I am a third year PhD candidate in the sciences, funded as a TA. By many measures, I am doing well in graduate school (publishing, 4.0 GPA, receiving grants and awards, and will graduate on time). However, my advisor has been rude to me since I started graduate school (ex. Saying that I have a bitch face, providing feedback for grants like "I wouldn't fund you.", making condescending comments in manuscript drafts that either directly or indirectly say that I am stupid, telling me that American women are stupid and prostitutes, etc.). His words and actions have made me feel nauseated about staying in academia, especially as he is trying to find funding for me to stay on as a postdoc in our lab. At this point, I just want out of this community and would like to leave this experience in the past after graduation. He did not follow university regulations during my comprehensive exams, which resulted in my exams being more extensive than is normally allowed by my department. I passed, but my department head had to get involved to let my advisor know that his actions were not okay. I am now getting nervous that he'll try to pull something similar during my defense and dissertation writing. Is there anyway I can protect myself from (1) his habit of rude behavior and (2) his desire to buck the rules during my defense? My first few years, I thought this was just hazing, but as the meanness continues, I think it may be something more chronic...