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Just Accept me Already

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  1. I've been waiting forever to hear back from the schools I interviewed for. It's been longer than a month for one of those schools and I'm really starting to lose hope. I know that not hearing back from them isn't a rejection, but it's definitely starting to feel like that. Should I email the director for an update or just continue to be patient?
  2. I was accepted into the University of Kansas! I am both happy and worried about the tuition since I won't know if I receive an assistantship until the end of March - beginning of April. I'm also supposed to hear back from my two top schools, sometime next week. So right now I'm basically a bundle of hopeful anxiety, and I'm refreshing my email every two hours, even though I know no school would send out their decisions during the weekend.
  3. Congratulation on getting into UNCW!! I hope you receive good news on the other schools you're waiting for!
  4. Oh wow, that's expensive! If you can't make it there they should be more than happy to let you do a phone or Skype interview. Good luck on the essay!
  5. Unfortunately, I'm out of the country so I can't visit but I'm doing a Skype interview. After you visit, could you tell me a little about the campus and counseling facilities? I would really appreciate it.
  6. Congratulations! Yeah, I applied to CSU's Ph.D program. PSU and the rest of my schools are masters though. Did PSU tell you anything about an essay you may have to write or is that just the Clinical Mental Health track?
  7. So I've received an interview invite from Penn State and I'm nervous/excited/nervous again. But apparently part of their process is a timed writing essay on a counseling topic of their choice. Does anyone know how to prepare for that?
  8. You sound like a great applicant. But your chances also depend on your field of interest and the programs you pick. But from what you posted, you look like a good candidate and even if you have just one safety school, I think they should take you even if your reach or dream schools don't.
  9. I know, so happy to see someone else! Thanks! Good luck!
  10. Hi Everyone, I'm so glad to finally find a thread for Masters applicants! Field/Program: Counseling Psychology Schools: Colorado State, Arizona State, University of Kansas, University of Akron and Penn State Status: Interview with Colorado, but anxiously waiting for the rest
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