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  • Application Season
    2018 Fall
  • Program
    French PhD

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  1. Depends on what you want to study!
  2. Emmanuel Bruno Jean Francois came to CUNY last month for a Glissant conference we put on and he was amazing! He's so cool! Best of luck to all on exams!
  3. About placement, take a look at the pages on the website dedicated to Alumni and Recent Alumni. CUNY places a heavy, heavy emphasis on teaching, which has greatly helped graduates of our program on the job market vs other schools where teaching is not mandatory. Feel free to PM me if you have specific questions. I will be on the admissions committee, but that won't be until late January probably. I'll have a better idea of what my department specifically looks for in an application.
  4. It seems you have excellent credentials. I would say definitely give it a shot. Columbia is extremely competitive, it was my dream school, and I got rejected after being shortlisted for admission and interviewing there. It is difficult to get in to any of the top tier programs without a masters as well, keep that in mind. My program has accepted a total of 3-4 students out of 30+ with just a bachelors over the last six years. Aside from Columbia, I would consider UCLA, Emory, maybe Duke, Vanderbilt. My department, CUNY Graduate Center, is very diverse in terms of specialties and very competitive, but we have at least 7 professors who have similar interests to yours, and we've just hired a full-time Cameroonian professor who specifically writes about diaspora and migritude.
  5. I've crossed my T's and dotted my I's, I'm off to CUNY! I'm specializing in post colonialism, and doing my curricular option in international human rights in the french speaking world, which means I get to do an internship with the UN! I see a lot of potential at CUNY, and the fit is so good! Couldn't be happier, and I'm so happy that this process if finally over and I can get a peaceful night's sleep! I'm so excited to be future colleagues with all the brilliant minds that post on this page! May all of our paths go relatively smoothly! Would be nice to run into some of you down the road...
  6. Thanks for your help! I’m drafting them an email
  7. CUNY said they need an answer before April 1st but I’m still on waitlists and haven’t heard from a couple universities still ahhhhh
  8. Finally got a rejection from Duke! Took a while!
  9. Congrats to all that have made decisions! So happy for all of you and excited to be colleagues in the future!!
  10. Keep your head up! WashU is a great great school and many would love to be in the situation you are in! Getting an interview at freaking Stanford is an accomplishment in and of itself
  11. I think they only have one masters program, but two PhD programs.
  12. Got my response. Was rejected for doctoral program, but accepted to masters program with what looks like will be full funding. Will keep weighing my options I suppose!
  13. That makes me nervous as I haven’t heard anything from them yet!
  14. Thanks!! Did you ask if you were on the waitlist or did they let you know?
  15. Hoping to hear from my remaining schools this week ??????
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