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Everything posted by apms7

  1. Even I waiting to hear from these same universities. Does anybody have any idea when these universities will display the results? Last year , for Fall 2017 , Georgia Tech sent out admits on 2nd Feb or something for the program that I am applying and this year they haven't done it yet. Any idea when can we hear from them?
  2. Hello everyone, While applying to University of Southern California for a deadline of 15th December 2017, it so happened that I requested for letter of recommendations from three people. There was an entry field where we were supposed to write accepted upload date. But the request for uploading the lor was received by only 1 person. and hence I was able to upload only 1 lor.For quite some time it showed "received 1 out of 3 lors" but then in january i deleted the requests for the other two recommenders. Even though the LOrs were optional for the application , I wanted to ask whether it's gonna affect my application? I still haven't received any decision yet.
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