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Everything posted by onerepublic96

  1. When I emailed them to ask about the specifics they said their list wasn’t ranked and didn’t really give any more info as to how the decision-making process would be handled. So I’m really just at sea over here hoping so hard that just maybe I won’t get shut out this year.
  2. Think it’s time to start freaking out now that the first waitlist acceptance has been posted for Michigan... ?
  3. One of those folks here, haha. Congrats on your decision!!
  4. Everyone ready for the moment of truth due to come sometime this week?
  5. Is anyone currently on the Michigan waitlist? I'm losing my mind over here, someone pleasure reassure me that I'm not alone ?
  6. Was thinking about wait lists the other day and had this question: how large are the lists at some of these ‘smaller-cohort’ schools? I was just thinking that I’m sure there can’t be just 4 or 5 people on them (that’s about how many tend to post on the board), but at the same time I can’t imagine that it would make sense for a program to have a list of, say, 20 people because they can’t realistically imagine pulling more than maybe 2 or 3 people off the list...
  7. Thank you! Oh there is definitely relief. Now I can actively focus on planning my next moves for reapplication instead of being stuck in a horrid limbo of ‘will they or won’t they?’ whilst overthinking every possible aspect of my app. As ugly as this shutout feeling is, I’m actually not as sad as I thought I would be. Definitely feeling that fresh start blank slate vibe right now and I like it.
  8. Okay BU it took you long enough. Honestly not even mad about this anymore.
  9. I still have nothing from BU and I gotta say even though the time and distance has kind of resolved me to calmly accept the coming rejection, I still can’t help but shake that slight hope that maybe it will be a waitlist?... I know I want to reapply if it doesn’t work out this time but everything happening right now with the pandemic and the economy is just adding an incredible level of stress. It’s almost funny to think back on where I was emotionally and mentally back in January or even February... nervous and stressed but still completely clueless about the absolute shitstorm that was already brewing...
  10. Just got a very kind and understanding email from Michigan (looks like it was sent to all waitlisted applicants) talking about how they understand the frustrations caused by these delays, expressing thanks for our patience, and also answering some common questions about deadlines, etc. I think I just fell a little bit more in love.
  11. Currently on that waitlist. ? Congrats on your decision!
  12. I was actually reading Vera Brittain very recently. Reading the point of view of a young woman beginning an education she was so excited about only to have it cut short by the war and all the trials that ensued really struck. Her situation was more tragic, sure, but some of the emotional background feels so so familiar right now...
  13. Waiting for BU’s Rejection Diary: Day 325,100,563 I’m now at a point at which the entire application cycle just feels fake. None of it happened. It was just a dream. I applied to grad school last year? Fake. Notifications still pending? Definitely fake.
  14. So after reading through this thread and thinking of just about all the possible ways everything could go downhill in the next few months, my anxiety has reached a whole new level in which I no longer even recognise it as anxiety. Everything is just numb and unreal now...
  15. As someone for whom reapplication next year is starting to look likely, I just felt a shiver go down my spine...
  16. Finally got my NYU rejection, with a baffling invitation to have my application considered for the MA in Irish and Irish-American studies. Strange because while I do love Joyce, Irish studies couldn’t be farther from my stated and demonstrated research interests...
  17. I’m also really annoyed with BU and how they’ve been handling this process, but still can I just say... BU, I volunteer as tribute!
  18. Congrats on Hopkins! I loved it there as an undergrad and I hope you fall in love with it, too.
  19. I noticed there is a new BU acceptance on the board that lists the date of notification as March 10. Not sure if this is someone who got notified a week ago along with the rest of the acceptances and just chose the wrong date or if BU is sending out notifications with this weird timing...
  20. Thank you for this! The whole process of applying, and getting rejected, and gearing up to do it again has done a number on my sanity and made me question everything about myself, so it’s really reassuring to hear from someone who has been in a similar position and made it through.
  21. I get that, but ohh BU, please just put me out of my misery so I can move on, ya know...
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