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    18th Century British Literature
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    Duke English PhD

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  1. YAY! Let's be "triangle" friends/real friends! Us North Carolina 18th centuryists have to stick together, after all!!
  2. After 6 years in New York, the Southern charm thing might be nice change. (Not that this has any impact on my final decision -- okay, well, a little...) I am definitely going to miss the affected disaffection, though, when I live in Durham.
  3. I'm glad I could be a part of 1. the complete derailment of this topic from a serious track and 2. helping againstourfaces choose a program based on the most frivolous factor of all time. *pats self on back*
  4. The one thing I'm going to miss most about the city is my L train commute, or what I like to call my "daily serving of eye candy." EDIT: NOTE: This is probably not a valid criterion for decision-making.
  5. Ha ha! I'm living that life right now (mostly just the living in Brooklyn part), so we could definitely be friends! I'm fully on-board with the whole superficial deciders thing. I think this video is appropriate:
  6. I know this sounds silly but when I visited one of my schools, every student apartment I went to had a record player, and sitting on a couch, listening to tunes and drinking beer, I just thought, "This is it. This is the one." Also, everything else/job placement/faculty involvement/cheap housing/etc are also awesome, but sometimes it really is the things you can't quantify that weigh heaviest. EDIT: That being said, I still haven't finalized my decision because -- jeez! -- six years is a long time to make a decision based on something so tenuous!
  7. Alright, who posted an acceptance by phone? Please tell me they called you because you're in Canada and that they're waiting until today to email me because they don't want to pay fees for calling internationally. *hopeful/delusional face*
  8. My first favorite quote ever (and one I still love) is this one from A. A. Milne's "Winnie the Pooh": "Sometimes, if you stand on the bottom rail of a bridge and lean over to watch the river slipping slowly away beneath you, you will suddenly know everything there is to be known."
  9. I got an email on the 24th, so they must have really hated me.
  10. Thanks! Yeah, it's not even about where WE think we fit, but where each department thinks we fit. Does. Not. Compute.
  11. Ah! I got a call, too. Judith Haber told me that Carol Flynn (who was my POI) has now retired and they've hired a new, young 18th centuryist. I don't know how I feel, but I'm happy to have been accepted, and will definitely visit and see the campus. This makes my implicit rejection from Rutgers a little easier to bear.
  12. I definitely am, because I work with women writers and later 18th c. novels that border on the gothic. But I can't even begin to think about Toronto. That's one of the last ones on my list that'd give Duke a real run for its money...
  13. What's with them and us poor 18th centuryists? I was sure we'd get into ONE of our mutual programs together bdon!
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