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Everything posted by Wongs

  1. anyone heard from gwu?
  2. Georgetown ?
  3. is georgetown is rolling out results?
  4. if anyone who is accepted by USC and in East Asian focus, please decline if you have better offer :(. You help will much be appreciated.
  5. anyone waiting for Boston University?
  6. Anyone got anything from Boston U?
  7. has cornell offers all been out?
  8. an hr ago
  9. usc waitlisted. all Admission acceptance have been sent according to the email. good luck please reject if you have better offer. This is my top choice
  10. Nothing lol
  11. when did you send that? Thanks!
  12. Anyone heard from USC?
  13. Hi my fds, I did get an interview two days ago by a Professor in the committee. She told me I ll hear back within ten days. Hope this news will help.
  14. I got an interview this saturday. I did not post it tho. Hope it helps Did anyone get brown interview?
  15. Rejected via Website ALl the best
  16. GWU rejected from Waitlist
  17. did you get in, bro? ?
  18. I emailed them, no response....
  19. for chicago, I am sure it is 8 ppl for every year phd cohort. Normally out of that 8-12 ppl, they gave 1-2 offers to CIR students.
  20. congrat! i am still longing did u hv an interview?
  21. from the director?
  22. Anyone still waiting for ND?
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