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Everything posted by NeuroKat111

  1. I received an acceptance email from one of my programs, and I was wondering what the etiquette was for responding? I have several more interviews and the last one will be towards the beginning of March. Should I respond and let them know that I'll be waiting to decide until my last interview, or is it better to respond when I know whether I'm accepting/rejecting the offer? Thanks!!
  2. I got an interview late December and the two interview events listed are for next week. I don't think they're having any other interview events...?
  3. I don't know for sure, but it seems like it judging by the results page. In any case, they're hosting the interview Feb 26-27 so there's still time for them to send more invites
  4. I was able to get the other interview moved, they were very accomadating with it. But now I have another interview that's back to back and across the country ? I hope both interviews go well for you though!!
  5. Yup! I got an email, although it seems by the results that no one has received it yet. I think they may be doing it in batches.
  6. Thanks! Ya I asked about the availability of the other faculty so I'm hoping I'll be able to interview with at least some of them. Good luck with your interviews!
  7. So I got an interview offer that I accepted early in December from one program, but I recently got another interview from a different one that is in the same week. The second program has multiple interview dates, but they told me that this particular date has faculty that I requested to interview with. They can change my interview date, but I'm in a dilemma over whether I should request it. I know that having 2 interviews can be exhausting, but I was wondering if getting interviewed by faculty outside my field could decrease my chances? Thanks for the feedback!
  8. USC has started sending out interviews today! I got one by email
  9. Does anyone know if UPenn, NYU and UCLA are done sending invites? Thanks!!
  10. Ya I think it just specifies what your interested in for fit
  11. Isn't there just the BCS program for neuro?
  12. Sure, I think I applied either the 27th or 28th of November
  13. He did not, but I've read someone post on here that they should be coming out this week
  14. I just got an email from my POI at MIT for an interview at their neuro program!
  15. Thanks! Its been hard to not check the results page every couple min >_< good luck!!
  16. Does anyone know if the UPenn neuro program is done sending emails for interviews? I've seen a couple of posts on the results page, so I'm not sure if they're sending them in batches or all at once
  17. I just got a interview from UW neuro program
  18. I just wanted to give an update for anyone else currently applying that I received a couple of encouraging replies from faculty that I contacted. I think emailing someone is dependent on the context of the program and the personality of the person, so it might be worth to take the risk. I'm not sure how much the contact helps in the long run, but at least its gives some support to your app
  19. Thanks everyone for your responses! I can definitely see how contacting faculty now can be counterproductive. One of the applications for BU, which is due later in Dec 15th, did however ask for faculty that I've contacted so I proceeded to email a few professors that I was interested in. I'll see whether they reply or not...haha
  20. Thanks again for your feedback!
  21. I realized that after submitting my PhD applications, my CV that was edited with comments beforehand shows those comments in the document. It's at the end of the second page, so I didn't notice them beforehand. There are only three small comments, but is this a red flag for the addcom? I can't re-upload the document, so is there any way I could email/call the grad admissions office and ask to resend my CV? Thanks!! (a very freaked out applicant here)
  22. Ah I see, ya its definitely one of those I regret not doing... Anyways, thanks for the feedback, I appreciate it!
  23. So I've submitted all the apps this week for Phd programs in neuroscience and have come to a bit of dilemma whether I should contact faculty I'm interested in working with. I meant to email them much earlier, but have been so focused on the applications and school that I've never come down to actually sending the emails. Would now be too late for me to ask about the direction of their research and/or if they're admitting students for next year? I have read conflicting information about it being a nuisance or a desperate, so I don't want the email to jeopardize my chances. Also, some of the faculty I'm interested in have been recommended by my PIs as they have been mutual collaborators, so I also was wondering if that information could help when contacting them. To provide some more context about myself, I've applied to UCSD, UCLA, USC, NYU, BU, MIT, UW, and UPenn. My overall GPA is 3.78 and my GRE is 162Q, 162V and 4.5AW. I have three years of research experience with 1 paper under review as 2nd author and another one in preparation. Thanks for all the help, and good luck to everyone applying this cycle!
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