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  1. Received a general email from Horowiz with a list of finalists. Obviously, my name is not on the list. I did think they would have atleast sent an email letting the rejected candidates know, but I guess not. Did you make it?
  2. Nothing yet, no. I think last year they released names on their website by June 23rd, which means they probably sent out acceptances a few weeks before that. I wonder if finalists have already been notified. :/
  3. Hi any updates about the alternates list?
  4. Any updates?
  5. When did people finally hear back? I applied thsi year and wondering what their timeline is. Th website doesnt offer mjuch advice.
  6. Congrats! Had your name been published under Current Fellows on their website? I ask because I am on the alternates list and unsure if all decisions have been made and if I should still have hope.
  7. I have been put on the latnertes list too. No updates though, and I also dont know if what position I am on on ythat list. Did you hear back? Do you also know what the chances are? Fingers crossed. Thanks!
  8. Keep me posted when you do!
  9. None yet. Let's keep each other posted. I thought they would send a notification out by Monday (3/22) but no news yet.
  10. Just received this. So much for feedback: Dear Applicant, We received your inquiry regarding information about your application to the 2022 International Dissertation Research Fellowship (IDRF) competition. Unfortunately, we do not have comments available from the screener round. Thank you again for your interest in the IDRF program. Sincerely, IDRF Program Team
  11. Just received my rejection email too. Congratulations to the finalists.
  12. Same, almost certain it is going to be a rejection at this point. If possible, could you let us know what they say in case they reply to your email inquiring about the status?
  13. Hi, did you end up applying for 2022?
  14. Starting this thread for folks who may have applied for this fellowship. The results are expected by end of March, but the wait is killing me!
  15. Still no news about finalist or rejection status on the portal or over email for me. Anyone else?
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