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Posts posted by statscan9

  1. 13 hours ago, N0R said:

    It seems that whatever been sent so far is PGS2 and CGS mainly...haven't heard of PGS3 yet, so hoping more acceptances will be sent out on Monday

    I got PGSD3 for Math yesterday around 2pm EST.

  2. Doesn't look like anyone made one of these threads this year, so I guess I'll make one now even though first round offers have gone out. I've been placed as alternate status at Toronto, and the department told me I was ranked "very highly". Is there any way to find out exactly how many people are gonna have to decline their offer for my status to change? Don't want to remain hopeful if there's no chance lol. 

  3. On 2018-04-18 at 11:55 AM, Biostat_student_22 said:

    If you're tech savvy, I would recommend getting a desktop computer with 16GB of RAM, a 128GB or 256GB SSD for the operating system and an additional 1TB HDD for files, and an i7 CPU with 4 cores (and 8 threads). Then, simply get a basic functional laptop and use to remote in to the desktop. If you're only getting a laptop, you want something with 8GB RAM minimum, and I'd still recommend an i7 dual-core CPU (with 4 threads). 

    I mean my MacBook Pro meets all these tech specs and I don't have to worry about remote in, plus I get to use MacOS and enjoy the great build quality. So I still think the above suggestions for a Mac are better.  

  4. @engtostats 


    As a Canadian who has a very similar profile to you and just went through application season, I'll try to throw in my 2 cents. I think the two above posts about international students requiring publications and PhD courses is more relevant for students from China/India (let's be honest, that's 90% of international applicants). As Canadians we are looked upon a bit more favourably by the US, and UofT is the best school in Canada (small bias as I'm doing my PhD there), so your profile will definitely be noticed. I do agree you're weak for pure math courses, but all I had completed when I applied was a semester of real analysis -- although I was enrolled in the second real analysis and measure theory. You don't have many upper year courses listed up there, but engineering is notoriously difficult at UofT so I'll assume that you've taken a rigorous course load. If you can, enrol in real analysis and the third year mathematical stats course at UofT (where you learn the derivations behind hypothesis testing and inference) so that the admission committee will see that you're serious about mathematically mature courses. It's a little hard to tell from your experience how much research you've actually done, but if your referees can speak to your research potential that will be critical for your application. I think having my USRA supervisor write about my research potential is what helped me the most, so you want profs like this more than you want profs who can only say you got 100 in their class. 

    If you want to do a master's, stay here in Canada where you'll be fully funded. I think you're guaranteed admission pretty much everywhere here since that was my experience and I don't see what would have made me stand out above you. For US schools, clearly CMU seems more open to accepting Canadian students, but I think you're also a good candidate for Washington. Any school that isn't top 10 I think you have a shot at getting in, but for Harvard/Stanford/Chicago I think you'll need more math courses. Your math GRE mark could also serve to really boost this part of your application if you get a very high score. If you know what area you want to do research in that will also help to identify where to apply. 


  5. Based on my own experience applying to 3/4 of your reach schools, I'd say don't waste your money/time on those, especially since I think UT Austin is already a reach for you.  Your cumulative gpa is worryingly low, although your dramatic improvement in the last year will counteract that a bit. You don't mention any math classes like real analysis, and I'd recommend having a full years worth of that if you can and getting an A or A+. Was your research doing anything more than just applying standard statistical packages to a dataset? If not, that isn't really gonna help you much, although stats programs don't expect research experience. 

  6. @FinStat Fair enough, that WSO link is probably useless, didn't realize it was '06. I was just trying to quickly find a couple links to confirm what I've been told by my professors who have worked as real quants both pre and post 2008 -- that is, the MFE is not much more than a cash cow for universities. Unfortunately it seems like people don't discuss being a quant on message boards much anymore.

    The biggest reason these profs told me to avoid an MFE program is that a quant position requires creativity and the ability to perform independent research, which is the one thing an MFE can never provide. Quant jobs don't go to PhDs because they have different letters, it's because they have the proven track record of being able to come up with novel ideas, which is crucial to make your firm the profits needed to justify those eye-watering salaries you mention above.

