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  1. Looks like you're not doing so bad yourself, congrats on your acceptances and interviews! What's your top? Gossiping with the other applicants! I like that idea.
  2. Wow, that's a really nice thread! Thanks for linking it! The schools I'm considering are pretty collaborative, so they don't lock you down with an advisor right away and let you work with multiple people to develop your direction, which is something that I like and look for. I did get accepted to and am being considered at a couple schools that's more single-advisor based, but I'm not super sure about those. I'll have good funding everywhere from what it seems, so that's not too much to worry about. LOL about freezing to death. Legitimate concern for sure. P.S. I didn't apply to Mason! Not guilty of holding a spot there!
  3. Thank you! I hope you do too!!! Yeah! I've been looking at alumni from each school and where they end up, and it seems like although graduates from top name schools go teach at other top name schools, people start the same applied careers from anywhere.
  4. Hi everyone, So I applied to Ph.D programs in i/o this cycle, and I've somehow received admissions offers from some amazing programs, which is such an honor. However, how do I pick which one to attend?? Obviously it's important to look at the research and faculty, but beyond that, how much does everything else matter? Like prestige and ranking? What would be the difference between going to Michigan State or going to UCF? If I enjoy talking to the people every program, how do I really gauge 'fit'? If you are in a program now, what made you choose your school? If you are applying, what are you looking for? I feel like my research interests are pretty broad, so I don't have a "I HAVE to work with this faculty mentor" kind of desire. I do know I am leaning towards going into an applied career afterwards, though.
  5. Yes, PSU invites have been sent. Not sure if they've finished sending invites, though. Best of luck to you with this school and all your other schools!
  6. Michigan State's visitation weekend is St. Patrick's' Day weekend. Not sure about interview weekend because I was accepted without an interview. Penn State's interview weekend is Feb 15-17. I found out about my waitlist status at UGA when my POI emailed me. Hope that answers everyone's questions! If anyone heard from USF or any Florida schools, please post on here and let me know! I haven't heard anything.
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