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Everything posted by Adelaide9216

  1. yes, the scores do fluctuate to year to year, it really depends on whose on the committee and who are the other applicants. i didn't even pay attention to the scores, it's irrelevant to me (especially for those who got the fellowship. why do we need to know the scores if we've all gotten a yes for the fellowship? those can be kept private IMO)
  2. also, if you did not get the fellowship, please, do not see it as a reflection of your worth. I know academia pushes all of us to see ourselves through our accomplishments, but we've all worked very hard, and those scores would probably be different from year to year, depending on the committees, the evaluators, who is competing in a specific year. You're all doing great. It has happened to me multiple times to not get an award the first time, and to get it the second or third time I'd apply.
  3. Hello, I am so sorry you did not get an offer, maybe try again next year! I tried for Banting and did not even pass the institutional selection process. In my committee,for SSHRC, only 21% of the candidates got funding, and it is the same for the entire contest (828 applications, only 174 got funding).
  4. I got an offer!!
  5. I just got an email! I'm so scared
  6. any news? the wait is killing me lol
  7. What's the advantage to negoticate a postdoc and then after taking a tt instead of just taking the tt position?
  8. Is it normal that my application dissapeared from the portal where I have applied? Is it the same for you guys? (webapps.nserc)? I also applied for tenure-track faculty jobs, so I am wondering what to do if ever I get a postdoc grant AND a TT faculty job. Pros and cons for each option?
  9. Usually they announce the results on the last day of February?
  10. If I get the fellowship, but I haven't fully graduated yet, do you know if it is possible to postpone the start date of the fellowship? Can I say for example, I should graduate by July and postpone it again in case I don't have my diploma in July? Thanks,
  11. Hello, I have also applied for this cycle. It says that we will know the results on February 2025. Does anyone know the exact date? (February 1st?) It's my first postdoc app.
  12. Hello, anyone knows when exactly the contest opens this year?
  13. I need from 20-30 participants for my doctoral research, and now I only have 6. What do I do? I started recruiting a few weeks ago though.
  14. Hello! Hope you're all doing well. I was wondering what are the main differences when applying for a master/doctoral level scholarship versus applying for a postdoctoral fellowship with SSHRC? I have received funding from SSHRC for both my master's and doctoral degrees and am wondering if there are any key differences I should keep in mind when applying for a postdoc with them. Thanks!
  15. I'm actually applying for next year, not finished with my phd yet. Did you guys hear anything from this year's process?
  16. Hello, who plans on applying here?
  17. ABD = All but Dissertation I'm beyond happy!!!!
  18. Good luck y'all!
  19. Are you aware of anyone you got an invitation letter? Seems like nobody got one in my circle
  20. Oh, read their rules of the subreddit because they're kinda difficult if there's background information missing in your post. Otherwise, I'd recommend GradSchool or Ph.D subreddits as well https://www.reddit.com/r/GradSchool/ https://www.reddit.com/r/PhD/
  21. Wow, nobody got an invitation?
  22. Hello, is anyone here using Roam Research for annotating and reading? Do you find it useful? I have the free trial version, but I find it not so intuitive to use yet.
  23. hahaha, we're all in the same boat lol I'm kinda relieved to be honest, I'll be able to finish my Ph.D. a bit earlier. And the things I've heard about the Foundation makes me believe it is not the safest heavens for BIPOC people...
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