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Everything posted by jschut

  1. There actually isn't a basement.
  2. I'm sure it didn't go as poorly as you might think immediately afterwards. Why do you think that? Best wishes and good luck!
  3. Invited to phone interview via email 1/26 for the following week.
  4. (second year applying, last year was rejected from 5 programs) Thought I would share some updates, I applied for ceramics MFAs: USF-accepted CU Boulder- accepted Alfred- accepted GSU- anticipated rejection (interview requests are out there) UNL-rejection LSU-awaiting response UARK-awaiting response Tulane-awaiting response OU-awaiting response U of IA- awaiting response
  5. When did you hear back from USF? Good luck on your other applications.
  6. Anyone know of any open google/excel docs with information about MFA Studio programs in general? Funding? Cost of Living? Tuition Waiver? Faculty? Deadlines? Programs available? Amount of GA/TAs, Etc... I'm willing to start one as I gathered a great deal of information this fall applying for schools. I think it could be a great benefit to share this information in an easily accessible manner to those of us applying for a second round next year. There are a number of schools I regret not applying to purely because I did not have the time to thoroughly research each and every program before having to dive deep into applications. I understand this information changes slightly from year to year, but I still think this would be incredibly helpful if there is one out there! My emphasis will be in ceramics.
  7. Rejected: Alfred, UNL No Response: OU, GSU, and ISU uh oh...
  8. Was your friend an MFA Ceramics Applicant? Wow, that's awesome! Alfred is the dream!
  9. Received my rejection from UNL today via post. Two great takeaways: Pete Pinnell's autograph and not having to move to freaking Nebraska.
  10. Anyone hear from Alfred, I'm waiting for there response. Applied for the ceramics MFA Other schools I applied to: GSU- no decision on file (know someone who was waitlisted) Nebraska Lincoln- Response is in the post without a phone interview (does that mean rejection?) Illinois State- Awaiting Department Review Ohio University (Athens)- Awaiting Department Review Is it abnormal to not have a response yet? I assume GSU and Lincoln are rejections based on what I know, but did anyone hear anything from the other schools listed?
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