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  1. What if M+Q doesn't make 300pts mark and a GGPA isn't 3.5+. Anyone got in phd programs? I remember reading over at SDN schools automatically eliminate 50% of the applicants who did not meet their minimum requirements for admissions.
  2. I am having a hard time understanding why people think it is an easy route. It is not. Please do some research or ask school pychology specialists what their work day is like before applying. I went to two interviews and professors all warned about the rigorous program and attrition rate of 10%. (I am referring to the specialist degree not PhD)
  3. Do you find yourself a fit into the program? Do you like the program? I have a friend who applied to programs thinking I just need to get into wherever I can get and then she regretted it because the program did not have what she wanted and the worst scenario she did not do well and ended up withdrawing after a year and a half. I think you should talk to your advisor about your situation and see what he/she think. If you do not like the program then you should withdraw instead of dragging it into another year. Interest, fit, and commitment is important too. You want to do what fit your interests, but at the same time you want to be happy with it too .
  4. I applied to their School Psychology masters program, I assumed a generic rejection coming soon. Someone who applied to their PhD program got an interview last month.
  5. Fordham said they will send out decisions next week. For those in the School Psych program already, is there a dress code for class? I know some students might be coming from work and already dressed up but what if you are not in the work field, should I show up in professional clothes to class as well?
  6. "Another 3.0, abysmal GREs, toss?!"
  7. I double checked to make sure I read everything correctly.
  8. So I was reading about Fordham on the NASP page and came across them saying the Bilingual track for Specialist degree is "Conditional Approval"; Is that bad? Should I be worried? (But on Fordham's site they said it is fully approved) http://www.nasponline.org/resources/culturalcompetence/programs/fordham.aspx Fordham updated their website and the information/description about the Bi.P.D program is kind of vague or rather confusing. It says working with bilingual children & families, If i interpret that correctly, the degree is limited to working with elementary school children. I was wondering if it's possible to practice in middle and/or high school like working with youth. But it also said: "Each practicum requires the student to complete approximately 150 hours at an off campus site (i.e., school) learning and honing their skills in consultation, counseling and assessment of children and adolescents." http://www.fordham.edu/info/21019/school_psychology/2953/bilingual_school_psychology_bipd
  9. Congrats! I applied EdM program but submitted near deadline time. Hopefully I'll hear from them soon.
  10. Anyone heard from Teachers College Ed.M program yet?
  11. Congrats. I'm scheduled for March 3rd with them. =D
  12. Oh. I'll wait for his reply.
  13. Thanks for replying. The first deadline is Jan 15th....the rest is February and March. I'm applying to masters program. I have been contacting him about recommendations since November, but he was quite slow with response or just doesn't reply after reading it. The holidays and finals were in the way so he told me he didn't have office hours available since he had some conferences to attend. After a few emails he said he will write me one and asked which programs I am applying to and that was the last I heard from him. I'm going to submit my application for the January ones early next week so hopefully I will hear from him before that. I'm not sure if I can still edit the application after submission (sending request for LOR). I'm finalizing my SOP right now.
  14. Need suggestions again. So I never heard from the professor after he agreed he will write me a recommendation. I asked for his office hours so I can bring him the materials, but he never responded. Should I go ahead and send out the requests from the schools? I sent him another email after not hearing from him for two weeks, attaching the materials like my CV, SOP etc (I know the holidays was in the way and all).
  15. Are your deadlines Jan 15th? I am still revising my SOP, so you're not alone. I think the main things you need are SOP and transcripts/GRE, but you can upload electronic copies of transcripts and report your GRE (if applicable) them. I also have schools that doesn't send out notification until after my application is submitted. I am still trying to get a professor to write a recommendation (He agreed and then haven't responded afterwards....now it is almost new years etc I'm planning to email again on the 2nd.) I am hoping to submit everything by the 7th the latest. I believe schools will wait til everything is in.
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