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Everything posted by LibbyCreek

  1. Hello! I applied for the Erasmus Comparative Local Development for 2017! I have been seeking ANY information about the timeline for notification and scholarships. The CoDe website is really bare bones. I asked and the administrator told me unofficial notifications go out in March and official ones in June. Anyone know what that means? Have you found ANY other forums that talk about the erasmus joint masters programs? I would love more information about the process (before I go crazy ) Sarah
  2. Yikes! I try not to think about it, but I am not very successful! There are some amazing things happening in politics (understatement!) which are creating myriad hoops and puzzles for me to work out in my social services work and that is thankfully taking a lot of time. If anyone has a great way to avoid thinking about how different my life could be in a few short months I would love some tips.
  3. I couldn't agree more. Look where you are already! Fabulous work!
  4. Yup, I have a degenerative eye disease that doesn't keep me from working etc. I know there is a point at which we have to submit a health record, but I'm not sure how the effects of any given disorder/disease/condition are taken into account. For me, as long as I can get a new contact lens prescription with a specialist once a year I am good to go. I am planning to take any and all eye stuff with me, not relying on local sources. What are you planning? or does anyone else have information on this?
  5. Good luck Polish interviewees! I hope it all goes (went) smoothly for you!
  6. Ack! A delay in notification! Be still my heart! Of course, I would rather wait a century to find out if we could have real democracy! I'm with you Horb, I think the Fulbright will proceed as per the standard operating procedures. Bureaucracy takes awhile to trickle down- now, if there was a change in the administration...
  7. Honestly, I am riveted by our first week with a new president and the actions, lies and tactics we are witnessing. I feel strongly that it would take a government shutdown to cancel the Fulbright program, but at this point I have stronger concerns about basic human rights, health care access, trade wars, and so on, that are in the forefront of my hyperactive imagination. I doubt I'm alone in this, particularly on this forum where so many of us have applied to gain broader perspectives about the world not just in our own field. I am really curious about the implications of the recent executive orders/mandates for those of us applying to eastern european countries, or those like Mexico who will be facing very hard decisions regarding our country. It will be interesting to continue talking once we get these awards to compare notes about reactions in these countries. I look forward to continuing our connections- that's what this is all about, right?
  8. Okay, that is one cool project! I imagine it will be hard to decide how much time to spend at any given plot, during which parts of the year, and how far into the forest to travel to find what you seek. Wow. Is there a lot of academic or government sponsored forest health research in Poland? Or is this a completely new concept? I'm guessing the former, but you never know. Yes, my kids will be 7 and 11 and I think pretty ripe for cultural immersion- though my 11 year old is terrified of leaving his friends etc, he'll survive, I'm sure. My husband works for a river restoration non-profit and can travel over the fall, winter, and spring when he doesn't have work in the river itself. It will still be hard as he will need to keep weird hours to have business calls etc, but I am hopeful we can navigate any issues. Maybe your husband will have better luck getting a job since you have citizenship? IDK, but hopefully he finds something engaging.
  9. Yes, my husband AND two kids are coming, but they will all be busy with work (he'll be working remotely) and school. I can't imagine him helping me with research, but that is awesome you have someone who can help you in that way! More than anything I think I have just been really realizing the full scope of the Fulbright! I did think about it all before applying, but somehow I told myself that it isn't too crazy to move my family off our farm and away from our small town for a year to do an independent research project. I totally agree with you mossy.artist that we won't be able to help making friends and connecting, but the thought of those first few weeks is overwhelming- in a mostly good way! Will you be based out of a university town near what I'm guessing is the Bialowieza forest? Or in a small town near the forest itself? I'm pretty excited for your project. I'm also curious if you are looking at cataloging the varieties of moss or are trying to infer relationships between soils, animals, invertebrates, plants etc?
  10. The Hungarian Fulbright Commission website has a great document for Fulbrighters. Deep inside that doc there's a bit more info about timeline, visa and stipend. Maybe there's something like this in the Czech Republic?
  11. **Yikes!!!* Yes, last night I said to my husband, "what if I actually get this thing?" Seriously, I'll be doing research in rural Hungary- loving it, but completely isolated! Could be fun right?
