (M.A and Ph.D programs) I applied to because of my poor GRE scores and I've come to terms with it. I know I need to retake the GRE if I want to be eligible for the next application cycle. So, I was wondering, if those of you that scored 325+ could offer advice on how you studied, what supplemental programs you used (e.g., Magoosh), and how long you studied for. Thanks in advance!
  6. I applied for the PhD at UC Irvine's Education School with a EPSC specialization and I haven't heard anything either. My GATS tracker also shows "being reviewed".
  7. I know! The anticipation is killing me lol
  8. If PhD programs don't invite you for an interview, does that mean you're automatically rejected?
  9. @ugggggh That is awesome! Best of luck to you on your upcoming interview
  10. @higheredbee Aw thank you! I really appreciate that.
  11. @ugggggh sounds good! I look forward to hearing all about it May I ask who your POI is?
  12. @higheredbee For UCLA I applied for the MA in HEOC, so I'm assuming MA decisions will be released after PhD decisions. Good luck! I hope we all receive favorable decisions sooner rather than later lol. Fingers crossed!!
  13. @ugggggh Congratulations! That is awesome! Hopefully I hear back from them soon, as well. Did you receive an email from UCSD today?
  14. Has anyone heard back from any Southern California school Education Programs? (e.g., UCI, UCSD, UCLA). The anticipation is killing me!
  15. I just saw on the results page that someone was invited for a phone interview for UCI's Education Policy specialization. Has anyone else heard back? Ahhhhh
  16. Hi! I have a professional website that lists my academic accolades, research, work, and volunteer experience. Do admissions committees take the time to review professional websites (mine is listed on the header of my CV)?
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