    The fact that you mention finance PhDs in the same sentence as math/stats/OR makes me wonder if we're using a different definition of quant, since a finance PhD won't come close to having the math skills required for what I consider a quant position. I don't doubt that your friends have gone into high salaried positions with MFE degrees, but I have a hard time believing that they're part of the team coming up with new strategies. What wouldn't surprise me is if they're C++ monkeys for the guys with PhDs, or in roles that you can get with an MBA. If @am8 wants to do a stats/OR PhD because he loves the subject as he says, there's no way a program is going to turn him down just because he doesn't want to become a TT professor upon graduation, since while he's there he has the same goal as everyone else -- perform original research. In fact, some of the very best stats PhD programs in the world actively encourage students to apply who wish to study financial mathematics, and have top faculty doing research in this area. I'm sure these schools don't naively think these students have no interest in industry jobs.

  7. 22 hours ago, FinStat said:

    Sorry, but if you want to be a quant working hedge funds, a PhD is not the way to go. Yes some PhD's do end up going that route, but you would be better off doing a MFE/MQF/MMF at a top tier program than doing a stats masters now and a PhD later. A stats MS plus a PhD will take you 6-8 years to complete and if you are lucky you will receive 35k per year in funding while doing the PhD. A MFE or similar degree will take about 1.5 years,  and a quant finance masters from a top 10 or even top 20 masters (check out quantnet's rankings) will start at about 90-110k plus bonus and at five years out of the masters -roughly the same time you would be completing the PhD- it is not uncommon for salary plus bonus to be in 250k+ range, and 500k+ is not unheard of. The salary for a fresh PhD in stats working in quant finance is usually less than that. On top of that, the stat PhD programs with significant quant finance faculty are very good at sniffing out the students who are not interested in the PhD for a research career and just want it to become a quant. 

    A number of quant finance masters programs are still before their deadlines for fall admissions and you could still apply, though the deadline for a number of them is March 15. 




    First few links that come up regarding why an MFE is the complete wrong degree to get for becoming a quant, although still potentially a ticket to a lucrative career in finance at a trading job. However, I totally agree that one shouldn't do a PhD solely to become a quant, and that a stats MS likely won't be much help on its own. Just thought its important to note that pretty much every quant job is filled by a PhD.

  8. On 2018-03-12 at 9:36 AM, BayesianLove said:

    Are quals part of your decision? I've found that coursework and quals vary widely among schools:

    • At one school, quals include only two courses on probability theory and statistics (i.e. Casella & Berger).
    • NCSU includes two courses on probability theory and statistics (i.e. Casella & Berger) plus two courses on statistical methods (mostly linear models, ANOVA, etc). (ST 701, 702, 703, and 705).
    • Then there's crazy Iowa State University with an exam covering eight courses, including stuff more advanced than Casella & Berger as well as measure theory. (https://stat.iastate.edu/phd-requirements).

    I would assume that less coursework and a reasonable qualifying exam means that you can focus on research sooner. Isn't that a plus?

    Quals actually influenced my decision in the opposite way of what you said. I picked Toronto, which has 3 quals with 1 dedicated to measure theoretic probability, over CMU, which just has a data analysis project. I felt that this showed me Toronto was a better fit for my rigorous theoretical interests, so I think it's really a personal preference on what you want to study.

  9. 5 minutes ago, SheldonCopper said:

    @statscan9 Thanks for sharing and congratulations on your admissions results! I am just wondering do canadian programs send out admissions to domestics first? Cause I haven’t heard anything from McGill and Waterloo yet.

    Thanks! I'm not positive but I would guess yes, since I know that Canadian grad programs definitely prefer to choose domestic students.

