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Everything posted by ashleysepia

  1. Thanks a lot. I've just accepted the offer to IMCEERES so I do hope that you could get into CWCN. Best of luck!
  2. Yes, at 8.26 pm GMT+7. Maybe they’ll send out more after Easter. I’m still deciding between this and IMCEERES and will reply to them during this weekend.
  3. For me the results of IMCEERES and CWCN (Crossways in Cultural Narratives) were just recently out. Best of luck everybody!
  4. @Castorsia No I haven't. In the website it is said that we will be notified by the scholarship result in early April, so I'm still waiting for it. That's the only source I have since I know no one else in my circle who is also applying to the same program. @PeepSqueak Thank you, you too!
  5. Hi all! I'm from Thailand. During high school I was in Hungary for a year with AFS exchange program. I graduated in liberal arts (in Italian major, nothing to do with CEE though). I'm now working in one Central European embassy in Bangkok as a local assistant. If I get in, it is very much likely that I'll be pursuing my studies into this area.
  6. Hi guys. I applied to IMCEERES, European Politics and Society (EPS) at Charles University in Prague and Crossways in Cultural Narratives (CWCN).
  7. Hi guys, sorry for bringing this up again in 2018. I'm still new here. Is there anyone who also applies to this program this year?
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