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  1. The first year I was Interviewed by Texas Tech--> wait listed, (I applied to Gallaudet, UT Austin, UT Dallas, Arizona State University, Texas Tech, and one more I can't remember which) Second time, Interviewed by Wayne State, Pacific University, and Texas Tech all wait listed. (Applied to WSU, Texas Tech, UT Austin, UT Dallas, Pacific University, Gallaudet, CMU, ) waitlisted by all three of the programs that I interviewed with.
  2. Definatly come prepared, the interview was tough because it focused on your ability to think on your feet, so prepare with friends by looking up unusual or hard interview questions and then practice, practice practice. This was the second time I got rejected from this program, so maybe it's just not the right program for me.
  3. Hello, I have an interview for tomorrow (February 8th!) -Ce'Nandra Franklin
  4. Hi all, This is the third application cycle that I will be applying to graduate schools in Audiology, the first time I applied to 5 different programs, the second time, I got 7 and now I am applying to nine different programs. I applied the fall of my senior year, and have since graduated May of 2017 from the University of Texas at Austin. I'll be quite honest, I think the main reason that I have gotten interviews at this point has been that I have working full-time as an Audiology Assistant in a clinic in my hometown since July of 2017. (yay hands-on experience!), even though I only have a 3.2 CSD GPA and a 3.4 overall GPA. In addition, I have taken my GRE 3 times, and finally got over 50th percentile for both Verbal and Quantitative reasoning. Here are my schools as follow: UT Austin, Lamar, Texas Tech, LSU, Salus, Florida State University, Wayne State University, CMU, Pacific University, Bolded=Interview stage If anyone has attended Salus or Pacific for their undergrad and can potentially tell me anything about their interview process, that would be greatly appreciated. I interviewed with both Wayne State and Pacific Univesity (oregon), last year, and have researched the professors and campuses for both of the programs. My interview is coming up on the 4th for Salus, and the 8th for Pacific University, if anyone can give me any pointers for those programs. Also does anyone know if Lamar and Wayne State has sent out their interviews yet? God Bless all of you and your endeavors.
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