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Everything posted by AnthroChick21

  1. Thanks! Not sure this bodes well for me, but congrats!
  2. Anyone want to claim the Purdue acceptance?
  3. UTK took FOREVER last year. It was at least March when I heard. (Rejection)
  4. Okay, that post didn't come out right. I was trying to write congrats @tamaloo
  5. Nothing, and it's driving me crazy! I'm not sure if I should send an email or just keep waiting...
  6. Anyone heard anything from University of Pittsburgh???
  7. Me too! I just want an answer so I can stop worrying and thinking about it.
  8. Me neither. I'm going to go crazy pretty soon. Did you ever learn which POI called with an acceptance?
  9. Never mind, I checked the results and see that you are bio. Who was your POI at UTK, if you don’t mind me asking?
  10. Congrats on UCF, though. Are you bio?
  11. I have a yoga class today, so that’s at least 50 minutes I won’t be thinking about it!
  12. I just want to stay in bed and ignore the world until I hear from UTK...
  13. You don’t sound like you’re bragging! Now, if you were bio at UTK... just kidding! It’s competitive, but us anthro nerds have to stick together.
  14. Urge. Thanks for trying, though! You’re awesome!
  15. I don’t know with 100% certainly, but it doesn’t seem like they have. Anyone want to take one for the team and send an email or make a phone call?
  16. Same! I’m so anxious I’m having major stress dreams. Including one where I wrote in my SOP that I wanted to combine anthropology of genocide with cozy mysteries... (This was NOT in my statement of purpose.)
  17. Thanks for sharing! And congrats on your acceptance!
  18. That actually seems better! At least you can’t obsessively check all day!
  19. Where are you waiting to hear from?
  20. Don’t they know we’re going crazy waiting?
  21. I don’t know how popular they are, but I know you had to select your sub field in the app, so I assume they get at least some apps for other subfields?
  22. Mine too. Maybe they haven’t sent bio yet?
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