  10. Undergrad Institution: University of Western Ontario (Canada)
    Major: Statistical Finance
    Minor: Pure Math
    GPA: 3.96 cumulative, 4.00 major
    Type of Student: Canadian

    GRE General Test
     167 (92%)
    V: 163 (93%)
    W: 4.5 (82%)
    GRE Subject Test in Mathematics
    M: N/A (this was probably a mistake) 
    Research Experience 
    One summer research project funded by the Canadian government (NSERC). Ultimately led to a publication, but not before applying so schools didn't see that. 
    Nothing impressive.
    Industry Experience
    Two summer internships in industry, with one in a research capacity for an insurance company.
    Letters of Recommendation
    One from my analysis professor, where I got the highest mark in the class. One from an MD who I worked with during my summer research project, I'm guessing this was an average letter. My third letter was from my summer research supervisor, and this one was definitely my strongest. He let me look at it after sending it in, and the highlight of it was when he called me the strongest undergrad he's had in his 34 year career.
    Math/Statistics Grades  
    We grade on a percentage scale, with a 90% being a 4.0, and most course averages between 65-70%.
    • Calculus I,II,III - 96%, 97%, 90%
    • ODEs, PDEs - 92%, 100%
    • Probability I,II - 90%, 94%
    • Statistics I,II - 93%, 96%
    • Real Analysis I,II - 99%, 100%
    • Linear Algebra I,II - 87%, 98%
    Lots of experience programming in python, R, SQL, java, and C++.
    University of Waterloo - MMath Statistics Accepted (Jan 8), Tuition + 15K for 12 months
    University of Chicago - PhD Statistics Rejected (Jan 26)
    Carnegie Mellon University - PhD Statistics Accepted (Feb 1), 5 years of Tuition + 26K/year
    University of Toronto - PhD Statistics Accepted (Feb 9), 5 years of Tuition + 17.5K/year -- Decided to go here!
    McGill University - MSc Statistics Accepted (Feb 15), Tuition + 19K for 16 months
    University of Pennsylvania (Wharton) - PhD Statistics Rejected (Feb 23)
    Columbia University - PhD Statistics Rejected (Mar 2)
  11. 27 minutes ago, ileeminati said:

    I do have an offer from UChicago. But besides this, I haven't heard back from any school.

    Just goes to show that people are right when they say that your application isn't objectively the same at every school, since I was rejected from Chicago but admitted to CMU and you've had almost (waitlist) the opposite experience.

  12. @statcan Coincidence that I live about an hour from you (go to Western) and have also been accepted into the Stats PhD at CMU. I can't really help you with your question because I'm grappling with a similar problem -- whether I choose CMU for the prestige of their stats department or McGill, which is less prestigious but has a prof who really wants to supervise me and is doing research in EXACTLY what I want. From asking other grad students on this forum and elsewhere (i.e. r/GradSchool), I've gotten the impression that having research that really fits your interests is more important than the prestige as decided by US News. Congrats on the acceptances, good luck with whatever decision you make, and know that I commiserate with you!

  13. 3 hours ago, jensenabyss said:

    Hey guys, I have another question of admission and please help me!

    I just received an offer from SFU but I heard that there is only a few weeks for making a decision. All of my application for universities in US haven't got any news yet :-(

    Here are my questions:

    1. Can I email to other universities, telling them my situation now, to ask them to tell me the status of my application?

    2. Is it really really terrible to pay a deposit fee but go to another school in the end? 

    I really need help for these. Thank you very much!

    Waterloo told me they understand US schools have later timeframes for sending out acceptances, so they're fine with students accepting their offer now and then changing their minds in a month since they only give 3 weeks to accept or decline. I'd expect SFU is similar, but maybe just email the grad coordinator there to double check. I'm not sure what deposit you'd be asked to pay within the next month or two, so that shouldn't be a problem.

  14. Sounds like you want to do economics. Unfortunately, grad school in economics generally requires an undergrad in economics, with many specific courses you have to take. Maybe talk to an prof in the economics department at your school to see if they can recommend a course of action that will get you into a graduate program without adding years to your undergrad.

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