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Everything posted by Gorays39

  1. Congrats! I was hoping things would turn out well for you.
  2. I was accepted at a few places and had a 3.4. I do think my low GPA was a problem at a couple schools, but most took a very holistic approach to my resume.
  3. I was on a high waitlist at Pitt and a low waitlist at VCU. I called Pitt to say I won't need my waitlist spot anymore, so hopefully that moves you up the list if I was ahead of you!
  4. I just accepted my offer at Mount Sinai! Best of luck to everyone today and tomorrow, I hope to meet some future classmates!
  5. You can definitely call! But it's 5 pm on the east coast so they may or may not respond.
  6. I think that usually happens on Tuesday and Wednesday, according to the program directors I spoke to. Michigan actually called me a few minutes ago saying there was no movement yet, but that they'd call me tomorrow morning.
  7. VCU told me I was in the lower section of their waitlist. Ah well.
  8. They said the same thing to me! It just seems that everyone loves Pitt, so I wonder how many people would turn down their spot.
  9. I called them and left a message. Nothing via phone. I'm not too concerned seeing as I'll likely decline an offer from there, but I just wanted to know. Did Pitt tell you that you were high on the waitlist? They told me that, but there are like 4 people just on this forum that have been waitlisted there.
  10. I haven't heard from VCU yet. Should I call them? It seems that other people have heard from them.
  11. Waitlisted at Wisconsin. They didn't give me any sort of ranking.
  12. I don't know the number specifically, but the area around VCU is pretty affordable for a large city.
  13. High waitlist at Michigan. So just have to hear from VCU, Wisconsin, and Northwestern...
  14. Just got into Mount Sinai! That was definitely in the top 3 so super excited.
  15. Ah okay, thanks! I'll probably wait to respond but it's good that they make it so easy.
  16. What do you do if you get an email about an acceptance? Sarah Lawrence just accepted me but they did so via email.
  17. Accepted to Indiana State! So at least I don't have to worry about not getting in anywhere.
  18. Just waitlisted at Pitt. That was probably my number one choice...so yeah. Let's see how it goes.
  19. The waiting is killing me! I didn't sleep well at all last night. Best of luck to everyone here, hope I see some of you as classmates and/or colleagues in the future!
  20. Good luck to everyone! I've been freaking out over here. I thought I had my ranking figured out but I'm starting to second-guess everything. We'll see what happens...
  21. I got an email from the University of Michigan's genetic counseling program and I nearly jumped out of my skin. But it was just a department newsletter.
  22. My ranking changed entirely. My top 2 schools were programs I barely considered before actually going there. I realized how important location was to me. I'm thankful that my partner is happy with long distance, so I can go basically anywhere. I've never had so much freedom before! Also a school I interviewed at that I expected to love just...didn't wow me. It didn't have a lot of what I was looking for even though the name of it was appealing.
  23. I definitely feel you here. My top 2 programs are both really pricey. My number three program costs a lot less and would be pretty low in terms of cost of living. But for some reason I just don't think I'd jive as well at my number three program. Of course I'd be happy to just get into a program and I'm sure I'd make the best of things, but if I get into my top 2, it's going to be a really tough call. I've gone the whole route of listing pros and cons but it's not really helping.
  24. Now that all my interviews are over, I'm finding myself liking two programs a ton and not being able to pick out a clear number one. I can't rank these places. I have no idea what to do. Hopefully I can figure it out in the next 6 days.
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