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  1. I do welcome any comments on my profile. I am sincerely waiting your answers:)
  2. I do welcome any comments on my previous post:)
  3. Hi, Grads. I am an applicant for phd program of business school and my major includes 1) business analytics, 2) MIS and 3) Management Science or Quantitative methods. My GRE score is V - 152, Q - 164, AW - 4.0 and my dream schools are U of Washington, U of Pittsburgh, U of Iowa and U of Western Ontario. As a matter of fact, these schools are outside top 30 except U of Washington and most of the schools I am applying to range from 50 ~ 100. As far as I searched, I found from the websites that the required GRE score from my future majors are slightly lower than those of Marketing, OBHR and Management. How do you evaluate my GRE score? I am worrying about being screened from the first stage due to my insufficient GRE score. Thank you for your answers in advance.
  4. Test Scores (GRE): V152(56%) , Q164(87%) , AW 4.0 (60%)I graduated from one of the top tier universities in my country (Not US and North America)Undergrad GPA: 3.42 / 4.0 (full tuition waiver for 4 yrs) - Major (Business Administration)Graduate GPA: 3.91 / 4.0 (full tuition waiver for 2 yrs) - Major (Business Analytics) * both of the tuition waiver - merit basedResearch Experience: One conference proceeding in IEEE related conference (Co 1st author) + oral presentationTeaching Experience: 3 TA ships (Microeconomics, organizational behavior, Marketing ManagementWork Experience: 2 industry projects; one at an international research firm, the other at my university as RAConcentration Applying to: Business analytics / Management Science / MISNumber of programs planned to apply to: around 20Dream Schools: U of Washington, U of Pittsburgh, U of Iowa, Western University (Canada)Any additional specific questions you may have:Why are the applicants for the three tracks I mentioned above so rare? Can anyone tell me why they are so scant here?
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