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Everything posted by WhatLikeItsHard

  1. Hi all, First and foremost, I am NOT looking for advice. I assume my situation is NOT unique, so I'm more asking for people to share their own stories, since it's been hard to talk to with my friends about, since their either trying to get through the next few weeks of this brutal waiting game, themselves, or just telling me my anxieties don't matter about this subject. So... As I was spending all of my free time in the fall working on applications, I met & fell in love with my current partner, who feels like the love of my life. I was open to dating because when I started my applications, my preliminary list of schools consisted of about five programs within an hour or two of where I currently live, and they were all the ones I was most excited about. Then, of course, when making final decisions, and reaching out to professors, etc. It narrowed down to one in the same city, and one about two hours away. The rest, specifically where I got interviews, are about 6-10 hour drives away. As you all know, waiting to hear back is brutal enough; but with this determining both my professional development and feasibility of staying with this person (on top of pandemic stuff), I feel non-functional at this point. I'm worried that my relationship is *just* new enough that my partner, an engineer who just bought a house, will pick logic over feelings and say it's better we break up than to try to make it work. For those of you that were dating/married when making decisions, or if you're in the same boat, please share your experiences! Even positive ones. I know technically, the argument is "if it's meant to be, then they'll just go with you" but I don't think that's really practical/reasonable for everyone.
  2. Will the UMass Boston invites send me their POIs? Thanks
  3. A few years ago my boss was waitlisted and then offered a spot at the program she attended
  4. So, alas, I'm starting to think I won't get accepted this cycle, as 4/7 schools I applied to reached out to individuals already for interviews. For those that have interview offers, can you tell me VERY vaguely (i.e. You definitely don't need to say "I worked with ______ for three years at _____") about your work experiences, match with faculty, etc.? I'm asking because I graduated with a fairly high GPA, have two years of research experience, two years of clinical experience, one year of teaching experience, a published paper, I was president of a mental health organization at my college, and I had thought both my research experiences methodology-wise and goal-wise fit well with faculty. But it seems like there is something lacking in my application, and I am trying to plan for how to address it for the next cycle. Do you feel like you have depth in a subject instead of breadth? Do you feel a faculty member is interested in your work because it is similar to their own or because you may bring something new to the table? Any answers are welcome!! Thank you.
  5. Wayne State’s deadline for interview invites was today- has anyone heard from them?
  6. It wasn't for graduate programs, but I had a job involving reviewing applications for a prestigious research program- check the websites of the schools that you are applying to. If they have specific cutoffs, they will probably have a process such as the one you presented. If the program suggests reviewing applications "holistically" then it is more likely that they use some sort of weighted ranking system and scoring each section rather than specifically putting an application in a pile in relation to a GRE score. When I reviewed applications, I wasn't interested in individuals that had amazing grades, but seeming lack of interest in the field (equivalent to having no field experience at all), and basic, boring essays about being passionate. These people may have been excited about the program but were unable to articulate how our research program could help them grow as scientists. Conversely, we had applicants with imperfect GPAs, but had lots of exciting thoughts on research and a clear motivation to grow. We accepted the latter. Pretend you're a faculty member that has funding for a student for five years- Do you want a student you can further teach the nuances to (give extra nurturing in knowledge where the grades may be "lacking") that clearly wants to BE there or do you want a student with perfect grades, perfect scores, but lacking substantial depth in their reasoning for wanting higher education? Which one do you think would be more likely to stick around? Which one would benefit from working in your lab? Which one would help promote growth in yourself while you teach them? Which one would you want to help earn their PhD? It's very easy to put pressure on grades. Sure they do not want applicants that failed all of their classes. They might raise an eyebrow at a "C" grade in a crucial course. But it'd be completely their loss (and they know it) if that is their reasoning for rejecting someone. Additionally, there is a LOT of controversy regarding the application process. Some individuals believe that the GRE is disadvantageous to marginalized populations. Others are convinced that LORs are disadvantageous. Some professors believe it is crucial that you e-mail them prior to sending in your application. Others will post on their website specifically asking you not to. There's so much up in the air that you just can't guess what the outcome will be until it happens. Regardless, best of luck.
  7. I recently started ax throwing as a hobby. It's very cathartic- there's ax throwing bars in most major cities. You can either play point games with friends or compete in a league
  8. This is the first round for me too, but I feel like it's too early to start feeling discouraged. Being worried is perfectly valid- but you have to take into account that if professors didn't take the full semester break off (and most do, as do administrative offices- I used to work in one) then they definitely haven't worked a five day work week in, what, three weeks? Even with interview dates right around the corner, I wouldn't be surprised if some invites are given even just a week notice (if that). Any SO many schools still haven't sent out any invites. I applied to ten programs and it looks like none of them have sent anything out yet.
  9. Hi there!! Lucky for you, Brandeis is JUST outside of Boston enough that the housing/cost of living in the area are conveniently cheaper. A "good" deal in Boston is probably paying about 900 or 1000 a month individually for a shared space- but in Waltham that gets knocked down maybe to 750? Beautiful campus, and Boston is wonderful!
  10. I GREATLY appreciate the cookie recipes. Thank you!!
  11. Hi all! My due dates were all last weekend and like the most of us here I'm feeling antsy!! I'm trying to strike a balance between catching up on personal things I need to get done (finally cleaning, spending more time with friends, actually cooking rather than eating frozen dinners, etc.) and preparing for - hopefully - interviews. What are you doing in this limbo period? Are you prepping or trying to avoid your email? Any tips on what to start doing right now (I feel like interviews come up SO FAST and I want to prepare while I have time!!)
  12. I took the GREs today and couldn't help but let out an exasperated, shocked laugh at my quant score of 142. Yikes!!! I did okay on verbal (152). My problem is that I really do struggle with standardized tests; I do mediocre at absolute best. I wasn't having a bad day, and I've been studying for months. My concern is that if I take it a second time my scores will just somehow get worse, or stay the same. If the rest of my application is strong (strong GPA, I've been published, strong letters of rec, I've found faculty that my work experience and interests align with, etc.) will my failing score outright keep me out? Thanks!
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