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Everything posted by curious_cat

  1. I will only participate if someone from the main-list drops out. And you? I don’t consider participating as self-paying, it is not an option for me. Yes, this is indeed disappointing, I thought that I will get at least to one of the programs, but I got only partial scholarship in the first.
  2. I have no idea, I honestly don’t even believe that I have any chances to get the scholarship now, I really doubt that someone would reject his/her scholarship offer? I guess we will get the final results in the end of May as it was in previous years
  3. Hi! I am on the reserve list and you?
  4. I am from Kazakhstan) Seems like no one from CIS countries have received results
  5. Hey! I applied and it seems like no one from our region received any results. What is your status now? Mind is "Preselection made".
  6. Now I am afraid that they might move the announcement of selection results even further, as they kept moving it before. Thank you, I will let you know if I hear from them too!
  7. Hi! Any news from GEMMA? They have changed the information on their website again, this is just killing me -.-
  8. Hey there, nice to meet you! The recent update on their website says the following: "The selection results will be communicated by MARCH or at the beginning of APRIL at the latest." So, hopefully, we will hear from them next week. Fingers crossed!
  9. Hi! You may have a look at MA in Eurasian Studies at Nazarbauev University in Astana, Kazakhstan as well, of course, if you are interested) The medium of instruction is English and as far as I know there are quite generous full scholarships available. Here is the link: https://eurasianstudiesatnu.wordpress.com/admissions/ . Good luck!
  10. Thanks for the info! And good luck with all the decision-making processes
  11. Hi! I have also applied to CWCN, but didn't get the results yet. Did they send you the letter today?
  12. Hi all! I have applied to GEMMA and to Crossways in Cultural Narratives, still waiting for the results:)
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