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Posts posted by Albert01

  1. 3 hours ago, Wiesbaden said:

    Are there someone who got an acceptance letter from Univ. of Arizona? This is my 1 tier school but I think I am on the waiting list lol

    Yes, even though it was not the official letter, but I got an email from the director of the program assuring that I am in the accepted group. I am CP/PT. The mail said that the official results will be sent out within a week. I wish you luck!

  2. @swampyankee

    I totally agree with you. While reality is harsh (and we should confront it as it is), the entire cohort of the grad applicants (especially of political science) are bunch of stupids, in terms of financial consideration and job security; if you want a secure job with high payment, you should go to law school or MBA (as long as I know, average GRE scores of these programs are acutally lower than poli-sci). With tones of opportunity cost that we already paid and will pay happily, we all look dumb enough to the normal people outside this bubble that we are in even if we are in a more presitigious bubble.

    I understand how reality is, and it is always good to know how things go, but still, basically we all are bunch of nerds who feel euphoria when we study.


  3. 33 minutes ago, styliane said:

    Yeah, top 20 seems fair.

    [comment redacted for identifying information]

    Out of mere curiosity, where exactly is this line that separates the 'top 20' from what are not? I mean, if we follow the US news ranking, Emory is #24 and NU is #23 while Upenn, WUSTL, UT and Cornell are #19 but can we affirm that the latter are the better than the former? If we follow the somewhat outdated NRC ranking which is posted on this thread, MIT is #21 while Illinois, Indiana, and TAMU which are out of T20 in US news ranking are in T20. I mean, I understand that Princeton or Yale would be firmly better than the most of the schools except the 'presitigious' few, but where would be the exact line between the 'worthy' school and not?

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