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  1. @Directorial Oh no... I'm so incredibly sorry to hear that. Keep pushing forward. Your time will come! I've noticed that traffic on this forum has slowed down quite a bit. I hope everyone is doing well. As I've heard from my final school, I'd like to share my final round up: Penn State -- moved on to round 2, but did not move beyond that. Boston U -- rejection University of Texas at Austin -- rejection (I'd like to also add here that I had shared a few emails with KJ Sanchez, which I had hoped would influence moving me forward a bit, but that didn't make a difference in this case). University of Alabama -- interview finalist, no offer University of Memphis -- interview finalist, offer, ACCEPTANCE! I'm super excited to move forward, and call Memphis home for the next 3 years. I also want to invite anyone to ask me questions or connect with me about my application experiences. I know it's easy for us all to feel a bit alone in this process.I believe that there is enough work for us all, and I try to practive a spirit of generosity, and not feel competitive with my fellow artists, so I would love to provide any helpful information I can. Please feel free to connect with me on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/roberta.inscho Best of luck in your future applications!
  2. @Prospero No, I didn't receive an interview from BU. I was contacted via email from Enrollment Services on Feb 2nd saying I would not be admitted to the program. I'm glad to hear that there are some positive reviews for Memphis. @Picaresque CONGRATS on your admittance to BU... do you know how many directors they admit? What ultimately made you decide to say "yes" to the program!
  3. @Loose.tap.screws congrats on making it to the interview round! With over 150+ applicants, that's something to be proud of for sure! I also applied to Alabama Univ., Univ of Texas at Austin (which I just received my "thanks but no thanks" email from KJ this morning), Univ of Memphis, and Boston U. I had my interview with Alabama last Monday, and I'm also still waiting to hear from Memphis. I'm glad to hear you're not shying away from applying again! It's definitely a challenge finding that right fit! @Boseph16 Sounds like a perfect fit for you-- congrats, again! @galbi7892 My application process was very focused and intense this year. A couple years ago I applied to schools only through the URTA process. I think it was a great first experience, a tad overwhelming, and very educational. I applied to 7 schools through the URTA process, and made it as a finalist to Ohio, but did not receive an offer. I learned a lot about what I actually need and want from a program from that process. This year I applied to 5 schools in total, and not through the URTA process. Penn state was my top choice, as it's a one-of-a-kind MFA directing Musical Theatre program, and there really isn't anything else like it in the country. That application process started in October, and it was a long one, but very rewarding. I made it to round 2, but didn't make it beyond that. With over 150+ applicants, I'm feeling pretty confident with that. I just interviewed with Alabama on Monday, and I absolutely loved the people! Now I'm waiting for the offer or the rejection... always waiting, it seems like! Boston was one of the more challenging apps! It required more writing than the other apps I had done. But I didn't make it beyond round 1, unfortunately. Other than that, I'm still waiting to hear from Memphis (we've been in communication via email, and I'm waiting for the head of the program to return from Spain), and also waiting to hear from Alabama. Not sure how I feel about living in the deep South for 3 years, but it could prove to be a huge learning experience. And quite possibly make me more politically active! If nothing pans out this year, I may take a break to work on shows next year. The application process is such a commitment! I really feel like it's a 2nd job on top of everything else! Best of luck to everyone! Keep in touch. Feel free to reach out to me on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/roberta.inscho
  4. Congrats @Boseph16!!!!! Can I ask what ultimately made you decide Iowa over ASU?
  5. Hello! I'm new to this feed, and found it through a google search to see if anyone is out there talking about the application process/experience as a MFA directing candidate. As a second year applicant, I've been wanting to share my experience with other directors applying to programs, so I'm happy to have found this thread! @Loose.tap.screws I wanted to see how your experience with the Penn State app went? I also moved forward in that application process (Penn State was my top school), but unfortunately I didn't move on beyond the production pitch. The pitch was a great exercise though! I choose Oklahoma! with an unlimited budget. Would love to hear if you moved on, or where you're at with any further interviews? Best of luck to all!
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