  12. One tip I did receive about the next step, particularly for the interviews, is to take a good look at the commission website in your country and to find out more about the people on the panel there. A friend did just that and was able to make a soccer connection with one of his interviewers to great advantage! As far as the FPA, mine is pretty darned terrific and I was also working with a large land-grant university. But I think the university has to put money into the position in order for that person to have the latitude and knowledge base to be really helpful. My FPA is in a new position, recently created as a prestigious scholarship support person, and there is another position that is available for well, average (no offense- it is still $$ and help for school!), scholarships. My FPA did write me and told me "All you have to do now is wait!"
  13. Right. I just don't want to bug these two nice people who don't really know me, but whom I somehow already convinced to write me letters of affiliation!
  14. Is anyone else contacting your affiliation to give them a head's up that they may be contacted by their national Fulbright Commission? I am going to contact mine, and was wondering if there is any (ha!) standard timeframe for when the affiliates are called. Or maybe this is just something done in Hungary? My FPA said one of the first things many commissions do when trying to decide who to fund is call the affiliate (if any) and ask if they really know the applicant...
  15. Hi Everyone, I just got back from three days in the backcountry (annual family nordic ski trip) and checked in here first to see! I'm so excited for good news for so many of you! Wow! I checked my email and I've been recommended for Hungary! Huzzah!
  16. Horb this is a very thoughtful post and I completely concur! I am also so grateful for the opportunity to hone my vision improve my networking skills etc. I also wanted to tell you my husband and I have had many intriguing conversations after reading your posts about researching the opposition and radical political parties. I really hope you get this fellowship; I think we need more people closely examining the reasons for uprisings- from the left or the right. But I am obviously coming from the left on this one! Sarah
  17. Thanks for the conversation! Yes, I would be located in the town of Sumeg, near Lake Balaton. I have an affiliation at the Hungarian Academy of Sciences and another at the local action group (a rural development structure) in Sumeg where I would intern a few days a week, so I would be affiliated with the Academy of Sciences, but not located there. Maybe I didn't explain myself very well about my project. I am not studying tourism, rather how to sustain rural communities without focusing on tourism. I can't imagine how incredible a virgin forest in Europe would be! Wow! Great project!
  18. My research will be around local social capital development in rural areas. I would similarly be in a small village most of the time and do not fear the politics too much. As far as why Hungary, I had several factors: I wanted to study how EU support affects rural areas (vs here in my tiny town in WA), didn't need to have the language, there is dependent support, and... the possibility of a one-year extension! Also, Hungary sits between major powers, which is how rural Eastern Washington is situated as well, between the West Coast and more powerful inland cities, and I felt it would give me a bigger toolkit to use in my community efforts when I return home. Nearly any community can try to increase tourism, but really increasing the capacity of the citizenry to be innovative and collaborative will enhance the politics and economy of any region for a lot longer than the fickle tourist dollar (my two cents of course!). Thanks for asking! You must have some great field gear! I can't even imagine what the Polish woods are like! Dry? Wet? Is it mostly farmed or are there designated wild areas? European forestry is another beast altogether! Sarah
  19. I can't speak to the scientific research aspect of your application, but as far as unrest and political movements go I am right there with you. The Prime Minister of Hungary wants to build a wall to stem the migration and has begun looking for skilled horseback riders to patrol the borders... I think most citizens will still behave normally, for the most part, but try telling that to my extended family! I'd love to hear your thoughts. Sarah
  20. With your interest in international relations and global politics you may check out the Mundus Public Policy program http://www.mundusmapp.org/ ... and the deadline is coming up soon! I'm applying for the Erasmus Mundus Comparative Local Development program, which is similar. Honestly, I don't know which I'd choose the Fulbright or the CoDe... hopefully I'll HAVE to make that choice
  21. Hi Everyone, I decided to join in the fun...of waiting! I applied for a research grant in Hungary and am just about to send in my Erasmus Mundus Masters in Comparative Development application this week! Can't wait to start hearing! Good luck to all, Sarah
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